I should point out that during this “photo shoot”, the Spring (which was supposedly starting few days ago), failed miserably at showing up and instead of sunshine and warm weather, it gave me clouds and freezing cold, one for which I was not prepared and silly me, left home with this wool blazer and nothing else, which translated in me freezing my ass off all day… Oh well, at least I got material to post on the blog today.

What are you up to on this beautiful Sunday?, let me add, this is the last Sunday of March, which means April is coming, which also means Spring should come to stay (pretty please, I am latin for Christ sake, another day of winter and I loose my mind!)

P.S1- Some people have been asking me if I dyed my hair lighter and truth is, I have done nothing to it apart from cutting my bangs the other day. My hair has this weird way of changing color depending on the season, so as the weather gets warmer, my hair gets lighter, just wait and see ;)

P.S2- I apologize for the constant spamming, but I really need your help voting for me on the MANGO contest, it takes less than a minute and we just have 3 more days to go, please help me and vote HERE if you haven’t done it yet, remember that the money I win will go to help the Red Cross in Japan :D


Cabe mencionar que durante esta “sesión de fotos”, la “Primavera”, que supuestamente ya debería de haber empezado en el hemisferio norte, me fallo y en lugar de sol y “calor”, estaba haciendo un frío que casi me congelo, pero en fin, al menos tenemos material para el blog el día de hoy :D

¿Que tienen planeado para este hermoso Domingo? Dejenme agregar que es el ultimo Domingo de Marzo, lo que significa que Abril ya esta a la vuelta de la esquina, lo que significa también que la primavera ya esta por llegar y quedarse de una vez por todas ( ¡Por amor de Dios, soy latina, un día mas de invierno y juro que me vuelvo loca!)

P.S1- Muchos me han preguntado si me pinte el cabello y la verdad es que no me he hecho nada, solo que cada vez que cambia la temporada, mi cabello cambia de color, de hecho, mientras mas calor hace, mas claro se me pone el cabello, espera y veras ;)

P.S2- Perdón por recordarselos constantemente pero realmente necesito su ayuda para votar por mi AQUI para la competencia de MANGO, solo quedan 3 días de votación y les agradecería de todo corazón si me ayudaran con un voto, recuerden que el dinero va a la cruz roja en Japón para ayudar a todos los damnificados, muchísimas gracias! 


Pants and tee: American Apparel
Boots: Zara
Backpack: Storets
Sunnies: Grey Ant via 80’s purple
Cross necklaces: Fashionology

170 Responses

  1. Hi Andy! Andie Sanchez'm from Valencia, Spain. I have 15 years and I love fashion and photography. One day I discovered your blog and I love the pictures and your clothes are amazing. Sorry my English is not very good so I hope you understand everything. :) I love your previous post pink blazer and I love this jacket and leopard shoes, well the truth is that I think I like ALL of your wardrobe. Well … I know you have a lot of comments to answer, but I would particularly exciting to me you answered it. :) I will continue looking through your blog. Thanks. XOXO.

  2. I loved the animal print on your ankle boots, they're perfect!And the acesoories as well.xoxohttp://horadamake.blogspot.com

  3. Je a mi me pasa igual, comforme hace más calos se me pone más claro el cabello y hasta parece que traigo "luces" o "rayitos" como camaleón no?Me encantó el saco, la combinación es bastante acertada. Besos desde México y mucha suerte en el concurso de Mango, ya he votado por ti diariamente

  4. ey andy ya vote por ti mucha suerte!! solo te habia visto en lookbook y en el live stream de los blog lovin awards y al fin encontre tu blog esta super soy tu fan!! saludos desde mexico:D

  5. ey andy mucha suerte ya vote x ti, solo te habia visto en lookbook y en el live stream de los blog lovin awards no tenia tu blog soy tu fan jiji!!saludos desde mexico :D

  6. Andy, me encanta entrar aqui y ver tus looks! La verdad eres una persona muy creativa!!!Yo soy de Argentina, y tengo un blog para chicas XL (es el talle que uso jeje!) Te invito a pasar, soy la primera en mi pais en tener un blog de este tipo.armarioenxl.blogspot.comEn cuanto a la competición de Mango, eres la que mejor looks armo!! Vas ganando asi que relax!!Besote desde Buenos Aires

  7. Hola Andy :D Es la primera vez que escribo pero te sigo desde hace ya algún tiempo. Soy mexicana :D y no sabes el gusto que me dió toparme con tu blog. Eres un orgullo :Ddestacando en la industria de la moda :) Amo style scrapbook. Y te deseo lo mejorisisimo, seguramente ganarás :) Aquí el calor (soy de Puebla) se siente más fuerte que nunca y está tostando todas las pieles… ojalá pronto llegue a ti el sol. Un beso grande!

