We are having a lot of this days lately, today however, it is sunny outside!
Its only 9:30 am on a Friday morning, I already went to the gym, have been answering tons of emails and probably going out tonight.

Just one more day until I decorate my house for Christmas, yeah I know, you might think its a little early for that, but for me its just the right time, the longer I extend the Christmas spirit, THE BETTER!

If I could, I would go to Mexico for the weekend to visit my family. I would go shopping with my mom and sister, buy tacos al pastor for dinner and watch The Lord of the Rings with my brother until 3 in the morning like we used to back in the day.
I am missing them so much!

How is your friday coming along?


Dias lluviosos no nos faltan ultimamente, pero hoy no, por fin el sol salió y espero que se quede todo el día.
Cada dia extraño mas Mexico y mucho mas en estas vísperas navidenas y con este clima de locura.

Aveces me quejo del clima demasiado, pero pensandolo bien, el haberme venido a vivir a Europa me ha abierto muchísimas puertas y si no fuera por eso, todo lo que me esta pasando ahorita no existiría, así que basta de pesimismo, la vida es bella y corta, ¡Hay que disfrutarla!

Por fin es Viernes y si pudiera, me iria a Mexico de fin de semana a ver a mi familia, me saldría de compras con mi hermana y mi mama y me pondría a ver la trilogia del Senor de los Anillos con mi hermano hasta las 3 de la mañana como en los viejos tiempos.

!Los extraño muchísimo! 




132 Responses

  1. The thing I love about you is that you put together the most beautiful outfits that are modest! You don't find modesty in all fashion pieces but you make less skin, sexy.

  2. hola andy, ya casi un año que te leo, y nunca habia escrito, me encantan todos tus looks, la verdad te admiro muchisimo, el irte de tu pais y seguir lo que mas quieres no es nada facil, y tu lo has sabido aprovechar ;) mucha buena vibra desde aqui y sigue con tus sueños:)M encanto este look en particular es muy sofisticado, me enkanto! saludos

  3. You have a very nice look!Besos desde España!P.D:Comprendo el cambio de clima que tienes, y mas de Mexico! a mi me encanta :)Bueno, pues te deseo lo mejor!Kiss♥

  4. I love your style so much! you inspire me to follow my dreams and go out there as well! :) you make everything look so elegant and chic. xo!

  5. Te ves hermosa Andy! I have a skirt kinda like that in my closet that I picked up at a thrift store, and I've haven't worn it yet. Thanx for the idea! :)♥lasenoritadaisy.blogspot.com

  6. Ah love them, really simple look but look great!! It's been windy here, im glad, I dont really like rain that much <3http://reserveradefashion.blogspot.com

  7. el outfit es amazing.y entiendo que heches de menos a tu familia, seguro que ellos tambien te echan tanta de menos a ti. Pero como tu dices esto te ha dado muxhas cosas y hay que aprovecharlas y diafrutarlas.XOXOhttp://teenagedream-mo.blogspot.com/

  8. Andy!!Piensa positivo, aveces hay que sacrificar mucho la familia, pero si tu eres felíz ellos tambien, además es como tu lo dices exactamente alejarte te ha abierto puertas que tal vez en Mexico hubiese sido mucho más diferente.Me identifico demasiado por la parte familiar, tambien los he dejado de lado pero me ha hecho valorarlos aún más.El outfit esta fantastico, me gusto la falda larga, te alarga mucho la figura y te ves aún más alta!Cariños!!desde Chile

  9. HI PRETTY ANDREA!!I am cleaning my house in this friday. So I stoped a little bit just to look some Blogs (like mine) and I see how beautiful you are even under the rain!I mean: "under de the umbrella, ella, ella, hey, hey, hey"!!Stay in Peace! I simply love your passion for Christmas. I HAVE THE SAME FEELING!! But, I love most putting baby Jesus in the Christmas Crib!!A HUG to you and to All Your Darling Readers!!

  10. hihi u are soo cute, love ur text.my friday is pretty busy, Iam in New York, during the day Iam at my Internship.. after that i will go out for dinner with my mom, aunt and a friend… maybe we will go out tonite. And tomorrow i have to get up early for Lanvin… Let's the WAR begin hahahKISSES juliaNYChttp://geeksndfashion.blogspot.com/

  11. Pienso que el tìtulo del post de hoy debio ser: Bajo la lluvia con estilo. Siempre muestras looks espectaculares. Y animos, lo importante que todo va bien. Buen finde

  12. Linda como siempre. I love the little brown belt. Hey I love decorating early as well. I find the spirit to be romantic and comfy when the house is lighted up with holiday stuff. Ayy. pobre. I know how bad it sucks to be away from family. Con eso del Army I move often too. But I would say enjoy what your doing now. You seem to live such an awesome life and if seems that your living your dream too. Do it while your young that way you have no regrets. Shut up… tacos al pastor… que rico. Yo soy de Juarez MX. pero raised in El Paso TX. So the Spanglish comes into play… haha…. pero asi soy yo. La nena de la frontera….

  13. omg what a coincedence, I'm about to take pictures of my outfit of the day, and I think I have the same skirt on (from H&M) and the same shoes (from Zara) and same the River Island shirt on top! freaky! I was about to go to your other post where you had that skirt from h&m on aswell.. but this says it all! what a coincedence:)xxCyliaaaa.blogspot.com

  14. Aww I understand what you mean about wanting to get in the XMAS spirit! Anyway, I hope you are having a much sunnier weekend in Amsterdam!! Love your skirt! :)

  15. Tacos al pastor!!! Los extrano también!!! Vive en el DF durante un semestre, extrano a mis amigos mexicanos y mi via alla, me encanto! :DYour bag is amazing, where di u get it?Un beso de Montréal!A-L.

