This is indeed a very special post for StyleScrapbook and it gives me great pleasure to finally announce what I have been working on for almost a year!

I have been a blogger for over 3 years now and my SLR camera has become my number one accessory as I have to bring it with me to most events.  I searched for a stylish camera bag for ages, but not only any bag, but something that would match my style perfectly, but I couldn’t find it, that is why I decided to design one myself, so I partnered with very well known European brand Kipling and we made it happen!

We have been working on this for so long and you have no idea how happy and proud it makes me to finally be able to show you my very own limited edition camera bag for Kipling, which is my very first collaboration as a designer and I am hoping for many more to come!

This is all very surreal and exciting, so I am really looking forward to hearing your feedback and hoping that you love it as much as I do.

For those who are interested, click HERE for news about when you can purchase my limited edition camera bag for Kipling.


438 Responses

  1. Me interesa ma funda para camara, en donde la puedo comprar, porfavor, está hermosa

  2. ahhh this bag is amazing its so incredible i want one!!! how can i get one please?? its so stinkin adorable and perfect i want it!!!

  3. It's awesome! Love it. Amberhella from Portugal have one too. Is so beautiful!I want one too!KissesGiveaway

  4. adore the bag! where can i buy one? i'm actually obsessed and sick of carrying around my icky canon camera bagwww.collegiate–

  5. Wow! that's just what I have been looking for!! Acabo de descubrir tu blog por mi hermana, que me acaba de confesar que ha estado buscando desesperadamente esta bolsa para regalármela por mi cumpleaños, que es la semana que viene, hasta que se ha dado cuenta de que aún no está a la venta!!! Ya me he apuntado para recibir las noticias de Kipling cuando se ponga a la venta porque me encanta!! También soy blogger (de belleza) y me encanta hacer mis propias fotos en los eventos, pero prefiero llevar un bolso grande que llevar la cámara en una de esas horribles bolsas de loneta. Tu diseño es justamente la idea que tenía en mi cabeza pero estaba segura de que no existía algo así. Buen trabajo y excelente idea! Un abrazo desde España



  8. Wow! Está increible la bolsa, muy chic y super funcional. Yo tmb cargo mi camara a todos lados pero la bolsa es horrible!Va a estar disponible en México? Di que si!:D

  9. this is a great example of how to be fashionable with every single detail on a look. I usually don't carry my camera bag with me as I think it is horrible and take the camera into my bag :)Congrats!

  10. POR FAVOR dime que saldra en estados unidos! es la bolsa mas preciosa que eh visto para una camara!Felicidades por ser una inspiracion! Tienes muchisimos fans aqui en Juarez Chihuahua! Un dia espero llegar a ser como tu!

  11. OMG you are a genius designer, I always wanted to find a trendy camera bag for a while. I use my Jaeger makeup bag as a camera bag hahahaha, it's good but I don't like the sharp zip teeth scratching the body and LCD screen of my camera.Good work.p.s nice to meet you at the My Wardrobe party.

  12. Oooow.. It's so nice! :D Finally a perfect bag. It took a long time for one to come like this.Hope i can find one too, really looks so much better than these normal ugly camera bags.enjoy yours!xoxo Hyperjulia

  13. Congrats Andy! What a huge achievement.The bag is gorgeous; I have to tell my readers about it!Enjoy your moment! Xoxo,Yaya

  14. Felicidades Andrea! el resultado es bellísmo, has hecho un gran trabajo.Acá donde vivo Kipling es muy costoso, tal vez un día vea tu diseño en las vitrinas :)Nos vemos linda!

  15. Love, love, loooooove! Hope you also you can tell us where to purchase too and how much it will cost;) Please let the bag come to Norway! Will it only be available on the Internet?

  16. Congrats, Andy! This is so amazing as I've been searching for a good sized camera bag, which is also safe for my lovly, but everything I can find are these ugly black big bag I own masses of. No thanks. If it's in my price range and in a colour I like, I'll definitely get one of these! You did such a great job!

