Lately I have been trying to sleep and rest as much as I can before heading back to my hectic life in Europe.

The past few weeks have been amazing, definitely the perfect way to end my year and start a new one, recharged, full of good vibes and energy.

I haven’t done much outfit posting, but that is because I have been doing a lot of casual outfits, something I don’t do much when I am in Europe.  I do love dressing up and I normally do that in my normal life, but while I am here, I get to be lazy and stay in pj’s the entire day if I want to, that and take nap after nap after nap, I am doing as much sleeping as I possibly can :D

Do you have any plans for NYE yet?


Ultimamente me ha dado por dormir horas y horas, lo que nunca acostubro cuando estoy en Europa, asi que mientras siga por estos rumbos, voy a aprovechar :D.
Las ultimas semanas han sido increibles, me la he pasado tan bien y ha sido la mejor manera de terminar el año, con la batería recargada y llena de buena vibra.

He tratado de actualizar lo mas seguido posible, pero la verdad últimamente me la he tratado de pasar en fachas y super comoda, casi casi en pijama, ya regresando a Europa me arreglare :P

¿Que planes tienen para Año nuevo?


Boots: ASOS

165 Responses

  1. andy u're sooo amaaazing..i love ur style..:)) where i can buy zara jacket like u? in indonesia i can't find it…

  2. Me encanta el outfit, sencillo pero perfecto!! A mi me pasa igual, últimamente me ha dado por dormir mucho, pero bueno eso va bien para llenarse de energía para volver a empezar, no? jejejeYo para fin de año tengo pensado celebrarlo con la familia, ya que aunque no tenía muchas ganas de salir por ahí, estoy enferma… Pero seguro que me lo paso genial!!Un besazo preciosa!! Feliz Año Nuevo! Te deseo todo lo mejor para el 2011!!Laurasweetandfashionworld.blogspot.com

  3. Your blog is so full of inspiration!Im from Finland but your English is so good that I understand almost everything :)Keep doing what u love to do, it's best for you :) And happy new year!

  4. Primero que nada me encanta tu pelo, su forma y el color :)Segundo, realmente me gusta como vas vestida, algo super simple y fácil de llevar a diario.Tercero: Envidio lo eterna que luces en la cuarta foto, realmente tus piernas son un lujo.Nos vemos y Feliz año nuevo!

  5. I love the fit of the jeans and shirt/jacket on you Andy! You look great in this blue. those boots are pretty awesome:D enjoy the rest of your stay with your family!!! xoxoHollyp.s. i'm working new years eve and new years…:(www.ispyfashiondiary.blogspot.com

  6. I understand what you mean about going home and not being in the mood to dress up. I get that too.:D I love this outfit anyway, the shirt is cute and so are the boots! :DNothing special ofr me on NYE, what about you?

  7. So much in love with your belt, it really make the outfit comes out!! enjoy your last couple days in Mexico!!! <3http://reserveradefashion.blogspot.com

  8. Ufff yo estoy como tu, pero ya es costumbre, es llegar el invierno y dormirme XD debe ser el frio o tener k estar abrigadito en casa, me entra un sueñecitoo XD Yo uso pijama todo el día XD en invierno no salgo casi de casa XDPlanes, pues la verdad esk muy malos, mi nochevieja va a ser un poco sosa, pero bueno, habrá k mirar las cosas positivas no? XDxoxo

  9. My plans for NYE got cancelled err so sad about that. ANyway don't blame you on the sleep part though when I go home if I don't get up people make me feel like a bum.

  10. I love this!! And I have the same shoes and I've been wearing them so often lately, they're amazing :)http://brokelittlerichgirl.blogspot.com

  11. It is nice to see casual outfits as well. I like this one very much, that belt really stands out.Plans for NYE? The usual get together with friends, a little bit of champagne, a little bit of dancing and it's done! =)

  12. hola Andy!!! felices fiestas y la beta es que todos los outfit que utilizas me encantan son DIVINE jajaja. soy YUri tambien en mèxicobesos

  13. Andy, this is gorgeous! Excellent! Great belt, I love him! Color of shirt, jacket, shoes, absolutely beautiful! Yes, better yet a rest, and then in Europe could be plunged into a troubled life …

  14. Andy I love your shirt! The combination of purple and black is perfect and it has this really nice cut. You look stunning in it. :)And I wish you a happy new year and that all your wishes will come true in 2011!xxShellyhttp://mise-en-marie.blogspot.com/

  15. I dreamed last night that i was earing your shoes but in a nude color, and in my dream i was so excited 'cause i was wearing your shoes hahaha

  16. Hey Andy. Im doing different 2010 post on my blog, and I chose my 12 favourite blogs, and now I have to pick my favorite outfit from a month, per blog. You have July, but suddenly I though: "Why not ask the bloggers, if they wanna choose the outfit them selves" So Im asking you, will you, and can you choose your own f…avourite outfit from your blog in July 2010? please♥♥♥♥ps. my blog is thefashionforg.blogspot.comIm caroline gudmandsen :D

  17. hey you look so refreshed..the holiday has done you good..love the outfit, perfect for this lazy, festive season..btw which part of the world are you in right now??it looks awesome:)btw happy new year!

  18. you are so adorable! when i am at my parents house i do also sleep all the time and stay in my pj. i think this is the best place for us to relax, and i love it!love ur blog, too of course :Dmarie.

  19. Love the belt and the shoes!! Looks great. YOU look great:)Something simple. I like that.Love Loishttp://lisforlois.blogspot.com/

  20. omg this outfit is just perfect!dont love much the shoes, but every piece matches perfectly with the others!Love the colors and how everything suits you!A rock and roll goddess!Happy New year babe!Aana

  21. Your outfit is simple, but great =) You rock ! I really love your shirt and the leather jacket, but I dislike your shoe's heels , anyway, they are beautiful too !And you're amazing, as always ! I start to being mad about your blog, haha ! :DHappy New Year ! Bonne année et meilleurs voeux, avec beaucoup de bonheur, j'espère que tu pourras réaliser tous tes rêves :D

  22. I don't have any special plans, I just want to be with my family and to celebrate in calm, no big party or someting…and btw I love your combination with these jeans and boots. Your boots are amazing! =)

  23. No, casual looks are always way to better coz everyone can use them. I love ur belt, it's so etno! love thathttp://kittensmeal.blogspot.com/

  24. you look lovely as usual.. i know what you mean about lazing about the holidays, that is exactly how i feel at the moment.. really dreading going back to work on Monday :(No plans for NY yet, what are yours?missmollyfashions.blogspot.com

  25. Sometimes everyone has to wear pj's all day long. :DHave to tell you that I adore this bag you have on the pics. Plans for NYE? Spend it with my closest friends, no huge party this year, I'm too tired. :)