First it was gold, now it is silver,  tomorrow who knows? Here are few snaps of my current obsessions:

*My new Silver nails.
*My neon yellow iPhone case
*My beloved NYC calendar (to remind me of the amazing time I had last month)
*My favorite neon yellow clutch.
*My silver nails posing with my favorite sweater.

BIG exciting news coming tomorrow! please stick around! :D


120 Responses

  1. Totally and beyond in love with your blog. It's my new crush. My name's Anna, I'm a stylist and visual merchandiser in LA. I'm 23 years old and moved to California after graduating back in south with a degree in visual merchandiser. I've been lucky enough since moving out here to work with some of LA's most respected designers. I'd love if you visited my new blog for multiple posts a day on all things fashion. I'd love the support. I'm following you, I hope you'll do the same. Thanks so much.

  2. Love the colours,so fresh :)))Its the last day of my giveaway, so dont forget to enter everyoneee :)))

  3. Can't wait for the news. I have nail polish sort of like that silver, but it looks more like a foil and I love it. I change my nails all the time. In the mean time where did that yellow iPhone case come from I kind of love it.

  4. I got silver, too, by mistake: I thought I bought light blue Mavala nail polish, but it turned out silver. I liked it, nevertheless!I love your neon clutch, the color is so 90s :)

  5. I have looked all over for a nail polish like that! I live in Denmark, so you proberly can't help me…oxoxPapercut

  6. wow, I can't believe that:) I have the same nail colour right now:) soo pleased (hope, that doesn't sound too foolish:D)xxSasha

  7. Love the neon yellow accents – I've been dying for some yellow lately! Also, I'm totally with you about the metallic nails! A good shade is 'Almost Famous' by Sephora for OPI. It's sort of in between gold and silver!xo EmilyBELLISHMENT

  8. ooh Pretty-Pretty. Great nail color – not too stark – just the right shade of silver! and love the iphone cover – how nice is that! Accessories for phones are awesome! xx G

  9. gorgeous iphone case!All the cases I've seen make the iphone look awfull (well an iphone could never look bad because is such a piece of art!!) but I loooove this one you have! I want one!

  10. I feel like Andy is my friend and coming to her blog everyday in the morning is like saying hi to her!! hehe, I feel like I can start my day with a good mood then! Its a habit already!!

  11. silver nails are my favorites! i haven't tried golden nails yet, but am totally over satisfied with the silver touch!!xoxo

  12. Love your silver nails and the yellow iPhone case is awesome, you will recognize it everywhere, that's for sure :)