ELLE UKRAINE October 2010

May I please have that amazing red coat?


66 Responses

  1. Hi, Andy!Regards from BRASIL!!I told you Posts before you look AMAZING in RED. I remember I said: "BE RED MORE"!!…So you want to do it! Go ahead!And I hope everyone who sees you so beautiful in this powerful color will put a Big Smile in the face! WOW God Bless You, Pretty One, and all Your Readers!

  2. OMG Andy, this blog is so cool :*Tell me, what do you think of Chiara Terragni's new shoes?Do you like them?Would you use them for a post?

  3. Hi Andy :)I just went trough your twitter and i have seen that you were interested about some scary movies recommendations. I have aome on thoughs :1.Sceleton key2.The others3. Exorcism Emily Rosethey are really good, i mean not cheap ,predictable and boring-bloody movies , they are truly good :)

  4. RED is such a fantastic colour. It's one that stands out better than most others- except maybe flourencents, but it has to be said, not so keen on those. Searching still for something red for the season. Might just have to go for a lippy…:)http://fashionregardless.blogspot.com/

  5. Crazy beautiful editorial. I posted the same pictures a few hours ago, I wasnt the only one inspired as I can see :)xoxo from Montréalprettylilthgs.blogspot.com