I am finally back in Holland after 3 weeks of the most amazing Christmas holidays I could ever ask for, although coming back was a bit of a drama, not only because I was incredibly sad to leave my loved ones behind, but since it was the end of the holiday season, I missed my bus to the airport due to bad traffic, so my brother had to drive me to a different city to take it from there.

Once I arrived to Mexico city, I checked in my flight and waited, but it turned out that my flight to Washington was VERY delayed (almost 2 hours), so I had to wait at the airport for ages until we finally boarded.
I was already exhausted and sad because I was leaving, so I really didn’t need the stress of possibly missing my flight from Washington to Amsterdam due to all the delays.

It turns out that I managed to arrive to Washington right on time and even had a little time to spare so I could grab a bite at Wendy’s (last junk food I will eat for a while) and after 8 hours, I was landing in a freezing cold Amsterdam.

I wont lie, I am fighting a jet lag and I am missing my family like you cant believe, but I am hopeful that I will see them again soon, not to mention that I am off to Florence tomorrow for the second edition of LuisaViaRoma’s Firenze4ever (for the second time), so the packing is keeping me busy (or more like the unpacking from my holiday first).

Anyway, the point is that I am back and ready for some fashion and friends…Who else is coming to Florence???


133 Responses

  1. I just came back from Mexico today, completely heartbroken to leave my Love behind, and so watching your blog is back to the normal life rutine… Oh i miss Aca so much.

  2. UGh, I was stuck in Las Vegas today ALL day! Made it home though finally. So happy that you're back safely too! And btw… My last junk food was Wendy's today also!!

  3. YOur photos are beautiful :)) Family is very important to me too and I can understand your feelings… Be strong and You are doing so much fashionable stuff that you will NOT have time to be sad :)) http://WWW.RENEBRAUN.COMYou are welcome to visit my blog too :))

  4. really hope you feel better Andy, Florence should be able to cheer you up:) you are loved by your family and all your readers!! Have a safe trip to italy<333

  5. your pictures are beautiful! and i understand how difficult travel is this time of year, i went through it myself. i'm going to be in florence on tuesday, i'm going to be there for the semester studying art. i hope you have a good time i've heard it's a beautiful city but never

  6. Hermosas fotos y me alegro mucho de que celebraras unas bellas fiestas en México.Adoro como luces en muchas de las fotos.Nos vemos!

  7. cant believe i haven't checked your blog in a week or so, and then i find this amazing post with the best of your vacations!!AMAZING!XOXO

  8. Uy que bueno que finalmente llegaras a tomar el avión.Que lo pases estupendo en este nuevo viaje y que pronto vaya pasando la penita de dejar a la familia :)Cariños!

  9. It's good that you arrived safely. And have fun in Florence! I expect lots of pics! :D These events are great…I wish I could be there..

  10. Me encantó tu blog, Florencia es genial, siempre hay alguna bicicleta que usar o alguna tienda nueva que explrar así que no creo que tengas drama en pasarlo genial… mi próximo viaje es sin duda méxico!Feliz año!!

  11. Amazing post and pics Andy, I loved the one out of the plane (so beautiful!) and I love the ones with the glasses, so cool!You have an awesome blog that's too cool to explain, I hope your flights aren't delayed anymore and you have a great time in florence, do please send us some pics! :)xoFreyaat thatfashionmoment.blogspot.comI hope to see you there! That would rock! :)

  12. andy watch this, ur on this article!is about a girl who match bloggers with art!!hope u read this msg!!love you!x

  13. I wish I were going to Florence. Ah fight the jet leg and you'll be fine. I swear holiday travel is the worst. I only went home to Michigan for the holidays and even that had it's drama. My flight leaving LA was 2 hours late because the crew couldn't make it so they had to fly a pilot down from San Francisco. Then of course this made my late for my other places…resulting in a 5 hour layover in Dallas…bleh it was horrible. That is not a fun airport to get stuck in, but I highly recommend getting stuck in Chicago or Vegas if you have a choice. Each place has a ton to do and access to wifi. Vegas is free! Haha.

