You might be wondering; Why was she wearing the Burberry leather jacket again? Well, the truth is, despite my almost 1 month holiday in Mexico, I failed miserably at getting a tan, so as you can clearly see, my skin was so pale, I almost blended with the wall.

The gorgeous Lanvin dress is a piece to wear on its own and I would have absolutely done that (if I wasn’t as pale ), so I decided to find a jacket to wear on top and limit myself to only expose my pale legs.

I walked the store for a while, trying to find the perfect thing to wear on top, truth is, I just couldn’t find anything that was completely my style and although this is a very feminine dress, I thought that it wouldn’t harm to give it a bit of a rock edge and that is where Burberry came in. 

A lot of you might like it, a lot of you might not, but in the end, this was about playing with clothes and giving them a twist to fit our personal style, so that is exactly what I did.

P.S- I wouldn’t mind taking that jacket home ;)
P.S2- Despite getting that advice, I refuse to do fake tanning and choose to embrace my current skin tone.


Dress: Lanvin

Special thanks to LuisaViaRoma

Pics: Sabrina Meijer
Styling: me

206 Responses

  1. Love the leather jacket. Look so edgy! :)I'm your new follower and link you on my blog. mind to follow me or link me back? :)Love, Leonitahttp://blackblueblizzard.blogspot.com/

  2. andy seriously….GIVE ME THAT JACKET!! ;D hahaha jk obviously, but that really is one amazing jacket, i would have worn it twice too! And i think it gives the dress a nice twist, as well as the amazing electric blue heels;)And don't worry about being pale..so many models are both pale and extremely gorgeous, just like you, :) so don't sweat it!xoxo Holly<3

  3. You seriously rock the dress and the jacket!! I'm so much in love with burberry collection too!! Fuchsia color really suit your pale skin you look gorgeous andy!! I like this look better than the Jill Sander on <3http://reserveradefashion.blogspot.com

  4. Hi there. i'm a big fan of your page && would like to request if you could do a before and after photo comparison thing, but using your old pre teen or teen photos and now. how your style has evolved. Hope you like this idea :) btw, the dress is gorgeous

  5. perfect combination! everything looks so beautiful! [well, everything you wear looks fantastic, andy!] ;)xx-adeleyougotsomestyle.blogspot.com

  6. Yo no le veo nada de malo al color de tu piel, al fin y al cabo al menos te hace lucir natural :)Me encanta que hayas usado zapatos azules, aunque menos mal que no usaste algo amarillo. Muy superman no crees?He estado revisando a diario tu blog en reversa, ya que lo descubrí hace poco. ¿alguien te ha dicho el parecido que tienes con Julieta Venegas? jaja no vayas a malinterpretarlo, pero tu rostro tiene algo de ella, o su rostro tiene algo de ti ;)Nos vemos linda!

  7. You did look a little pale, but it's alright. I hate tanning beds myself and self tanners are messy so all is forgiven for sure. Anyway you look gorgeous and seriously you legs are to die for. So long and sleek. Lovely.

  8. te entiendo con lo del bronceado T_T llevo 4 meses en Paris y estoy mas blanca que la leche :( extraño el solesito de Mexicoo (L), pero aun asi te ves super bien y el Vestido Lanvin esta pre-cio-so!!


  10. this outfit is stunning! you look great with the red dress even with not so tanned skin. just remember snow white ;)X, Anniewww.anniewear.de

  11. I really like the jacket's sleeves ! It looks perfect with the dress, but I dislike the shoes, they don't really match with the color of the dress.You're pretty, even if you're pale !And you're right, don't do fake tanning, it makes your skin older … Stay like that ! :D If you want to get a tan, come here in Morocco ( in Spring ! ) ( and maybe I could meet you haha ! )

  12. Andy estás guapísima!! me encanta el color del vestido y combinado con los zapatos!! estás genial! pareces del equipo de futbol del Barcelona!! (al que soy aficionada!! xd) jejeun beso guapa!^^

  13. I really love this combination of the red silk with the harsh black leather, think it's great! Would have worn black heels with it though. I love blue with red, but if there's also black, I think one should reduce it to two of them.Love, Jojo

  14. The dress is lovely and the jacket looks great with it. The shoes have an amazing colour.I'd rather be pale than have a fake tan, it's either natural or nothing.x

  15. i love the jacket with the dress. Without the jacket the dress would be nice but with the jacket you look awesome. good choice.

