6. Camel coat (Yes, another one :P )

I can barely hold myself when it comes to my current cravings so I guess Im gonna have to make a pit stop by asos and get my hands on few of these.

59 Responses

  1. Me encantan tus conjuntos..!!!Te acabo de conocer por blondesalad :)Por supuesto que te sigo!!!beso fuerte!!

  2. i can barely contain myself when it comes to shopping on – i keep buying stuff from there! but it's all good stuff that i need of course, haha. the boots on your wishlist have been on my wishlist for months.

  3. love the camel coat!I understand what you mean about 'current cravings' though. I can hardly decide/keep myself from buying this and that!

  4. WOW WOW WOW!! la capa era lo que yo ansiaba por tener pero lo demas, ahora que lo enseñas es precioso pero creo que a mi me quedaria mal ya que soy un poco bajita para llevar esos atuendos xD!! DIOS quiero ver como te quedara a ti.. perfecto? segurobsshttp://paatstyle.blogspot.com

  5. I've just received the boots in the mail yesterday. They are quite difficult to walk in, but I love them so much. They are even more beautiful in real life! I can definitely recommend them.