I am still in bed, I haven’t left it for almost 30 hours now, I wish I could hide here for a while, but I cant. Its just one of those days where everything seems to go wrong and you cant do anything to stop it or change it.

I stared at my screen for almost 3 hours tearing up, listening to music that was probably making everything worse, flipping through pictures of this summer when I suddenly realized there are so many things I have to be grateful for, yes, I am going through something difficult right now and It will probably take some time to heal, but at the end of the day, I can only look forward.

This summer has to be one of the most amazing, exciting and happy summers I have ever had.
I am so blessed with the amazing people in my life, all the new friends I have made, which I am sure will remain in my life forever(hopefully).

Everything I have seen, everything I have experience, all the opportunities that seem to be rushing towards me lately, it all seems like a dream, but its real, its my life now and I am so grateful for it.
I can only thank every single one of you for being a part of this, for reading my blog every morning, for always supporting me and caring.

This summer has taught me so many things about life, love, friendship and fashion and although I am sad its over, I will not let this stop me, I will carry on strong and I will make my dreams come true, just like I always said I would…



215 Responses

  1. you are so right; things can only get better from here on out. glad to hear you're doing better though. look at the amazing summer you have had!XX

  2. Andy Dear, Keep your head up. I too am going through what seems like one bad thing after another. But there's always tomorrow. You have a large following (including me). Keep in mind there's always a beginning and an end…always.

  3. Andy! Siempre te leo, eres mi blogger favorita y tu estilo me inspira mucho como a miles.No sé por qué momento difícil estés pasando ahora, pero todo eso siempre pasa y queda como una experiencia para el futuro y te hará más fuerte.Has logrado mucho y solo te esperan más triunfos. No te desmorones!Sigue así, que tu dulzura y humildad te llevarán muy lejos!Un beso desde Perú y fuerza!!!

  4. Absolutely beautiful photos! You've had such a great year already and it's not even over yet! Keep thinking positive!

  5. What an amazing summer you had!And I must say I'm very inspired by your text,

  6. woww love your style to the maxxx!!! esp the ones in Florence And Paris:-)check out my fashion blog at thetalesofselfindulgence.blogspot.comjust updated the new post today!!or follow me on twitter at TTOFindulgence

  7. Ahhh, hon. I feel for you.Whatever you are going through, I think you are so fierce for still blogging the days away and staying positive. Big blog-up for you! Much love,

  8. Andy, antes de leer tus palabras he pensado "¡qué suerte tiene esta chica!", pero pronto me ha entristecido ver que aún así hay algo que no te hace feliz…No sé qué es lo que te aflige, pero espero que puedas solucionarlo pronto y que se pase tu tristeza. Como tú dices, tienes mucha gente que te quiere y que está contigo incluso en la distancia. Piensa en ello.Lo estás haciendo muy bien, eres joven y ya tienes una vida que muchas de nosotras querríamos. Estoy segura de que algún día acabarás viviendo en París y cumpliendo todos tus sueños, porque te lo mereces.Un beso y un abrazo muy fuerte. ¡Ánimo! :)

  9. I know how you feel..but you have to look on the bright side dear; you are talented, you traveled a lot, there are more awesome things waiting to come to your life! Good luck and take care:)

  10. You only live once Andy, make the most of life and don't let your time be spent on things that make you feel like crap :( You blog is one of the best ones out there, you should be so proud. Keep smiling, we love you! xxx

  11. Andy!! BUENA VIBRA =) … en verdad eres ejemplo para muchas chavas mexicanas!!, lo que haces es excelente, sé que muchas veces la vida nos pone obstáculos pero saldrás adelante!! ANIMO =)

  12. Andy!! BUENA VIBRA =) … en verdad eres ejemplo para muchas chavas mexicanas!!, lo que haces es excelente, sé que muchas veces la vida nos pone obstáculos pero saldrás adelante!! ANIMO =)

  13. these pictures are amazing and totally depict the most wonderful opportunities in your life that i'm sure you are beyond grateful for. keep your chin up and you will get through these tough times. everything happens for a reason and whatever doesn't kill you, only makes you stronger :)Haute Californian

  14. hey andy eres una gran chica,no hay por que estar tristes recuerda siempre todo lo maravilloso que esta pasando en tu vida…levantate y corre a vivir ese gran sueño !!fotos fabulosascomo una gran fan tuya te deseo lo mejor nunca te des por vencida!love u :)

  15. Andy, te leo desde friaaaa Polonia, eres mi inspiracion (no solo me refiero a la moda) Asi q animo! Hay muchas cosas q hacer! Porque algun dia no vienes a Varsovia:)?