  16. Me encantó el twist que le diste al vestido tan femenino con la chamarra, se ve rockerisimo y con mucha actitud, la paleta de colores muy diferente pero original … Hiciste el look muy casual, perfecto para salir de noche :Pps. bronceado falso es un NO del fashion! ha ha http://blog.cessoviedo.com

  17. I can't tan for the life of me, I just burn, but I refuse to fake tan. Natural always looks best :)I know you've centered the post around the jacket and dress, but the most eyecatching thing for me was the combination of dress and shoes! I loved the blue and red… it looked so good :)

  18. First of all the look rocks…. Me encanta la combinacion y el contraste qcreea el jacket…. Y tienes un piel hermosack aunque estes hincha (palida)

  19. the lanvin dress is beautiful, and i cannot blame you for wearing that gorgeous burberry jacket. I love the feminine and rough contrast, and the red and black together work beautifully with the pop of blue in your shoes. thank you for not getting a fake tan, you are gorgeous just the way you are!thestyle-child.blogspot.com

  20. I'm completely in love with the outfit. I love the dress, the shoes and the jacket.And you're right about fake tanning…it's not cute at all…I've never done it and never will. :)www.sandra-thepuzzleofmylife.blogspot.com

  21. I hate fake tanning as well, it doesn't look good and harms your skin. But I like this outfit, the dress goes well with that rock Burberry jacket, the contrast is great! :DAnd fabulous shoes!

  22. I'm proud of you decison of not getting any fake tanning. You should promote more this kind of attitude. It will help others!I love the look. When you see blue shoes, red dress, leather jacket it's super cool!Love it!

  23. I love how nothing matches but at the same time it all goes together! Those shoes are rather amazing, even though if i had to walk around in them I figure lots of sprained ankles would be in my future. No matter how hard I try, and how much i'm in the sun i always stick out like a sore thumb due to my paleness. Rather be pale than have a jerseyshore-eske tan :P

  24. you're right about rockin' that dress on its own but I completely understand about wanting to avoid looking like a ghost in pics as I frequently do. The jacket is fab and some how you make the look work. AND more power to ya for avoiding fake bake tanning!!Kisses,Lizette

  25. There's nothing wrong with being pale ! I'm pale too, it's completely normal during wintertime :) I like the combination of the biker jacket with the sexy red dress ! xo

  26. I have the same pale skin, but I dont care about it anymore. I wont do fake tanning or go to a solarium, just because of the pressure of the stupid trends.

  27. I know how you feel!Despite having Italian parents on both sides, I feel like a female Edward Cullen sometimes.But I'd rather be pale, than become all wrinkly by the age of 25, due to going under the sunbeds way too many times!x Kriziawww.krizia-shark-attack.blogspot.com

  28. I love the jacket with that dress and those heels! It pulls the outfit together. I love the Burberry and Lanvin collection this year! TO DIE FOR!Georgiexxhttp://styleprincessdiaries.blogspot.com

  29. I want and need to have that Burberry jacket lol. It looks amazin, good job on rockin it:)//fasali-myblogspeakthetruth.blogspot.com/

  30. Well I freakishly LOVE that jacket so i have not got anything negative to state(apart from the fact that i'm really jealous that you had the chance to wear it, and i did not:()I'v actually be very keen on the combination of the jactet and dress because i tend to love people who don't wear clothes to its specfic necessities or requirements; individuals who add something that might not wholly relate to it in context,although yes, that doesnt always work. Lovely jacket+shoes+dress. I would've loved it you added a few accessories to the look,but it was lovely either way. X Neda Xhttp://stylemontage-neda.blogspot.com/

  31. The dress is wonderful! And i'm jealous of you for being "pale"…on summer,i become totally black and it doesn't look very nice neither…The lanvin shoes are also lovelyXoxo

  32. The dress is wonderful! And i'm jealous of you for being "pale"…on summer,i become totally black and it doesn't look very nice neither…The lanvin shoes are also lovelyXoxo

  33. esos zapatos son altisimos!!! que pasada!yo tb echo de menos mi piel morena de verano! aunque por suerte mi color aun no se ha ido del todo! xD pero igualmente… tengo muchas ganas que sea verano otra vez!xx

  34. What a beautiful dress! And, oh my, those shoes!!! Gorgeous! What a great unique combination. Fun and colorful…even with white =} (It's perfectly fine to be pale or whatever tone any of us are naturally, all are pretty.)

  35. Ahh seriously who could say wearing the Burberry jacket twice is a bad thing? I would wear it like 1000 times haha. I love the look =) And I agree with you on accepting the paleness, I pretty much have too, pale and proud haha ;)