  8. LOL my hair goes all ombre in the summer. Which was hilarious last year since the look was in. : / very odd indeed.

  9. This blazer is beautiful!!! I can imagine it worn in so many ways!Can't wait for real spring either!XoXoPlamihttp://fashion-thrill.blogspot.com/

  10. Ya le dije a todos mis amigos que te voten!! :) de verdad espero que ganes, tu me inspiras mucho!! Mucha suerte andy!…

  11. I adore this blazer, so simple and chic. Your look reminds me of Carine Roitfeld. ; )Anyway, I've voted, fingers crossed for you, I'm glad you've chosen the Red Cross for Japan.Xxwww.dressedupdown.blogspot.com

  12. estás muy guapa andy! a mi estos dias suele pasarme… salgo con sol, y luego se va y me congelo!!! que le vamos a hacer…xx

  13. Cómo no votarte, si eres la más real, guapa y carismática de todas las bloggers que participan!… debo decirte que como latina (soy colombiana), estoy super orgullosa de ti, de verdad espero que ganes y que sigas siendo una embajadora tan especial de nuestro estilo.Te cuento que he abierto mi blog, no es "ego", pero igual sería un honor que te pasaras por allí alguna vez.Besos guapa, y sigue cosechando éxitos!http://abeautyandhealthylife.blogspot.com/

  14. Hi andy i love your style. I remember the first time when you comment on my blog it was amazing, i couldn't believe it.I hope you are fine.XO.

  15. Beautiful Andy! I am sorry about the weather, it is awful to be cold in this period of time. But hopefully the sun will rise again :DLove this outfit on you, the blazer is very chic with those sleeves! :D

  16. I really love the outfit, especially when I saw the leopard shoes. It was a very nice finish. I just can't understand how u can walk around all day in stilettos, haha.

  17. This awful weather makes me even more feel like not wanting to come home – but you look great Andy!Greetings from the carribbean sea!!www.fashionvictress.comPS: I Hope I get my hands on One of your kipling bags!! :)

  18. The blazer and the fabric of the shoes are just: WOW! Favorite outfit of yours lately <3www.snowdwarf.blogspot.com

  19. U're so HIT THE SPOT with this outfit! I love it. hopefully u'll read this, so classy so sassy so CHIK! DID voted for u. Other girls didn't manage to pull out the best form this year runway trends. But u matched it perfectly. Keep…kittensmeal.blogspot.com

  20. Me too! My hair is normally (or should I say during winter) a dark brown with (natural, I'm so lucky!) blonde highlights in, but in summer it goes almost completely blonde.Loving your leopard print shoes, more elegant than those chunky wedges around.Great necklace too, reminds me of a double ring at Asos.xo

  21. Me too! Normally (or should I say during winter) my hair is dark brown with (natural, I'm so lucky!) blonde highlights in, but in the summer it goes almost completely blonde. Bizarre, but cool.Loving your leopard print heels, more elegant than those big chunky wedges around.And great necklace too. Reminds me of a double ring from Asos.xo

  22. You are simply perfect, love this outfit ! I have a pair of leopard shoes and love them but whenever I wear them I keep getting weird looks from people, does it happen to you ? I think it doesn't ! Keep up the good work Andy ! Vale (from Italy)

  23. Hola,la primavera aquí ya se nota, aunque este domingo está un poco nublado.Me encanta el look, los zapatos son increíbles y destacan en el outfit.Mucha suerte en Mango y espero que pronto disfrutes de Sol.Me gustarías que te pasases por mi blog, cuidate:)

  24. No e sla primera que veo de estas! Me resultan muy originales, pero no se si son faciles d ecombinar!! Cuando las ves asi sin fijarte dan un resultado estraño, luego es cierto q puestas se ven bonitas!No se…Paula

  25. hahaa yeah thats life! I really like the blazer combining both colors is chic. And the shots generel are really nice… I wonder, who usually takes the pictures??

  26. a queen under the beers?? lol were u at a pub? :D btw u look gorg as always and because of u the sun is shining right now ;Dlove love love love u andy nuff said!!www.jasonitos.com(the mad facehunter fan who came all the way from germany to amsterdam for an autograph lol.. i hope u remember me)xoxo

  27. "Warsteiner" is a beer which is drunk in my area here in Germany :DI hope you can understand my English!Alessa ♥

  28. hi Andy,I hope you win against the blondy chiara from blondesalad.i like authentic and real people and u seem more professional and not a pretender.good luck.

  29. Andy, I love your blazer, the different color all together, make it very nice and classy, but of course all together i love your outfit and not to mention your heels. Here in tj,Mexico its been raining and cloudy too, I want it to be warm! By the wat I've been trying to vote for you by following the link and it leads me nowhere, I cant vote and I dont know why. :/ Best wishes.Just started my blog:http://effysteff.blogspot.com/