The show starts at 5:00pm (Milan time), 4:00pm (UK time), 11:00am (NY time), 10:00am (Mexico time), 8:00am (California time)


52 Responses

  1. I love burberry and this runway was spectacular!your space is very nice congratulations!:)i'll follow upatchworkporter.blogspot.com

  2. hola!una pregunta, es que me encanta el pintauñas que llevas en los ultimos post, el que es de color dorado! podrias decir de que marca es por favor?gracias! :)la coleccion de hombre de burberry es genial! al igual que tu blog

  3. Hello again, I just wanted to know if you know what time it will be in the UK when it starts at 5:00 in Milan, at the moment it's 12:26 PM In England.Thanks a lot.XOF