Its Sunday, I am exhausted and wish I could stay in bed all day, however, duty calls and even on a Sunday, I gotta get to work (The story of my life as a full time blogger).

Before I leave, I wanted to show you my latest purchase. I have been obsessed with this YSL shoes for a while and they are finally mine!

Have an amazing (preferably lazy) Sunday!


178 Responses

  1. Amazing shoes! I've been pining for a pair of electric blue heels for quite some time now and I am officially in love with those. :)-giedrewww.walkingdotblog.com

  2. wow- i have wanted these shoes or ones similar for some time, the electric blue is so hot! enjoy them and cant wait to see them "in action" Miyanwww.miyan-overseas.blogspot.com

  3. hi Andy.you said you would rather be lazy on sundays,but duty calls and u must go to work.what did u refer to?is blogger a job??????and the duty call was a party with your friends?you make me laugh dear

  4. Great choice!! I too am loving this YSL pumps for a long time, but now I'm towards the mohawk blue electric one…YSL jsut too amazing <3http://reserveradefashion.blogspot.com

  5. OMG! just gorgeous! xoxohttp://freefashionporn.blogspot.com/http://freefashionporn.blogspot.com/http://freefashionporn.blogspot.com/http://freefashionporn.blogspot.com/

  6. Pretty they remind me of your river island ones, but more electric haha. Anyway I would kill for a pair, but no I will not buy new shoes or clothes until June because I'm on a fitness diet challenge right now and I want to make sure at the end of it I can get clothes that fit and not waist my money on things that will only fit me for a little while.

  7. I just love blue suede shoes! I own a pair of new look, which were even cheaper than a ysl lipstick, but they do their work. Yours are amazing!

  8. Gorgeous Andy!What a lovely treat, you'll look great prancing around New York in these.Carly.xdressedupdown.blogspot.com

  9. I own a dress in that Colour. Love electric blue! No lazy sunday for me this week: I have midterms going on, and I had to study study study … x

  10. They are great. I was in doubt if I shoukd bought one pair of the black leather ones on sales and I decided for a bag, but it's a really good purchase. The model of these shoes are amazing. The best in many years of YSL designs. xxhttp://bikinipequeninoasbolinhasamarelas.blogspot.com

  11. YSL makes the best pumps! I absolutely love your blog :) I was wondering if you take your own pictures?Reganhttp://a-fashion-ado.blogspot.com

  12. OMG!!I am crazy in llove with that YSL!!They totally perfect!LOVe itXOXOhttp://teenagedream-mo.blogspot.com/

  13. they're gorgeous Andy! looking forward to see your outfits with that lovely pumps!have a great weekend!Bwww.sasani.cha Swiss fashion blog

  14. I have been in love with them since the very first moment I have seen 'em!Check out my LIGHT and DIET LIKE cook blog:) I would like to know ur professional opinion!!www.beinitaly.blogspot.com

  15. El azul eléctrico es uno de mis colores preferidos! Me encantaría tener unos zapatos como esos o unos pantalones también en ese color. Es fantástico! :)

  16. Hi Andy great shoes!!! Love the colour ;) btw wanna tell you I really love you red skirt DIY in last awards with the anchor detail!!!! Love, love maybe you can make one more and send it to me ;)?! EhehehLove your work, so it's good you are a full time blogger!!!Beijo