  17. Dear Andy……love it, love it, love it…Finally a stylish camera bag…CONGRATULATIONS!I'm so happy for you!!!!

  18. THANK YOU SO MUCH.I have been looking for a cool camera-bag for ages. i hate to run around with these hiddeous plain black bags…I'm so excited about the price now :)

  19. Omg that is the cutest camera bag! I'm totally want one! Although I should probably get a camera worthy of it before I do… lol

  20. I absolutely love this and would buy it even though I don't have a camera as long as it isn't too expensive! Can't wait for more deets! :)

  21. I am in love with this! I've been on a similar hunt for over a year. Stylish camera bags are hard to come by. I will be purchasing this as soon as it's for sale! -JP

  22. hey andy ! soy de mexico y me encanto tu bolso, yo la quisiera comprar, llegaran a mexico?esta padrisima congrats ;) ♥

  23. Congratulations! It's beautifull! I have the same problème of not finding a proper camera bag, And you just solved my problème, although now I have to find it! ;)

  24. Thats so awesome, congrats! Such an amazing experience to get to design something like that! =)

  25. andy, muchisimas felicidades!en verdad que me da mucho gusto q te este iendo super bien, no cabe duda que el q tiene talento, definitivamente lo tienepd. quedo genial la bolsa!!1 yo quiero una!

  26. Andy, I'm speechless. I've been following about 1 year or less and already are my favorite blogger. You're the only one who knows how to take the key trend of the season and make it glow with your own style.Now with this bag… I'm beyond amazed. I know very much about bags and shoes (because I a blog about) and I can truly say this bag you designed is GORGEOUS! I never saw a camera bag like this one. The size, color, material… Everything is perfect.I always post your pictures at my blog. Check it out: hope you don't mind…XXXO

  27. Anyway, maybe its my fault that caring too much with my bag, in similar shape eith this bag. And I think would be nice that we can adjust the length of strap. Your bag is so fabulous:)


  29. wooow! congratulations Andy! great idea and awesome project! beautiful and I love it!greetings from

  30. Demasiado genial! Felicitaciones, y además como dices es un producto que falta, los bolsos de cámaras reflex son harto aburridos… te felicito está bello!Abrazos =)

  31. That's so cool! It's really a beautiful bag, you did a great job! And as a Belgian girl, I'm proud to see you collaborated with kipling! My first camera bag (for a simple point and shoot when I was really young) was a kipling bag!

  32. Fabulous!!I have wanted something like this for years. When can I get it? Where? How much? Other colors? Is there a way to carry more than one lens?It's gorgeous. Well done!PhotoGirl

  33. ¡Felicitaciones Andy! Le diste en el clavo, a mi también me pasa lo mismo con mi cámara…¡qué éxito! Te sigo desde Perú y no sabes LA GRAN inspiración que eres para mi, el hecho de que ya estés haciéndote de un nombre y una profesión en todo esto es motivo de orgullo para todas las fashion bloggers, en especial para las latinas. Un beso enorme y POR FAVOR publica dónde se puede conseguir. Ojalá pueda comprarse online, ¡yo definitivamente quiero una! Sole

  34. es genial.te doy toda larazon, no habia ninguna blosa para la camara, todas eran feas, pero la que has diseñado es genial!!! me encanta.avisanos cuando estará a la venta.continua tan genial como hasta ahora

  35. It's amazing,Andy"I wanna buy a camera right now justo to use it!:-) I'm really happy for you even more because i 've been following up your blog for over a year and i really like the way you dress and have guiding your carrier. It's an inspiration for me. Thank you and Congrats.

  36. really????congrats!!! it is perfect!!!!! really nice!!!!with personality and very fashionable!

  37. OH MY GOSH this is so exciting! im really happy for you, congratulations. i remember you posting about your wish for a stylish camera bag, and i totally agreed.. this must be the first pretty camera bag ever!! great job, i have to have it. thanks!!xoxo

  38. Que pasada!La marca me encanta y la idea es genial! Éxito seguro!Enhorabuena por el trabajo y a la espera de más noticias!!meri

  39. I love this so so much! My first thought when I saw this: I have to get that reflexcamera now, so that I can get this bag;)And I really think that this shows your style. It is edgy and pretty at the same time. So cool

  40. preciosa!he estado buscando algo asi pero no encuentro nada, encuentro horrible sla sfundas de las camaras, cuando , donde estara a ala venta? y que rpecio tendra?

  41. That's such an amazing oppertunity!! Congrats, it looks fabulous. It's actually the first Kipling bag that I like :P Love it Andy!!

