Well, I guess explaining the reason of my title is not needed. As you can probably see, I am wearing tights, yet again, in the middle of June.
I have no idea what is going on with the weather lately, I don’t understand why we are having Autumn weather at the end of Spring when in fact, Summer should be around the corner.

Ok, I think I have talked about the weather more than any other subject in the almost 4 years I have been blogging for StyleScrapbook and I should probably stop, so lets talk about the outfit instead, which I don’t do very often.
This skirt is an old classic in my wardrobe and I use to wear it back in the day, almost when my blog started, although to be honest, I didn’t think I would wear it again and even thought of selling it.
Last Monday, as I was going through one of those: “Closet full of clothes but ABSOLUTELY nothing to wear” phases and after trying pretty much half of my closet, I decided that maybe it was time to wear it again and who knows, maybe this time will really be the last time. 

P.S- The only reason why I decided to wear my hair up was thanks to the dear old rain. I came out of my house sporting my usual do and pretty much 5 minutes into the shoot, my hair became a frizz nightmare (ok, I might be exaggerating a tad), so I decided to make it into a bun instead.

P.S2- Can you believe its already Wednesday? … Time is literally flying by, its scary!


Varsity jacket: American college USA
Skirt: H&M (old)
Dream catcher necklace: FASHIONOLOGY.nl
Sunnies: CELINE

135 Responses

  1. andy: la verdad es que me gusta como se te ve el chonguito! le quedo muy bien al look… me ha pasado lo que a ti con la falda. A veces por eso me cuesta trabajo deshacerme de mi ropa vieja! jaja saludos desde Mexico!!

  2. I love your outfit!!! Really cool! That dream catcher necklace was fantastic! :)http://meesterdapper.blogspot.com/

  3. You look gorgeous and stylish as always!!! Love the skirt! The color is beautiful and the ruffles are so chick!XoXOPlamihttp://fashion-thrill.blogspot.com/

  4. Jacket looks great, skirt looks cheap and shoes look even cheaper.Why wear cheap looking clothes when you have wonderful Acne stuff in your closet? Don't get it.

  5. A veces pasa que tienes el armario lleno y siempre miras las 3 o 4 mismas cosas pasando los ojos por lo demás pero sin verlo. La falda me encanta y te ves genial a pesar de la lluvia. Si fuera yo daría miedo hahaxxx

  6. Me encantó este outfit! =)La verdad que el clima anda loco en todo lado! Justo en mi último post hablo de que acá en Costa Rica -que estamos en nuestra época lluviosa – está haciendo mucho calor en las mañanas- cosa que no debería ser así! :SSaludos!!

  7. I love to see your hair different. I know most of us dont like to change drastically our hairstyles all the time, and I can understand perfectly that you are so attached to your long hair (I am too, to mine!)but since we see you so frecuently, is really fresh to see some innovation from time to time.If you want my opinion, a shorter hairstyle makes your smile much more notorius and your face so interesting and bright, your are really beautiful.It would be a brave and great thing if u actually decide to cut your hair or change it a bit.. LOVE YOUR BLOG, I honestly think is one of the best there is. Kisses

  8. sometimes its good to bring old clothes back to life! although it does look like a fall outfit, the bright pink really adds a little summery flavor :)

  9. Dear Andy, i remember one skirt, very similar to this one that u did urself in white color, im in love with it since i saw it the first time…(think it was two or more years ago)the problem is that im not really a DIY person, so i have no idea how to get one;) Thank u, Maya, xo

  10. Ha, I've been wondering the same thing with the weather. It's been so tempermental and bi-polar, not ok. The skirt makes me wish for sunny days, great color.xoxohttp://www.thewrittenrunway.com

  11. Hola Andy… me encanto este look! Amo las faldas con "mallitas", la verdad aqui hace tanto calor que no se aguantan las "medias"! La verdad que fortuna que puedes vestir asi! Saludos desde la calurosa Italia!