  16. Hi andy!I love your style and I was wondering if you knew nice shop where I could find a prom dress( not a princess one) on Internet because I'm from Quebec and I can't afford to go in Europe!Thanks xox

  17. POBRE!!Bueno,seguro que aqui,en Europa estaras conociendo a gente genial y estars haciendo increibles cosas.Exactamente? en que ciudad estas?Yo cunado quieras me ofrezco para hacerte pasar un buen fin desemana!! pero eso si,en MEXICO ,no!En San Sebastian,españa.Una ciudad preciosa,tipo Paris pero pequeñita..puedes ir a todos los sitios andando.ME ENCANTA LA LARGURA DE TU FALDA,EL OTRO DIA ME COGI UNA EN GRIS TAMBIEN MUY CHULA.Por cierto! aqui estrenan El señor de los anillos,asi que este sera my Friday.xxxxno estes triste L.R.

  18. your style is beyond perfect. I absolutely love how you wear your coat! It looks so chic!I know, the rain was so annoying! But you still look fab!thestylesandwich.blogspot.com

  19. ánimo Andy :)seguramente tu family esta super orgullosísima de ti, y no es para menos! ya que has conseguido cosas geniales y lo q falta! jeje.ojalá pronto los puedas ver porq si se extraña cuando uno está lejos (ya me toco vivir una experiencia mas o menos así), pero todo lo bueno requiere un gran esfuerzo ;)saluditos desde Méxicoxoxo

  20. es duro salir de casa, y más cuando llegan los dias grises, pero es como tú dices, tienes que ver el lado positivo, todo lo bueno que estas consiguiendo (habrá que ponerse doble capa de esmalte primaveral para combatir los dias tristones ;)como siempre, con lluvia o sin ella, desprendes mucho estilo.

  21. Family times are the best! Being so far away from your family sucks! Love your rainy outfit!Kisses, Lena!styleloverlena.blogspot.com

  22. aww poor you, it must be hard to be away from the family for so long :/ are you gonna celebrate christmas together? do they follow your blog to stay up to date? :D that would be cool hahaby the way, I adore that coat, it's from zara isnt it? and you even make an umbrella look fashionable :D hahah xx from vienna

  23. you're looking gorgeous as usual!loving your bag!Friday will be based on household chores for me! got loads to do! and yeah, i do understand the fact that you want to decorate your house for Christmas this early! i'll do the same very soon!kissses

  24. ahhh i LOVEEEEE this :D love that skirt so much and that you've paired it with your camel wedges this times:D love the touch of the belt…so chic and amazing:) I too am so ready/excited for xmas..don't blame you for wanting to decorate early! ;D So far for my friday, i just came back from the midnight premiere of harry potter and its 3:45am here! must go to bed now..:)xoxo Hollywww.ispyfashiondiary.blogspot.com

  25. Awwww you're so sweet i wish you could go to spend the entire holidays with your family.I love fridays i already have plans for today drink til i pass out

  26. Yes, It's a really nice look and it suits you ( like the others, with your figure you would look good in almost everything) but it's a bit boring :

  27. Elegante, interessante il modo in cui metti la cintura. Ho una gonna a vita alta simile. La devo stringere un pò eppoi la potrò indossare. Mi piace

  28. oh sweety!! te entiendo, yo soy del caribe, tengo muchos años fuera, viviendo en España y cuando llega esta época, este frío y estos días grises, siempre nos entra un poco de nostalgia por lo que dejamos atrás!! pero tienes razón cuando dices que no hay que quejarse, a disfrutar de todo esto, luciendo fabulosa como siempre!!!! me encanta tu falda y las botas!!! xDLove. Diana

  29. Love your look, as always. I understand your christmas urge, I'm already on it as well :) .. I can only imagine how it would be to be so far away from my beloved ones, hope you'll see them for christmas though?xOh'blogbymissoh.blogspot.com

  30. Friday's going fine, have a ton of work at the atelier, but things are looking bright. loved the photos, it's been raining in Belgium like hell too for the past week but this morning the sun is finally out.loved the way you are wearing that trench coat, a perfect combo with the pencil skirt. so chicelenahttp://elenavasilieva.blogspot.com/x

  31. I really like your look, it's just so lovely!In Madrid it's starting to rain too, but I just love Winter clothes, don't you?Have an awesome day!xxR.www.theteenageroyalty.blogspot.com

  32. It seems to have been rainning all over Europe on the last days.Here in Portugal has been rainning for a few days.. I hate rain! :P I want it to go away..!I love your skirt! It's gorgeous!Love,Teresa

  33. Now this is bad, Andy! Because of you bad weather is no longer an excuse when it comes to taking pictures! :o))There's a "Shopping Night" in one of the biggest malls in the city, so I guess yo know my plans for the evening… ;o)You look great as always!x

  34. My friday? I'm going to have lunch with my parents in a restaurant because of their 25th marriage day. The weather here is still grey. Hope you have fun tonight…you look great with the camel coat!

  35. Are you cold? :) I liked your outfit!Very cute and beautiful as always!You have a very stylish shoes and coats, I like the color.Very pretty skirt and umbrella! :)Gorgeous accessories:)Christmas is so beautiful, I hope you like want to fly to Mexico to their relatives! :)XOXO

  36. So stylish!I just read in a blog that the way you wear the coat es lo último!Are you wearing tights?, it seems its so cold!!

  37. Beautiful as always. You somehow make a rainy day look like the most fashionable setting =)Love, Nickyat: fashion-fruitcake.blogspot.com

  38. love the outfit!camel is so in this season. i'm lovin' it.hope you have a great weekend. if you do go back to mexico, have fun and don't forget to update us!