  42. Andy this is AMAZING!Congratulations, you really deserve it! The bag its beautiful and this is a great accomplishment! Around how much to get one? :)I'm very interested.

  43. I LOVE IT! I've yet to commit to a DSLR (preferring to stick to compact semi-pro cameras) because I just can't figure out where to keep the camera in!! This is PERFECT, I want to get a DSLR NOW. :PWill it be selling in/to Malaysia? :)

  44. That looks amazing. Your right their aren't really any stylish camera bags out there. They should have you design one for powershot cameras as well since not everyone has an SLR…though those that do should appreciate this.

  45. Andrea está fabulosa, la necesito comprar, ya la quiero. Muchas felicidades, espero que esto sólo sea la primera de muchas más colaboraciones, es de admirarse lo que has hecho y realmente es un accesorio que NECESITO para mi cámara, saludos desde Mexicali, Mx.

  46. I want that bag! I've also been searching for a stylish camera bag alternative for my boring, huge, grey Nikon bag… So I've already forwarded your post to my mum as a hint for upcoming easter! :)Thanks Andy, for the most perfect camera bag!x Kirsten

  47. Hi Andy!Ik was weer even aan het wegzwijmelen bij dit pareltje en bedacht me ineens; wit is vrij besmettelijk. Misschien is het een idee om 'm ook in het bruin/zwart/grijs/taupe/ietsanders uit te brengen? Je sleept 'm tenslotte overal heen en hoewel wit supermooi is, ik zou het echt heel zonde vinden als hij vies wordt! Of is 'ie makkelijk schoon te maken? Jij weet er natuurlijk alles van dus ik ben benieuwd!xx

  48. AAAHH Andy, you're a GENIUS! Well done & huge congratulations! I'm in love with this camera bag, it's so handy and stylish. I wish I could buy it right now!

  49. I love it! I also really need a stylish bag for my slr camera, the black ones are so boring. I love the bag you designed! It would be fun if you could hold a contest and the winner gets one (and i win hehe) ;D xx

  50. OMG! Andy I am so proud of you! The bag looks amazing and I must get my hands on one when they come out!You are so talented and work so hard, and I am so happy to see your dreams come true!xoxo,

  51. This is such a fantastic idea! I could never find a camera bag that I liked either, I don't have the influence you do so I don't think I could just get up and deisgn my own bag but this one is brilliant. I absolutely love it! Can't wait to get the news about when and where I can buy it, I'm getting one for sure.CheersAnia

  52. omg omg omg I LOVE IT!!! I am definitely going to consider purchasing it! It is amazing and perfect!xoxoStefani

  53. Hi Andy,the bag is just wonderful..finally a chic bag for camera!great idea, great choice of colour, fabric and everithing else..the details are great! I'd like to buy it ( depends about the price!!). I have to say you have very personal and good style.. I 'd like you to be even more different from other bloggers (not ever but sometimes you look all the same.. sorry I had to say..) but in my opinion you could (and should) stand out from others….. you also have sweet smile so I am sure you are such a sweet girl!Very happy for you, I was sure you were going to do something very cool and different from the usual collaboration that ALL the other bloggers are doing.. ;-) take care xx

  54. OH! me encanta andy, yo tengo una cámara como la tuya y es un incordio tener que llevarla siempre contigo:stengo mil carteras y mochilas, pero nada es tan genial como ese bolso que has diseñado, realmente, es precioso<3Un gran trabajo Andy(;pd:deberías regalar una :p


  56. THIS IS AMAZING!!! I'm a photography student and I have been searching everywhere for a cute camera bag, and this is exactly what I want! NEED to have this!!

  57. oh andy, i'm just so happy for you! I follow StyleScrapbook since 2009 and your blog has been always the first one to be checked every morning. It's been always my favorite! I'd like to feel what you're feeling now somedaym it might be so good and special! This bag is so so you.. haha it's obvious. Congratulations on your collaboration! xxx Tamy

  58. andy this is awesome! i'm so happy for you, it must be very satisfying and i hope i will experience something similar one day! :) :) :)xxvalentinaCHECK ME OUT! NEW POST :)