  12. Yo voto por el cabello recogido sin la necesidad de que lo hagas por la lluvia, tienes un rostro que luce fantástico cuando lo dejas más despejado :)Y sobre el clima no te preocupes, ya no es sólo Amsterdam, todo el mundo está al revés respecto a lo que deberían "ser" las estaciones del año.Me gusta tu outfit como siempre, y la falda fue una buena opción.NOs vemos :)

  13. Andy en estos días encontré una de tus fotos rodando por internet (una en la que llevabas un abrigo de piel enorme y el cabello recogido) Muero por volverte a ver con ese hairstyleMuaw!

  14. I have to say I feel a bit sad looking at the Netherland weather and autumn clothes, since I am relocating to Amsterdam in September…Let's hope the sun will come out! I lik your skirt, by the way ,0)Monia, Romehttp://moniantinori.blogspot.com/

  15. I recognized that skirt and well it still looks lovely! The color pops in my eyes and I love that. The weather there is indeed strange but hopefully it will be sunny soon.

  16. lol, i talk about the weather a lot too. it's been really weird. it's still hot here when it's supposed to be raining already. anyway, you look AWESOME all the time! :) LOVE your shoes :)

  17. love the watch! i'm obsessed with nixon, i have this one in white!xx from hong kong :)www.ldmldmldm.com

  18. Love the look! It's good some times to wear old things and don't sell it! In a couple of years you can sell it for Style Scrapbook vintage!!

  19. Oh I know what you mean about the weather. It should be summer already, and instead it's raining all the time….Your outfit is lovely though, and I really like your bag…

  20. I love the way your hair looks!! You should try to wear it on a bun once in a while!! It really looks amazing!!!XO

  21. the combo between the skirt and the bag is awesome! I feel bad that u have to wear tights in June…in Bulgaria the weather has been pretty weird, too.xoxowww.thriftqueen.blogspot.com

  22. esas guapísima!que pena que hayas tenido que volver a las medias!por España está haciendo mucho calorbesoshttp://elbauldeladyshira.blogspot.com/

  23. eventhough this skirt is an oldie it's still a cuttie. I'd leave it few months longer if I were you. :)Like you in a bun. :)

  24. I love your blog and follow you for some time;)I am organizing a contest, if you want to participatehttp://dolcevita-ladolcevita.blogspot.com/2011/06/present-for-you.html

  25. Love this look, the jacket is perfect and the clutch reminds me of Alexander Wang's. Could you post a picture of the back of your hair pleas? I really like it ;) ♥-Axellewww.ax-elle.blogspot.com

  26. You still look so cute though!! Like your hair in a bun for a change! Still so much ion love with your jacket! J'adore!! XO Rebeccahttp://raspberry-rouge.com

  27. El look es perfecto, estás fantástica, incluso el pelo recogido te da un aire diferente y genial. Tienes razón con el tiempo, aquí en Madrid ahora empieza a hacer calor pero llevamos muchas semanas de tormentas, frío, cielo nublado, algo completamente insólito en estas fechas. Besos desde Madrid. Mª José.

  28. I was just thinking: what a nice change to your usual hairstyle (and that these sunnies look big on you also but that's a good thing, hahaha, I have an issue with mine being too big) while I was reading your hair explanation. I think it is a very cute hairstyle and you should wear it more like that, fits your skirt ;)

  29. I like your skirt! I have the same in beige and I have the same problem with it. It has been in my closet for years and I only take it out twice a year to wear it, but in the end it is a really cute skirt and maybe I should give it more attention… Anyway, I like it in red too and your look is great despite the rain ;)xoxo fashionvictress.com

  30. Hoy vas impresionante. Esa bomber te queda como un guante. Look de 20!!!!. Bicoshttp://isauraamandabybastos.blogspot.com/

  31. Love the jacket! And sunnies!Biancahttp://fabfashion-bianca.blogspot.com/http://fabfashion-bianca.blogspot.com/http://fabfashion-bianca.blogspot.com/