I promised myself to not complain about the weather on the blog anymore, however, as I am posting bipolar outfits lately (one day I am bare legged and the next I am wearing thick pants and a jacket), I thought I might as well share with you guys the fact that its middle of July and the temperature outside (at least according to my iPhone) its a real feel of 11 degrees which in my opinion isn’t normal for this time of the year…Hope its sunny and warm where you are! :)

P.S- 3 more days until my Birthday! :D


Me había prometido no quejarme del clima en el blog, pero como he estado subiendo looks completamente bipolares en los últimos días (un día ando de falda y al día siguiente de pantalones y chamarra), así que quise compartir con ustedes el hecho de que en este momento estamos a 11 grados (al menos eso es lo que dice mi iPhone) que a mi parecer, no es normal en esta época del año…Espero que donde tu estés haga calorcito y al menos salga es sol :)

P.S- 3 dias mas para mi cumpleaños :D

Riding pants: American apparel / Blazer: Vintage / Shoes: River Island (old) / Bag: Kipling 

237 Responses

  1. wow! love this post! you are honestly the only person I can think of that I have loved each of your outfits. You are such an inspiration to me, and have got me into starting my own blog. Thank you, and keep up the good work! xx

  2. I have the exact same necklace with my name Victoria. Even on the same chain. My mom bought it for me in Dubai. Very elegant. Great blog by the way~

  3. Andy, creeme que si estuvieras en mi ciudad (Mexicali) extrañarias los dias lluviosos y nublados! te cambio unos dias?? jaja me encanta tu look!!! saludos!

  4. I think this is the best these days,amazing!The colors,how the pants fits you…everything!I love your hair up;)xxB.

  5. I know the weather there is really weird, I am dying at 40 degrees here, I am staying inside all day until 8 pm.. it's horrible. I need to say those shoes are simply divine1 I love the heel and the colors especially! The jacket too is amazing :D

  6. This is such a fun look! Especially love the black and white photo. …and those shoes are gorgeous :)xoxo,Emily and Abigailwww.lovelywanderlust.com

  7. Ahah totally understand your concern about the weather! when it was 15° in the middle of june in Milan was awful.awesome outfit though!xxWWW.PRETPENSER.BLOGSPOT.COMWWW.PRETPENSER.BLOGSPOT.COMWWW.PRETPENSER.BLOGSPOT.COM

  8. I'm so in love with the blazer!! And the shoes! The whole outfit is great – you look gorgeous!Aggiexoxhttp://aggierose.blogspot.com/

  9. Love that jacket :DYou look pretty in rainy days :)I'm new here…Come check and follow,I'll be pleased to follow you back ^^justaflea.blogspot.com

  10. Me encantó ese color "turquesa"! En Argentina hace el mismo frío! =( ja Besos Andy!, Prihttp://laspalabrasjamasalcanzan.blogspot.com

  11. Love the bag! Somehow I feel like reptile skin leather must be more waterproof since reptiles are.Hope the weather improves, but it does make dressing more of an interesting challenge!Juliahttp://fashionandhistrionics.blogspot.com/

  12. ayyyy mi kerida andyyyy nosotros aka por el norte de tu kerido mexico estamos kasi a 40 grados y adoraria el klima de donde tu estas por akellode lucir blazer y manguitas largasss,,,,, hermoso tu look i love it,,,,,,saludosJaneth desde MEXICO

  13. Yo vivo en Puebla, y CREEME Andy, Mexico ahorita no es precisamente un paraíso soleado..Btw..Este es EN DEFINITIVA! uno de mis looks favoritos :)

  14. Andy!!! you look gorgeous! I loved the jacket. Was really raining? It wasn't cold? because here in Chile it's frozen!Take carexoxC.

  15. If Andy Sevilla in my city are 45 ° c and today I went out to buy and I almost died. I really like your style today. The bag is gorgeous and I love the umbrella. Lucky with the weather. Come by my blog I am organizing my first draw. Draw a loreal lipstick kisses hope you like. Chao

  16. estás hermosa!!! me encanta todo, especialmente el blazer en mi color favorito.. el pelo así te queda PRECIOSO.. felicidades por el blog

  17. Tell again… why aren't you a super model? o_OHope the weather gets better over there. I heard today that flights incoming and outgoing from Holland where being delayed.I'm in Prague and the weather is not that much creater… Yesterday there was a lighting and thunder +rain storm, like I never seen before :/ (although I like watching it haha)

  18. De dónde son el bolso, los zapatos y el paraguas??? Son preciosos!!!En la isla de Mallorca (España) estamos ahora mismo a 28ºC, han bajado un poco las temperaturas estos dos últimos días! Hasta ahora teníamos todos los días entre 30 y 36ºC!!! Junto con la humedad, insoportable! Un calor muy pegajoso, así que de vez en cuando está bien que se nuble! Saludos desde Mallorca :)