  59. Wauuw! I love it! Ik heb zelf een Canon 1000d dus ik hoop dat 'ie er in past, veel beter dan dat lompe ding dat ik nu heb, haha. Wat gaat 'ie ongeveer kosten? Ik wil 'm hééél graag hebben (misschien mijn ouders heel lief aankijken voor mijn rapport?) en zou er zelf denk ik maximaal €50 aan uitgeven, hoewel ik vrees dat 'ie wel wat prijziger gaat zijn :(

  60. Andy, this is amazing! You are so lucky! I seriously want to have this, you could even wear it as a normal purse. ♥

  61. Wow I want this so bad… congratulations, what an amazing thing to be a part of. and what a fabulous outcome!

  62. i plan to purchase this as soon as it is available! i love my slr but usually refrain from taking it around with me because it is so big and i do not have a cute carrying case. i am so excited about this!! congratulations.

  63. ME parece un diseño genial, porque todas siempre vamos con la camara encima y es perfecta. Muchas felicidades!!!bss

  64. andy !! it is great work ! I have had the same problem for too long !!and the bag is awesome !! looks very fashionable !! where I can buy it ?! ouuh !! congrats !!xo

  65. que bien Andy!!!es preciosa y muy útil!!que suerte poder participar en estos proyectos!!besos

  66. CONGRATS! I;m so glad you chose to make a camera bag instead of a purse…does it come in any different colors? I love the design, great job!XoXO-Kelli Khttp://thefashionworshiper.blogspot.ocm

  67. Sí!! es estupenda!! espero que comercialicen más (aunque nunca serán tan especiales como la tuya tan personalizada ;) ) porque todas las bolsas para las cámaras con horribles!!

  68. How cute is that! My congratulations for the original idea and the cool brand involved. I hope there's more than your name behind the concept and if it's so I'm glad you have this opportunity because you deserve it!

  69. this is so nice!! i have been looking for a slr bag for a long time too and i think you just answered my search! i cant wait to be able to purchase it! xx

  70. omg the bag is sooo sweet i like it!i wanna have this bag :Dand i love you blog andy!anja

  71. That is so amazing! It looks indeed very stylish! Congratulations Andy, you are starting as a great designer ;) May many more to come indeed :D

  72. It looks awesome! I've been searching for a nice camera bag, too, but nothing out there appeals to me. Can't wait to check it out. I hope there will be other colors, too!?Your posts always brighten my day. =)

  73. Wow! I was looking for a nice bag since forever, and this one is just perfect!! Hope it will be in afordable price cause this definitely is my new must-have!

  74. Andy babe, this is DEAD GORGEOUS & i need one ASAP ♥Many many congrats & this is only the beginning XDxoxo

  75. Andy, ¿te puedo hablar en castellano, verdad? Me ha chiflado tu diseño. Es una verdadera pasada. Preciosa. Es la funda de cámara más estilosa y original que he visto!! Enhorabuena!!!! Tienes un estilo único. xoxoB* a la Moda

  76. OMG Andy it´s perfect!! I want one for me, please let me know when I can buy it.Congrats for the work it´s really amazing ♥xoxo from Protugal

  77. Andy, I borrowed some photos of you wearing a striped blazer and posted them on my blog (all properly linked back to you), just thought I should let you know…www.babidayrell.blospot.comtks!

  78. Can't stop looking/talking/twitting about this! It's so wonderful!My gosh! I think I won't be completely happy 'till I have one of those.xx

  79. Waw great job Andy !The traditional camera bag aren't relly fashionable !!!But this one is amazing !Please let us know when and where we can buy it !!!!

  80. lovely post:Dlove your pictures so much! specially with the lollipop:)

  81. i love it! i will keep an eye on it cos i really need one of those! congratulations! amazing idea and design

  82. My jaw literally dropped and my heart skipped a beat. I was that excited when i saw this. I've been looking for something like this for my dslr. this is an extreme hot, mouth watering item. but then seconds later i thought to myself "this is going to be unfordable"?

  83. Wow, felicidades! Me encanta, yo quiero una, definitivamente nos tienes q avisar donde podemos comprarla y cuando. Well done girl!

  84. woooow! andy it's amaziiing!!! I love the camera bag, you have really good design skills, I love it!xxxMaia

  85. wow!! that is so cool!! and the bag is awesome, very beautiful and really goes to anyhing :) You must feel great to design a limited collection :)I bet you will have many offers to cooperate from now :)

  86. It's amazing!! It completely fits your style and is so versatile at the same time! Partnering with Kipling is an honour in itself, and after this final product, Kipling must be proud to have partnered with you!Well done!

