Very often and ever since I can remember, I’ve found myself pairing songs with my mood, moments and situations in my life.

I love music, but I guess that is a common thing we all share, so to me, a lot of songs mean much more, they mark moments in my life, memories and the people I have shared them with, I guess you can say, there is indeed a soundtrack to my life.

Today there is a song buzzing me and although people around me constantly ask me to not play songs on repeat, I just cant help it…
I love this song and randomly found it last night on my forgotten playlist from way back when I used to live in Montreal, I hope you like it.

Boots: ASOS
Bag: Storets


169 Responses

  1. oh my Andy! this colors looks amazing on your skin tone you should wear it more often! and i think i have never see you in a shirt with sweater on top! beautifull girl im clapping!!! muaaaaaaa

  2. i love the blouse underneath the sweatshirt, super duper cute.what's on your bagel?i would love to know! hahaxoxoK.

  3. YES! I am in love with neutrals right now, especially for a great pair of pumps! Just featured a great pair, myself :)http://garageglamfashion.wordpress.com

  4. PERFECT COLOURS. your amazing, really.and btw, i totally agree on the songs and moods and all thathave a lovely night dear :)

  5. The Coat and the Shoes. Yes, please. What a wonderful Blog you have here. Very good. I am slightly addicted :)http://oldsoulyoungspirits.com/

  6. I love how these pictures have that feeling of autumn. You're right, the love for music is something we all share. For your blog anniversary you could maybe do a movie with all of the pics from the blog from these past 3 years and include all of the songs that have been significant to you. Anyways, your outfit is amazing!-The Trendy Fashionistahttp://thetrendyfashionista.blogspot.com

  7. Love this outfit. Jeans, everything!! Oh and thanks to you, I saw this bag in one of your previous posts, and I'm getting it for my birthday! So excited!Love your style Andy!! <3 <3

  8. The shoulders on that trench are amazing. I wasn't expecting that. I think you have the perfect Cambridge Girl look going on, but with more edge of course. Hear you with Music I keep playing Taylor Swift right now, but it's interesting to listen to since she writes what she knows and then sings it in fron of 1000000 plus people. Love her.

  9. You look so darling and preppy, very pretty! I adore your satchel especially. Thanks for sharing your past music that inspired you, it's a great song!www.thefancyteacup.com

  10. Hola!!No se si te acuerdes de mi hace muuucho te escribi llegando a Europa (soy Caro de Monterrey, viviendo en Alemania) acabo de ir a Amsterdam el fin de semana pasado, y en verdad WOW. es la ciudad maaaas bonita que he conocido aqui, que suerte tienes de vivir ahi, todo es perfecto!!! bueno, dejando a un lado el pintoresco y peculiar De Wallen hahaha espero que estes suuuuper bien, muchos saludos (;

  11. Me encaaaaaanta!! y me gustan muchisisissimo los colores :D !!Divina as alwaysBesooshttp://lavidaenbyn.blogspot.com

  12. Me encantan los cuellos de las camisas y mas aun si solo dejas ver esa parte de la camisa con un jersey por encima, muy buen outfit :)www.ohmystrangebird.blogspot.com

  13. wow LOVE this outfit!! The colors are absolutely gorgeous on you, and are those new sunglasses? :) Love the song too:) thanks for sharing Andy<333xoxo Hollywww.ispyfashiondiary.blogspot.com

  14. WOW, Andy !I adore your Blog. Really, I do.One of my favourite Blogs. I always enjoy reading it & you're very succesfull. Congratulations !Good work.Check out my Blog, if you want tohttp://www.daliaxx.blogspot.com/

  15. Ah, another beautiful outfit from you, Andy. I especially like the shirt that is longer than the jumper, it's a really interesting thing to do- might try it out myself. Liking the preppy collar especially. :)http://fashionregardless.blogspot.com/

  16. Love the song! I know what you mean by having a soundtrack of your life. I have a lot of songs that remind me of beautiful or sad memories in my life.How was in Montreal? Why did you move to Amsterdam? I'm curious. It must be so wonderful for you to see so many places and continents! :D

  17. Lovely way to make a simple outfit look so chic! The shoulder detail on that jacket is amazing.. how many trench coats do you own?!And absolutely LOVE the song! You're taste in music never dissapoints.X, Lisagypsygeneration.wordpress.com

  18. love the style Andy. The shoes are amazing and the trench as well. some songs have meaning to me, usually when I'm doing something with someone like walking or just a great moment in holidays, then I listen the song and I can feel my feelings when I was there.. I like that. How is Montreal? I'm thinking about moving to Canada later on as I think it could be difficult for me to stay in Europe (too strict policies :S). Have a nice day.

  19. I love this natural look. The buttoned up blouse with cardigan is a perfect look. ThanksBest regards from Barcelona

  20. Muy guapa! te ves increíble como siempre, el detalle del hombro de la chaqueta me encanta.Totalmente de acuerdo con las canciones.Besitoshttp://mystylemontse.blogspot.com/

  21. this look is awesome and totally unique in its own way, loved the neutral colours and that trench coat is simply a stunner. you always know how to wear a trench. great jobvasilievahttp://elenavasilieva.blogspot.com/xxx

  22. ayy!!!, no puedo decidir que me gusta mas de este look, todo es super bonito, y tu le das un toque especial :)…un beso guapahttp://enybutterflies.blogspot.com/

  23. totally agree on sharing songs with moods! music lights the soul!You look amazing as always Andy! seriously adore your jacket, the shoulder detail is beaut!xoxowith love from South Africawww.missmollyfashions.blogspot.com

  24. OMG I LOVE YOU AND YOUR BLOG! Do you speak Dutch? Because I live in Amsterdam to! Saw you on style.com PLEASE chekcout my blog! Love your pictures! X