  19. Andy, it's the first time I comment a post on your blog, but I follow it from some month and this time i really need to tell you that you are GORGEOUS in this post! You have a really great style, and i love the happyness you show us, anywhere you are and anything you wear!Where did you buy those amazing shoes and the jacket?Greetings from Italy! :)

  20. I love the combination of the color from the blazer that comes back in the shoes, great outfit!//www.fashion-ice.blogspot.com

  21. The weather in southern California is super bipolar today too, randomly misty rain! eh. Love the umbrella, jacket and clutch!xoxohttp://www.thewrittenrunway.com

  22. Its pretty hot in here, in Slovakia..around 30, 32 degrees.. and everybody is complaining, everybody wants the weather to get a little colder :D your outfit is great, I love that jacket and your bag really fascinates me.. :)http://fashionfairyblog.blogspot.com

  23. You look awesome Andy! But 11 degrees?? Really, how do you survive? I live in South Greece and we have 39 degrees, I feel like I'm melting :(

  24. Amazing outfit, the jacket and the shoes are simply gorgeous.Here it's way too hot, I wish I was there the Netherlands have the ideal climate in my opinion.

  25. I adore that blazer!!! It's fabulous when you find vintage pieces like that. Loving the clutch with that turquoise colour too!xx from Montreal,Sarahhttp://semplicemente-sarah.blogspot.com

  26. Your shoes are to die for! And it would be nice if some of the heat we have over here in Malta would come over to you because its too hot here!! xx

  27. wow only you can look that fab on a rainy day that green jacket is so gorgeous. I'm sorry you're not having great weather there it was like that here for a while too but then it got better! and don't be down it's your birthday in 3 days!!!

  28. Wow, I love everything about this outfit! Those pants are amazing. They make such a feminine silhouette :)And I really like your hair. You should wear a bun more often :)http://missemilyblog.blogspot.com/

  29. Realmente esos pantalones te quedan geeeeeeenial, me encantan todos los looks que creas con ellos, son geniales. Guapísima, feliz cumpleaños:D

  30. Here in Belgium we have the same problem with the weather…You look AMAZING as always Andy! Lovelove the jacket & shoes! The bag is the perfect finishing touch!

  31. omg this is perfect!what i most like about this look is your shoes! it's gorgeous and stylish, the colour is FAB!!wow!

  32. Here in Zadar, Croatia where I live is about 36-38 degrees every single day for the past few weeks. :) The only way to survive is going to the beach :) That is exacty what I do every day :) So, come here for vacation it`s great :)Love this outfit, shoes are amazing <3

  33. El tiempo está un poco loco. En el norte de España también hace frio pero no tanto. Gracias a este tiempo podemos disfrutar de tu maravilloso look de hoy. Muchos bicoshttp://isauraamandabybastos.blogspot.com/

  34. Love your blazer and your shoes! Perfect combination! It's a great outfit!Today here in Greece it's pretty hot, more than 30 degrees.

  35. It is a sunny and warm weather in my country but I think it's to hot outside so I'm stuck at home until 4 or 5 o'clock everyday:)Anyways hope it will be sunyy in Amsterdam these days because 11 degrees in the middle of july is realy weirdXOXO

  36. Super chique!!!Biancahttp://www.fabfashionbybianca.com/http://www.fabfashionbybianca.com/http://www.fabfashionbybianca.com/

  37. This outfit is so so nice! I love the shoes, and the cluth wauw! I hate it too, the weather here in Holland, awful…Love you Andy!! Best blogger :)

  38. I am in love with your shoes!& I wish you an early happy birthday because I'm going away today haha.( & my birthday is in 5 days :D )

  39. Hi Andy!yeah 11 degress is NOT good in july..I write you form Bologna (Italy).. here there are 35 degrees and this is not good too!I can hardly breathe!Hope weather gets better in Amsterdam!:)Serena

  40. Great green colour on you! Love it! Such a pretty girl :) Congrats on the award! And fingers crossed for good weather in three days! XO Rebeccahttp://raspberry-rouge.com

  41. me encanta el look! la chaqueat y los zapatos t sienta genial! la verdad es q muy normal no es la temperatura… aquí en BCN tb esta siendo más frio de lo normal el veranobesosAlba

  42. beautiful outfit! I really love the shoes and the color of the coat!hope the weather will be better, 'cause I'm coming to Amsterdam in six days! have a great day!Chiara :)

  43. you look amazing! love this outfit posthttp://onemoreaddictioninmyworld.blogspot.com/http://onemoreaddictioninmyworld.blogspot.com/