
You probably remember that a few weeks ago I did a little tour with the SmartStudio crew around Amsterdam showing them some of my favorite spots.

It was not only a ton of fun going around these places with Pete (who by the way is hilarious), but for the very first time I got the chance to go around the canals on a car and you should have seen all the attention that got!
Here is the video of what we did that day, I hope you like it! :D


Probablemente se acuerdan que hace algunas semanas tuve una pequeña filmación con el grupo de SmartStudio donde les enseñe algunos de mis lugares favoritos en Amsterdam.

La verdad fue divertidisimo visitar estos lugares con Pete (que me hizo reir todo el dia) y por primera vez, navegar los canales de Amsterdam ¡EN UN COCHE!
Los dejo con el video de toda la experiencia y espero que les guste :D


100 Responses

  1. What a cute video! You should definitely post more on your blog. It looks like you guys had an awesome time – it makes me want to visit Amsterdam! Loving your turquoise Storets jacket.xx from Montreal,Sarah

  2. oh andy! dan tantas ganas de volver a amsterdam <3 es tan lindo tu video! :) y el smart tambien. besos.

  3. Me encanta tu blog siempre lo leo para tener una idea con mis prendas, pero bueno hasta que pase lo de mi embarazo tendre que arreglarmelas sin tacones y vestidos…

  4. This video is great! I never realized how beautiful Amsterdam is! I'll definately be traveling there sometime soon! -madi <3

  5. Hi Andy! I'd like to know how you can speak in english like this since your first language is spanish..because your voice sounds like english, or american, or whatever! That's fantastic compliments!!Hope to hear from you soonLiv

  6. Your scrapbook is awesome!I just started my own blog. But how do you get the links: 'seen more here' I want those too.. But I don't know how to..xoxo

  7. Siii recuerdo aquellas imágenes que em gustaron y que estaba a la espera de ver el video!!estas fantastica, tan natural, tan sonriente!!me encanta como transmites un espiritu alegre y joven!1un besazo.

  8. Hello!! I like the video!! I hope some day I can go to Amsterdam and visit your favourites spots!! Love the smart car. XOXO

  9. Me encantó el video, debe ser tan divertido recorrer Amsterdam en un carro dentro de un bote! Me dio demasidas ganas de volver ahí! :( Un beso!

  10. Divertidísimo! de seguro ese presentaador te sacó miles de risas más, se nota lo gracioso que es :)Entretenido Andy.Nos vemos!

  11. This video makes me miss Amsterdam ! It must be so cool to be in a car on a boat actually. You look great Andy :)

  12. So cool!!! I loved your fav places! :DAndy, do you know the name of the band who sings the music that says:♫ …I like you in your pajamas without your manners just like you do… ♫ I tried to find it but nothing.. ;/ Have a great day!!

  13. haha I really want to go to Amsterdam now. I'll keep this video in mind so when I actually go I can visit all these amazing places. And the video was so sweet and funny ;)

  14. hola guapísima!me ha encantado la entrevista y los sitios a los que le has llevado!muchos besos

  15. Excuse me but there's something I have wanted to ask you for such a long time.. you're mexican but you live in amsterdam so do you speak dutch? Or you just communicate in English? And.. what do you do there? Thanks!

  16. Oh Andy, your gorgeous lady! I really enjoyed that! Your laugh is the most adorable thing – and your singing voice ain't so bad either (;

  17. You look like you had such a fun little day!I've ever been to Amsterdam, but the video gives a nice little insight :) x

  18. So cool! Love the Vesper bar! Such à great place! My favourite is the pornstar martini! Such à fun movie Andy!! Should visit the coffee place soon!! XO RebeccaHttp://