The more I travel, the more I learn (or try to) about packing better so I don’t exceed the weight allowance every time.

I am a very bad light packer, some of you know that and when it comes to traveling, all of a sudden everything seems so “necessary” and I find myself packing even the most ridiculous things, some which I don’t even use in my day to day life.
Last Thursday however, I realized that doing 2 cities in one weekend would require much smarter packing and for the first time in my life as a traveling girl, I managed to be way under the weight limit, progress has been made!

Here is what I wore for traveling to Germany yesterday, more to follow…

P.S-Oh! and did I mention I met the super sweet Anjelica from ModeJunkie? :D


144 Responses

  1. love the bag, and the fuzzy jumper. you look chic and comfy – exactly the way a traveller should. xxwww.idiosyncraticregister.blogspot.com

  2. love how classic this looks:) oh, and I thnk I have the same ring!! :D from ASOS, right? :)Glad to hear you're doing better about packing ;)xoxo Holly

  3. Great look!!!! love it!your legs are looooooooooooong!!!!! the jeans fits on you perfectly!!;) Estás muy guapa!www.mysavageside.blogspot.com

  4. You look so amazing! Love the hat. Where did you get it from? And so proud of you that you packed less this time! I still have to learn how to do this!xoxo,colormenana.blogspot.com

  5. Yes, I agreed with you. I also have a bad packaging time. I will bring together with my 'unnecessary' thing. ;(This is good to have your tips. Thanks ;)

  6. You want to get that pack lightly thing down before you hit New York. They have been sticklers about the weight issue on the bags lately. Errr plus I try to only do carry ons now because of it. Still I hate packing, but I love traveling. Funny huh?

  7. Las mujeres siempre somos un desastre empacando. Claro que menos nuestras madres, ellas siempre son lo más precisas y sensatas al momento de decidir qué es práctico y qué no.Tu outfit está bellísimo, me encanta el abrigo y el sombrero.Nos vemos :)

  8. Me encanta tu nail polish! Fantástico blog que sigo desde hace mucho tiempo! Me encantaban tus "do it yourself"!!! Se echan en falta ;)

  9. same problem! I just can't pack right. It's always too much, things I don't even wear in the end, more shoes than I neeed and everything looks like a mess when it comes out of my bag. hate packing, but love travelling to death!

  10. It’s not easy to make an everyday look fashionable and stylish. To combine some basic items can easily look dull: but your outfit is NOT dull. I always love a classic camel coat. I love the fact that you combine it with neutral dark colors. The boots and the hat give your look a fashionable touch and they make it more interesting. Making an everyday look exciting= having a great sense of style.

  11. cute outfit. I just found your blog today and I think its great I am def a new folloer!jenhttp://blankwhiteframes.blogspot.com

  12. so true, i way exceeded the weight limit when i came to italy. i love your ring and nailpolish! it's little accents like that that make any outfit specialxosecondtroy.blogspot.com

  13. I'm the worst packer in the world…it desperates me!I love your look, simple but cool =)Besoshttp://singinonmymind.blogspot.com

  14. I know exactly what you're saying!Now, I'm getting better at packing, since a few years ago my luggage was lost in a flight and nobody could find it for 15 days. It was full of new, unworn clothes and I was going crazy! At the time I had 2 shops and used to travel a lot and never had time to think about packing… now I'm extremely careful and always take hand luggage with my best pieces.Xoxohttp://mycloset-mycloset.blogspot.com/

  15. oehh totally love your outfit! that hat is so great! I'm still looking for the perfect one!:DAnd congrats for being way under the weight limit!♥

  16. lovely outfit, i especially like the shoes. i have the same problem with packing, but mostly when i return from my destination because i have done so much shopping! hahaxoxohttp://storyofstyle.blogspot.com/

  17. lovely pix Andy! and the nail polish is amazing!…where did you get those boots??saludosBelénwww.sasani.cha Swiss fashion blog

  18. I feel your pain on the packing front. I have been known to arrive at the airport with a 30kg suitcase, and that's for a weekend break! This look is sublime. So simple yet so perfect. Great post, you are an inspiration. Xella-lapetiteanglaise.blogspot.com

  19. Hey, where are your boots from? They look absolutely fantastic. Such a good idea to travel with your hat on your HEAD. I learnt the hard way that they really don't fare well in suitcases. Great simple outfit. :)http://fashionregardless2.blogspot.com/

  20. I should travel more to learn, because i am a disaster!! hahaLove your look, comfy to travel, but so fashionable at the same time!!XOXOhttp://teenagedream-mo.blogspot.com/

  21. I adore the coat! And something about the exterior was looking familiar :) Let me guess, Sabrina (afterdrk) was right around the corner!

  22. I always pack heaps of stuff too! Never been over the weight limit though.Love the outfit! Those shoes are amazing!Georgiexxhttp://styleprincessdiaries.blogspot.com

  23. ahahahaha I utterly agree with you Andy!!for my next travel I will try to follow you to not exceed the allowance of the luggage weight xDAny way Love your Outfit Andy,the boots are amazing and seem so comfortable!!!!xoxo Honeyhttp://minaischic.blogspot.com/