I ordered this stunning dress from ASOS a few days ago, but there’s still no signs of it…
Dear ASOS, pretty please send it over as soon as possible, I can barely wait to put it on and dance around with it while playing some kick ass music OR to a FW event, we shall see ;)



130 Responses

  1. Hi Andy!did you receive your dress?? it is gorgeous! love it!! I love it in Fashiolista!! :D and it will fit you perfectly!! can't wait to see you with it!Besos!

  2. i really like this dress i do, but the two ladies who chose it as their last entry for the ASOS styling competition on facebook, looked very unflattering in it. Hopefully it looks better on you!

  3. For the ones who have asked: they only ship the dress to the UK, so I asked a person I know in England if I could ship it to her and she is sending it to me :)XX

  4. I saw the website and I love the dress and the back side of it is amazing!I'm sure you will look amazing in it:)Hope they will send it to you soon!xoxo,

  5. I just searched for the dress my self on ASOS and it says below the description "ships to – UK only."So just in case you might want to check if it will ship to where you are, if you are not in the UK

  6. Me encantan los vestidos de asos! Me compré 3 hace una semana! Me llegaron el otro día!! Este es precioso, a ver cuando nos lo enseñas puesto! :)

  7. omg no fair!!! I'VE been wanting an all white short dress for so long, and you've found it for me! haah:p can't wait for you to get it as well, so we can see how u style it :DXOHOLLY

  8. ¡me encanta el vestido! sigo tu blog cada dia Andy, me parece maravilloso tu blog y todos los post que haces. Ojalá llege a ser tan buena como tú algun dia! :Dbesos!!

  9. Are you sure you will get it ? Cause I can't buy the dress cause it's only ship to UK :/ lots of kisses from France !Ayse.

  10. Dear Andy,I sent you an email some days ago, It's a personal invitation to Milan for a fashion event in February.I hope to hear from you soon.All the best.Francesco (@beMi)

  11. what a stunning dress. and its white, which is not often that pretty I think. I am so excited for upcoming pictures. X, Annie

  12. Gorgeous!! I ordered this long time ago and they shipped to UK only, did they change it ?? I have to look it up <3

  13. that dress is absolutely beauty, i spotted it at asos too, loving how simple and clearcut it is, i'm sure you ll rock it

  14. awesome && lovely dress! can't wait to see you wear it! its goin' to be FANTASTIC! ♥

  15. Ooooh this dress really is stunning! Can't wait for you to upload some pictures while wearing it :)xxShelly

  16. this is so creapy i just posted a picture of this dress because i found it so stunning!! want it so bad, can't wait to see you wearing it.