Oh Sunny days, nothing better to make me have a smile from ear to ear, even better when they are warm, so thumbs up for the first warm day this spring! 

I spent the whole day with the lovely Katja which is a super awesome blogger from Germany (and did I mention she is gorgeous too?), working on a very special project which you will soon find out more about ( and I can hardly wait to find the end result!). So between filming, eating and doing some shopping, Katja, her lovely friend Luisa and me had the coolest day!

We ended the day having lunch which was more like dinner at one of my favorite spots in Amsterdam and ended up getting courtesy drinks, I cant really remember the name of the cocktail, but it was a mix of lemon sorbet, proseco and vodka, very yummy indeed!


Los días soleados son la mejor manera de ponerme una sonrisa de oreja a oreja y ¿que mejor que agregar una temperatura de 22 grados?… Senoras y Señores, la primavera llego a Amsterdam, pero tan rapido como llego, se fue, por que hoy hace frío otra vez :(

Pase el dia con Katja y Luisa filmando para un projecto super divertido del cual pronto se enteraran y terminamos cenando en uno de mis lugares favoritos en Amsterdam, el mesero era guapísimo y termino trayendonos bebidas de cortesia, no me acuerdo del nombre, pero era una mezcla de helado de limon, proseco y vodka…Yum!


Skirt: COS
Sweatshirt: COS for men
Watch: Michael Kors
Skull backpack: Storets 

196 Responses

  1. me encantó el video! y me encantaría que algún día (de preferencia muy cercano) hicieras uno de MÉXICO♥Tu tan espectacular como siempre. Saludos.

  2. you look amazing!! & i see this is the shopping trip where you got the highlighter yellow material for the DIY skirt :) love it!Miyanwww.miyan-overseas.blogspot.com

  3. Love love love this! You styled it perfectly with the belt and the boots…wow, you look stunning!xo Carahttp://www.afashionloveaffair.com/

  4. your outfit looks great!you have a great style<3btw I really love that gold bracelet you´re wearing. I´ve been looking for one like that for a long time. Can you tell me where I can find one?xoxo Jorinde

  5. Its called Scroppino (I dont know if I write it correct) and it's Italian. I love it as well, but I thought it is more a dessert than a cocktail. Really easy to do at home as well!

  6. your skirt is fab and looks like an awesome day! That cocktail is called Scroppino btw and it's yummi declicious!:)♥

  7. your look is super great! love it!and your life seems to be full of fashion and fun!! you're soooooo lucky Andy!as we say in Spain "I cross my fingers"… hope I can have only half the luck you have in fashion world :) kisses!www.mysavageside.blogspot.com

  8. Andy you're gorgeous!Who takes your pictures? A professional or just a friend?Thanks! Check out my blog if you'd like :)http://www.daringfactory.blogspot.com/

  9. Hi Andy, can I ask you where you usually get your fabrics? It seems to me you always manage to find exactly the right color and the perfect material as well. For leather I can share a great place with you: go to Noord Scharwoude. http://www.echtleer.nlPerfect colors and different kinds of leather and very cheap as well!Wendy

  10. Oh Andy que suerte que ya empezo el calor para ti, aqui en Lima pronto sera otoño y volveremos a estar en penumbras hasta el proximo verano, buuu….Me encanta la falda, pero para mi tendria que ser corta, porque soy muy pequeña (1.55m). Me encanta el blog. Suerte.

  11. I love the mix of classic stripes with the tough ankle boots! Great mix of photos and setting. xx Style Stitchwww.thestylestitch.blogspot.com

  12. Mmm yummy…ugh I need food like now that is not what I should be thinking about. Anyway I love that skirt. Is that one you made?

  13. que grandes fotos!!! ya verás como pronto volverá la primavera!Aqui en España ayer hizo mal tiempo pero el sol hoy vuelve a brillar (y espero que ya no pare..pero nunca se sabe en primavera)

  14. I love this outfit so much. Love the length of the skirt. So pretty.www.snowdwarf.blogspot.com

  15. Amazing look! Love the sweater/skirt combi:)Hopefully there will be a lot more sunny days soon:)Xx Jorienshe–said.blogspot.com

  16. Hey Andy!I ask myself how u prepare ur Pictures?What program do u use to do this special effect with colours in the foreground and black-white effect in the background?Greeeez Merle from Germany

  17. I'm IN LOVE with your skirt Andy! i love it i love it i love it = )You look fantastic as always…you're an inspiration to me.Kisses from La Mode En Rose = )

  18. Have anyone ever told you that you are really similar to Sharni Wilson – the female lead in Step Up 3D. Especially in the 16th and 21st picture.And of course I l-o-v-e your striped skirt.

  19. gorgeous!great style u have here..n u have a great blog..Btw,what brand is your watch actually?im really into your watch recently!jealousy!!!im your follower actually!love!!

  20. Andy you are so great. So spontaneous. Everything you do seems so full of love. I love the way you see things and how you make it so simple. I just fall in love with your skirt and your blog. Love,Kath

  21. You look very stunning because of your fashion style and your great skin.Would you like to share some tips for taking care of skin?

  22. hola guapísima! estas perfecta como siempre.me encantan tus fotos!besoshttp://elbauldeladyshira.blogspot.com/

  23. It seemed like such a fun day! Can''t wait for more news about this project. She indeed is beautiful and a wonderful person :D Great outift on you my dear ;)

  24. i love stripes too. i cant explain why but they are awesome. the half coloured-half black&white pic is so cool! viktoriasstyle.blogspot.com

  25. wow i love this outfit! especially how your belt just looks thrown on. never thought of pairing gray with beige and black stripes, but i might have to try it now!lovely as always :)http://saras-style-snapshot.blogspot.com/

  26. Preciosas las fotos!! me encanta Amsterdam, he ido dos veces y este año quiero volver, q envidia q vivas allá guapa!! Mil besos!! ;-)http://in-interiorsdesign.blogspot.com/

  27. I love the skirt!!! Cos os so great! Wish there was a Cos in Amsterdam.xoxoBiancahttp://fabfashion-bianca.blogspot.com/http://fabfashion-bianca.blogspot.com/

  28. OH MY … I ENVY YOU SO MUCH … I love Amsterdam … well, I'm sure you're enjoying it … you look stunning :) great outfithttp://urbanprettygirl.blogspot.com/

  29. you look aaaaamazing!! wow, love that outfit a lot and nice to see the sun shining in Amsterdam for a change :)excited to hear about your projectxoxohttp://missmollyfashions.blogspot.com/