  87. omg yes we are interested, the bag is gorgeous!!! I was looking for a bag for my camera also and didn't find anything stylish and practical. This one is really perfect. Please let us know where we can buy it.Congrats Andy and hope you will continue with this kind of collaborations.Love,B

  88. I LOVE it Andy!!it is absolutely amazing! you did a great job!! Congrats!! :DI've been looking for a nice camera bag for a long time now, and this one is just lovely!! I would buy it immediately!!! Please let me know once I could get it!!xxBelén

  89. OMG it's so gorgeous! I want it for my reflex camera but I think it's gonna be expensive… I know what you mean, because it's ugly I never take the case and I know I'm wrong… But yours !!!!!!!!xxx – french fashion blog

  90. I think it's wonderful idea! It's very necessary thing and this bag not only beautiful but also made with mind!

  91. OMG, Andy it´s perfect! Totally my style as well and I want it! :) Really good job! But I think I would not be able to buy it in Slovakia, am I right? :))

  92. Oh Congrats Andy!! You're so lucky to have the opportunity to do that :) It is so hard to find a nice DSLR bag, I have looked everywhere :( Good on you!!Kc

  93. OMG Andy!! This is amazing! A-m-a-z-i-n-g! I'm designing bags in my free time for a hobby and would give ANYTHING for such an honor. My congratulations!!!xoxo Fashionvictress

  94. Wow, Andy, real congratulations. Not only the bag is nice and good-quality, but I'm also so happy for you that you finally collaborated with some brand. There'll be more to come, don't worry, girl! Take care.

  95. amazingg.Hola Andy, soy de mexico y soy fotografa y siempre e buscado un estuche para camara bonit y nunca habia encontrado un! este estaa muyy bonito,me encanta!Porfa luego nos pones los datos de donde podemos comprarla ya que si me gustaria al fin tener algo bonito donde guardar mi camara!saludos y que tengas un buen dia :)Monica.

  96. Oh my god! This is indeed the most amazing camera bag on the planet. I hope it's not going to be very expensive and very limited though :/

  97. Congratulations!! It´s PEFECT! I really, really wanna have one!! Hope to be able to get one as soon as possible!Great job!xx Barbara

  98. Absolutely stunning, Andy! Fits your style like a glove. I'm waiting to hear more details about purchasing and to see your outfits featuring this amazing bag!

  99. OMG!!! I remember that you were looking for a stylish SLR bag..I was looking for one too with no results..Thanks for this amazing stylish solution!! It's very pretty!CONGRATS!!xoxoChara

  100. WOW… I want it! Taking my SLR camera almost always feels like a burden. Now it sits in the smallest bag possible (kind of the shape you have designed because it's the most effective) but it's so ugly and not fitting any style. I feel like a tourist when I carry it around now. So I will definitely want one… it's gorgeous I'm from the Netherlands so I hope I'm able to purchase one?!

  101. Oh Andy this is so beautiful! it looks stylish, of quality and useful =) it is problem of us photohrapers to carry our cameras safe and sound but we just don't have any bag DECENT looking ahah =)you have to be proud of yourself! this is a great accomplishment for your career =)Hopefully one day you'll make a masculine line too?take care and cograts!

  102. this is soooooo pretty! You did an amazing job and really made something happen there! congrats! I am very much looking forward to getting my hands on one of these! Will there be other colors as well?

  103. Oh my God, it looks so so good!! I'm bringing my camera everywhere too and hate that I don't have a nice bag for it. What's the price? :)

  104. Omg, Andy that's so amazing, I'm sooo happy for you! Finally a stylish camera bag. I'd love to have one. <3

  105. congratulations!!!this is the prettiest camera bag i've ever seen!! i want!quick question, does the chain become painful on the shoulder after a while of wearing, since the camera is heavy? i'm interested in getting one!

  106. OMG!!! I just got my DSLR and I´ve been online shopping for the perfect camera bag and I hate all of them. This bag is gorgeous, perfect! Please do tell when/where we can get them. And congrats on the collaboration.Many Kisses from Madrid,Lizette