Hi guys, so here are some pics from the party I was invited to last night.

Matching models is a new modeling agency in Amsterdam and they threw an amazing party yesterday.

The champagne was flowing (served by cute male model looking guys), there were yummy bites to eat, nice crowd and one of their special guests was the infamous “worlds first supermodel” (as she likes to call herself) Janice Dickinson.

Overall it was a really fun night, perfect way to spend my friday evening, unfortunately, we ended at a tex-mex fast food restaurant (not my idea) and since I am Mexican, that food just wont ever impress me and to be honest, it was BEYOND bad.

In Mexico tacos WONT come in a hard shell, the only thing with hard shells are TOSTADAS, bottom line.

Pretty please, don’t ever confuse that kind of food with real Mexican food, it is NOT THE SAME and if you live in Amsterdam and you want to try REAL MEXICAN FOOD, go to “Los Pilones”, which is the only real Mexican food I have had in Amsterdam.

And If you live in Holland, Im sorry to break the news like this, but TACO MUNDO couldn’t be further from real Mexican food, please don’t be mislead.

Enjoy your Saturday!


101 Responses

  1. Andy te entiendo perfecto!!! Viví en NY 9 años y ahora vivo en Londres, me la vivo aclarando que hard shell tacos, chilli, y fajitas…no son comida mexicana!!!En NY habían lugares deliciosos, aquí en Londres aún no he encontrado el ideal.

  2. Seguro que te lo pasaste genial !!! Q bonito ese cinturón, se te ve muy natural. Sigue así, te seguimos !!

  3. Andy!Se ve que te la pasaste muy padre! Guapisima como siempre ^_^Y estoy de acuerdo contigo….Tacos no son duros! Me alegra que hayas puesto eso en el blog! <3

  4. aaay te entiendooo!!he ido a europa y NADA QE VER con lacomida mexicana! igual me molestatodo eso de taco bell, sus disque tacosy burritos estan horribles y muchos americanospiensan que asi es la verdadera comida mexicana..con ganas de llevarles unos buenos tacos callejeros con salsa roja para quesepan lo que es bueno no? :Ppor cierto cada vez te envidio mas..conociiste a janice! que daria yo por teneruna foto con ella :Pcuidate andy! (:tiffany <3

  5. I love that Janice Dickinson was there. I honestly miss watching her on t.v. that woman is so sassy and truthful who cares about her plastic surgery she is amazing.

  6. hahahaha I totally get how frustrated you are about the food issue. I ate so much horrible Moroccan food in restaurants and I feel like killing them for insulting our national cuisine. I guess it will always be like this when a food becomes popular.xoxo from Montré

  7. woow..the photos are so cool, after reading i realise why the women with you was so familiar for me :)..well, what can I say? I love Mexican food, when I went to Mexico it was so delicious and I tried so different flavours and drinks.. I'm happy that my first margarita was there as well. Ohh.. just remember about that makes me want to go back. At least I have the pretext that there are so much I haven't seen of that magnific country. Bye andy :)

  8. Se ve todo divertido.Que mal que la 'comida mexicana' de allá no lo sea realmente! Es como para sentirse estafada!!!Abrazos :)

  9. Me gustan muchisimo las fotos. Tu look como siempre genial y el pelo se te ve divinoo!!Un besoooo

  10. Oh I know what you mean… My bf is mexican and is just so hard to find a really good mexican restaurant here in Germany. It´s almost impossible! We found a good small one, which is running by mexicans here in Düsseldorf and those tacos are awesome! So happy about it!btw you look great as usual :=)

  11. Oh she really still does look great :)Lovely outfit Andy! Btw in Groningen theirs a Mexican place thats really good! It's called Tacos. Check out their website too see for yourself xo Nikkips it's no spam really they have great Mexican food and the owners claim it's real Mexican!

  12. Nice pics, you looked great! About the Mexican food: I'm experiencing the same with Turkish food here in the Netherlands. They all serve you some thin sliced meat with fries and that supposed to be Turkish, hell no! ;)

  13. It looks like you had an amazing time at the party. I love Mexican food and I completely agree with you, those fast food tex-mex tacos are beyond bad. Have a great weekend-The Trendy Fashionista

  14. Hello, seems a really fun party, and Janice Dickinson, is she nice?Great blog, I read it every day:)Filipa

  15. Looks like an awesome party! Que bueno, that you stand up to real Mexican food and not be fooled. I know how hard it is to come across some REAL good tacos. Fortunately here in Madrid I am fortunate to have found several good restaurants for the real deal. Mexicanas Unite :)Un besote guapa!

  16. Haha, it's funny how you really get angry about it :D same here! Greek food here in Belgium is delicious but what the Belgian's think is 'typical greek' is not even served in Greece…xoxo Afrodite