Nothing smells better than a new pair of shoes, or a bag, or a car, but this time it was shoes :P.

How do you like my new Burgundy Boots?

Burgundy Ankle boots: River Island


163 Responses

  1. Hi there … those are really awesome bootis …!!! However, I followed your link to ASOS and they are not listed anywhere … Are they sold out already?!?! When can I get them …??? I want these for X-Mas so someone please help me ~* Thank you! :)

  2. OMG!!! The boots are breathtaking, I adore the style, the color, simply everything. I'm sure hey will look fantastic on you, can't wait for pics :)

  3. Wow. I genuinely cannot believe those beauties re from River Island. They are definitely a good buy. If i could walk in heels, I would be seriously jealous. :)

  4. These are really AMAZING!! I'm sure you'll wear them perfectly!But I can't find them on Is it possible that they already are sold out??… :'(

  5. Wow Andy! This is the first time I have seen your blog and you have such fabulous taste:) I love these boots. I am a lover of all things fabulous and recently started a blog of my own. I worked for Jeffrey which always has the most amazing selection of shoes and I moved to Valentino a little over a year ago. Check out my blog and keep up with my shenanigans in the fashion world!!! xoAllyson

  6. You have got an amazing taste in shoes. Especially with colors. These ones and your blue velvet TDF. As well as the Finsk Wedges ahhh I could steal all your shoes and be in heaven. Though in my experience the lace up heels are more of a sitting than standing shoe. Hopefully you got a better pair than I did.

  7. I'll go for the smell of new shoes :)Love these boots! Color is great and I love the details. Great find Andy!

  8. Oh, God! This is the most beautiful and amazing shoes in the world! Red! Ah! I feel their smell-it is beautiful!What they are amazing!I think that you are drawn to red, although I know that as a child you hated him:)Red sweater, hat and shoes. I wonder … :)

  9. Wow Andy!! They are BEAUTIFUL! I love the colour and the shoe itself; so great!! I cannot wait to see you put together an outfit with these shoes! Great choice as usual :) xoxo

  10. wonderful, i bought some Sam Edelman's Zoe Boots!!!I wrote you an email, pleas answer!!xx Debi from