  14. Yay you are bAck! I thought something bad happened to you, very unlike you to not post past 3-4 days. Glad you are back safe and ready to work !

  15. Amazing pictures ! I prefer you with your bangs, it gives you such a youthful appearance !I hope your holidays were great. The H&MxLanvin Dress is to die for, and it really suits you.

  16. Geat pictures!! I know how you feels about how bad travelling is, especially you are hours and hours apart from your family, I remember going back home after 5 year for only short period of time, 2 weeks to be exact and leaving my parents cousins, all the fun-ness behind, I was crying in the airport for the whole time :-( Have fun in Florence, I hope it will cure your sad-ness <3

  17. Que post más emotivo Andy!Tienes mucha razón!Las fotos son preciosas!Disfruta mucho con las demas bloggers!Te sigo, eres fantastica!xxxSL.

  18. such a tiring trip… but i'm sure the time you spent with your family and friends deserved are amazing, as always :)♥Aga

  19. Todos los outfits estan divinos! Pero el vestido de Navidad es hermoso! … Que lindo que hayas disfrutado tanto tu viaje a Mexico y a ti familia ;)

  20. welcome back to europe :) I hope you dont miss you famiyly too much. btw the 8th picture is gorgeous. have fun in florance and I am excited for the pics. X, Anniehttp://www.anniewear.de

  21. Amazing medley of your vacations!!All your flights and things sounds very boring, but if you are going to firenze thats a good thing!XOXO

  22. Que bueno que anduviste por aquí y que mal lo de tu vuelo! Pero lo importante es que todo salió bien, pues agrego que te ves muy linda en el Lanvin para H&M y que te deseo feliz año!Saludos!

  23. There are just too many perfect looks to focus on one, I have a chronic case of wardrobe envy. Love your blog and look forward to seeing what you come up with in the New Year.

  24. Andy, it was wonderful posts!Yes, the bad that happened to you so much incident. Weather is not the best, delayed planes …I also hope that you will often see your family!Good luck in Florence!

  25. I am leaving my family tomorrow after my three week long Christmas holiday. Travelling is so difficult when you're sad! And getting back into my routine … ugh, it's not going to be easy!!

  26. gappaaaa…guapisimaaaa…pobrecica….pero sigue adelante porque mirando atras solo te acordaras de los momentos bonitos y q bien te lo pasaste…un besico…me siguen encantando tus ojos y tu maquilaje…aver si haces un tutorial…pasate por my blog algun dia…cuidategabriela

  27. I feel with you! my trip to argentina took me 12 hours longer than expected! have fun in Florence!!!! Looking forward to see lots of pictures and impressions! :)abrazo, Belén

  28. Hey, great pics :) is there any possibility to make a video in spanish (or just a few sentences)? i really want to hear you speaking spanish :)

  29. So sorry you had to go thru all of that just to get home :( cheer up you are off again tomorrow for some amazing adventures! have a safe

  30. Amazing Andy, as always, i love this post and every pics. I'll be in Florence for Luisaviaroma and I can't wait to meet you ! I really hope to chat a bit with you ! With love from Italy… Ilenia <3

  31. I hope you had a wondeful time with your family. I'm sorry to hear that your plane was delayed. You're probably exhausted so we must really thank you for blogging :)Have fun at the Firenze4ever event. I can't wait to see your pics.-The Trendy Fashionista

  32. Amazing photo's Andy!And you are travelling really a lot! So awesome! I can't wait to see your pictures and story about Florence! Have a lot of fun, and also take some rest of you can ;)

  33. cool mix up of pics, and the three weeks away sounds like what you needed after a hectic but fun year in 2010! Firenze sounds awesome- so many of you going Im sure it will be amazing…cant wait for the photos! Love the sparkler pics- I did that for my 100 blog post october last year turned out so cool!katie.xxfashion clocked

  34. I have a friend, Axelle from who's gonna be there !! All your belgian fans send kisses with her!xxx