I found these babies in London walking on Oxford Street last tuesday…

They might not be everybody’s cup of tea but to me they are shoe heaven so lets hope they dont kill my feet after wearing them for few minutes in Paris FW and if they do, oh well, its not like I am not used to it already :S (sad, sad statement).



109 Responses

  1. They are very much my cup of tea! Animal print, especially leopard, is SOOO hot this season. Great buy! Can't wait to see what you pair them up with :o)xoxo.

  2. dear andy,your blog is great i adore it a lot. since i'm also wearing hells everyday, i was wondering what you do when your feet are in pain? it is seriouly the worst feeling ever. hope you have some advice :)- clara, copenhagen

  3. AH! Very rockabilly if you know what i mean. You can never go wrong with a c***per. This ones are just out, with the chunky straight heel. Como hablas espa;ol mejor asi. El a;o pasado sacaron otrso con taco pero esta ocn un taco delgado y se veian realmentes tacky y no me los compre. Hace tiempo no paso por la tienda, justo estana buscando un para de zapatos negros pero todo lo que veo es. BORRRING.

  4. I wouldn't normally love them, but for some reason they're gorgeous, I'm sure you'll do them justice.where are they from?INTOTHEFOLDFASHION.BLOGSPOT.COM

  5. I would walk a thousand miles in these babies even if they killed my feet….just gorgeous! So

  6. Amazing shoes!I loved the leopard print in the black…I can't wait to see in your feet during PFW ;)kisses

  7. Sí, quizá te matarán los pies con estos zapatos, pero son realmente preciosos!! No del tipo que yo suelo ponerme, pero si que me gustan :)un beso!1