Dear all,

I want to wish you all a Merry Christmas, full of love, happiness, family get-togethers and lots of fun!
I hope you have an amazing day surrounded by your loved ones.

The food and preparations for tonight are almost ready, we have a full house, everyone is here, I couldn’t be more happy and I cant wait until tonight’s Christmas dinner, I know what to wear and thanks to the warm weather, It will be absolutely possible, yay!!! :D

With Love


Quiero desearles una feliz Navidad llena de amor, felicidad, reuniones familiares y diversion :D
Espero que tengan un día increíble acompañados de sus seres queridos.

Con Amor

153 Responses

  1. Merry Christmas Andy…may all your wishes come true, and I wish you an amazing new year, and I hope it can be even better than 2010 was for you:) enjoy the day with your fammily,xx holly

  2. Feliz navidad andy! espero que te la pases increiblee con toda la gente que te quiere y te deseo mucho exito, se que ya tienes bastantee pero ojala se sigan cumpliendo todas tus metas! espero tener algun dia el estilo que tu tienes saludooooos

  3. Feliz Navidad a ti tambien Andy, sigue pasandotela bien, disfruta todo lo que puedas con tu familia antes de regresar a Holland.Y si te hace sentir mejor lo d tu diente, a mi me acaban de sacar las muelas del juicio D:Los mejores deceos!

  4. merry christmas & happy new year!! hope you have a great time celebrating with your loved ones.. :)

  5. Feliz Navidad a ti también Andy! Te deseo un día hermoso y que cenes muy rico con toda tu familia ;)Happy Holidays linda! xo

  6. a merry christmas to you too andy!:) are going to do something fun christmas eve?I have my outfits of 2010 lined up in my last blogpost! you can check it out if you want.

  7. thanks Andy!! I wish you and your family a wonderful Christmas and lots of love, happiness and new adventures for the new year!!! xoxoxp.s I just Started looking into blogging and i have to say that your blog is definately my inspiration to creat my own

  8. ¡¡¡¡Igualmente!!!! Que el año que viene podamos seguir disfrutando con tu blog :) Muchos besos desde España

  9. lovely picture and perfect for todays mood. much love to you and your family. have a wonderful christmas Andy! X, Annie

  10. Merry Christmas to you, too, Andy! Thank you for a great year of inspiration, in fashion as in life in general. Enjoy your holiday and looking forward to each new post!

  11. thank you so much!! merry christmas to you too!! In my blog I just created a new post in wich I used a picture of yourself. I hope you don't mind! Obviously I also added a link back to your blog. If you have time go to see!

  12. Marry Christmas sweet Andy and thank you for this wonderful year with us :), you're great and I wish you all the best to you and all your parents and