I think this is one of my favorite set of photos from my trip to NY Fashion Week. 
I took a breather on Valentines day and went to wander around the city, or to be more precise, the downtown part of the city, which is one of my favorite parts of the Island.

You can get a very touristy vibe from today’s pictures and the truth is, they are indeed tourist pics (But I think that the 100 pics posing with the Brooklyn bridge just gave it away? :P) It was just me discovering Manhattan, Oh how I miss it!

I hope you like them!


White jacket: Vintage (bought in SoHo)
Red tee: Zara
Bag: Rebecca Minkoff

128 Responses

  1. WOW!!! Andy you are amazing,I love this outfit…in these photos we've revived the essence of NY thank you very much…kisses

  2. Andy, that coat is a Masterpiece! I´m dreaming of going Vintage shopping in NYC for a long time now. You are really lucky!:)

  3. Love that fierce jacket! I went vintage shopping in SoHo last week but didn't find anything anywhere close to how fabulous that feather jacket is! Looks amazing with the rest of your outfit ;)http://semplicemente-sarah.blogspot.com

  4. The outfit, the location… everything is amazing in these pictures! I love them all!Meghttp://megarasfashionsketchbook.blogspot.com/

  5. Hola Andy!!Intente escribirte un mail pero me dice que no puedo enviartelo!!Me puedes pasar tu correo!??Me encantan tus fotos y tu eres guapísima!!!

  6. Thank you so much guys! It is indeed a gorgeous coat and warm, I am so glad I found it! :DIm happy you liked the pics!XxAndy