White and leopard for summer is my idea of the perfect combination…I actually managed to get some color on my legs during my trip to Barcelona, so thanks to Spain and of course MANGO, I no longer have ghost pale legs! :P

Today is Sunday and I am still recovering from my amazing trip to Barcelona. It was so surreal and amazing being able to model for MANGO, I really cant wait to see the pictures we shot which I hope will be amazing as they were shot by one of Spain’s finest photographers, aka Enric Galceran, which is in fact a super duper cool guy and I feel so lucky that I was able to work with him :D…Have an amazing Sunday everyone!


La combinación del blanco y el leopardo se me hace una de las combinaciones perfectas para este verano y ahora gracias a mi viaje a Barcelona, me he deshecho de mis piernas pálidas y por fin ya tengo algo de color :)

Es Domingo y yo me sigo recuperando de mi viaje a Barcelona que fue tan increíble y surreal, el haber modelado para MANGO fue una experiencia increíble y no solo eso, peor el haber tenido la oportunidad de trabajar con uno de los mejores fotógrafos de España, Enric Alceran, fue un honor para mi :) … Espero que tengan un hermoso Domingo.


Shoes: Chloe Sevigny for Opening Ceremony / Shorts: Modekungen / Blazer: ZARA / Bag: Kipling / Ring: Etrusca

165 Responses

  1. Seriously, your legs go on for days here… aka they look amazing! The shorts and white blazer are so chic together!xoxohttp://www.thewrittenrunway.com

  2. I realy love your blog… Congratulation by the combination!!kisses (from Brasil)My Blog… A Touch Of Pepperhttp://atouchofpepper.blogspot.com/

  3. Very hot pants & lovely shoes!Nice blog , you're inspiring me!Te quiero!:DEmanuel IuhasVisual merchandiser/Fashion bloggerwww.modasicevamaimult.blogspot.com

  4. Hi Andy, I love this look. The combination of the shorts with that blazer is perfect. But for the very first time I have to admit that I dont like the colour of the nails with that look. I would prefer another one. XOXO. Bye.

  5. Tienes unas piernas matadoras, deseguro te han costado muchas horitas en el gym, pero que envida (de la buena obvio) si que luces es outfit.. me encantaron los shorts.

  6. Ey cariño, no sabes cuanto em alegro de que estuvieras en tu salsa!!de que disfrutaras y no sabes las ganas que tengo de ver el resultado final de esas pedazo de fotos viniendo d eun fotografo bueno, seguro que el resultado es bueno tambien.Me han enamorado tus zapatos!!!!!increibles de veras.Un besazo y te invito a conocer mi blog:http://goldblackmirror.blogspot.com

  7. the shorts are stunning! and the shoes compliment them perfectly. i love the wood and leather together in the shoes!

  8. I LOVE those shorts! I really like this outfit I think it's one of your best outfits! Congratulations!:)XO(Visit my blog It hasn't got lot of time and I would like to know what you think about it:D )missdragonflynow.blogspot.com

  9. This combo is really great and what looks even better is white+leopard+neon yellow -like the H&M top you have. I have the same one and I can't wait to wear it with white shorts and my new leopard loafers!

  10. in LOVE with this post!! love the clean look of the white top & blazer, it makes the shorts look their best! again, amazing outfit :) xx

  11. Guapisisima!Los shorts son preciossos, la verdad es que no pensaba que una chaqueta blanca quedaria tan guay con unos shorts leopardo!Precioso look!♥♥Besitos andy ;)http://quemepongobyalbavila.blogspot.com

  12. OMG is saw you walking in Amstelveen yesterday, you looked so amazing! could'nt get my eyes of of you! love the shoes and the shorts!

  13. Beautiful outfit! Last Friday I was dressed much like you! In fact, today I will publish the outfit in question …passes to see it!:)kiss,yumiKohttp://yumikontheworld.blogspot.com/

  14. Andy…Congratulations :) you're becoming really really amazing :) and I keep loving your matching :) Can't wait to meet ya. I'm moving to N.y. asap so I'm sure I'll meet ya there sometimes :) have a nice sunday too ! <3

  15. I'm in love with this look, pairing leopard with all white and black accents was a smart choice! ♥-Axellewww.ax-elle.blogspot.com(IT'S MY B-DAY TODAY!!!)

  16. This outfit is to die for!Your style is getting more amazing each time I come back to your blog! :Dhttp://calithreads.blogspot.com/

  17. Ok I always thought that chiara is the better blogger, but I am so switching to you right now… your style is way more interesting and creative! I know you guys are friends but I am not willing to follow an ad campain anymore! Its getting ridiculous congrats for being yourself

  18. You're looking amazing Andy! I really love this outfit!And how can you have legs like this…I'm so jalous ;)