  16. I'm really sorry you feel so down… I don't know what the problem is but I really hope it's not so serious and everything is getting better soon. You have all our love and "virtual" support!Thanx for publishing the picture of us (sorry for the bad quality!)

  17. You are super gorgoeus! Love your blog!Be brave, be strong, be happy, be You, because You are irreplaceable!!! You are unique!!!Ther gone be day when You gone smile about this hard time, because it will be gone and You gone be happy!Cheer up , Andy!!!(;

  18. aaai andy..qe mala onda qe stes asipero enserio qe tienes una vida envidiable!qe daria io por tener oportunidades i experienciascomo las tuias..pero ANIMO!vas a ver qe todo stara bn (:besos i abrazos desde mexico (:

  19. Animo andy!! just look at this pictures! you had an amaaazing summer with amazing people and experiences, sometimes, even tho its hard and it hurts, we just have to stay focus on the bright side and in the good things on our lifes… you are going to get trhou this, we love youuu and you inspire us every day! xoxo desde méxico!:)

  20. Take care Andy. I'm sure everything's gonna be alright!:) I dunno the situation but these things have always helped me:-chocolate or Ben&Jerry's-listen to your favorite music or watch your favorite movie (e.g. Breakfast at Tiffany's )-play with your clothes and accesories :DI hope these'll help :)) and thankyou for the lovely post today :>

  21. Sweetie…I haven't left my bed in 3,4 days – even took time off of work as I could not focus – I am going through such a difficult and painful time and reading your post made me all teary as it made me so unhappy that at that moment there was another person feeling that way…I'm not in the position to offer solace right now, but for what it is worth, do know you are not alone…Hugs..

  22. Seems like you had an awesome summer. I don't know why you are feeling so sad, I dunno if it's got something to do with the things that are going on in Mexico at the min:( I can sympathize with you on that as I know how hard it is to be away from your loved ones. I hope you get back to your nice humble self…Things will get better very soon:) cheer up:)Alicia x

  23. andy what the hell happend to get you so upset? =( be strong! i dont know you in person butt i know that you are a very talented girl! dont let anything stop you! you will get over it!xxArzu

  24. looks like an absolutely amazing summer, and you've looked fabulous the whole way! If there's anyone who can make those dreams come true, it's you!

  25. we all are supportiv to you dear Andy!!after a storm there is always the sun: aprés la pluie,il ya le beau temps!xoxo

  26. Dear Andy,It's ok to be sad once in a while… I mean, life isn't perfect, right? but it'll pass and you'll be as fab as always!!! You are a huge inspiration for me and for many girls… keep rockin' it Andy!!!!Besos desde Méxicoooo!!! :*Bety

  27. Hi Andy, I'm a relatively new reader and I just want to say I'm so sorry to read that you're going through a tough time. The tough times make you stronger though! And you are an admirable and strong woman :)

  28. Looks like an incredible summer — always, always look to the positives in your life when you feel like you're being thrown a bunch of negatives. I truly hope things start looking up soon!

  29. Hey Andy!!!!… Vamos!, Deseo que todo cuanto este cruzando por tu corazón y mente, en este momento, pueda ser resuelto… No podemos darte consejos para superar momentos de adversidades, pues son circunstancias que solo tú entiendes… Lo único que personalmente puedo decirte es que eres una chica triunfadora!, y has obtenido crecer y salir adelante en un mundo en el podría resultar casi! imposible hacerlo!, pero tú nos demuestras que todo es factible en esta vida!.. Para estos tiempos en donde nuestro país, México, esta siendo atacado por tantas malas nuevas, es un gusto ver, que Mexicanos como tú pueden llevar en alto el nombre de nuestro País… Animo!.. Dios siempre nos da la respuesta a nuestras preguntas…Recuerdo la frase de ese tatuaje de la modelo, de mis favoritas, Freja Beha: "This Too Shall Pass"….Abrazos y buenos deseos desde México!…

  30. I've been following your blog for a couple of months now and not just because of your passion for fashion but also because of your way to see things in life…so please follow your own motto "do NOT let negative thoughts get on the way". Thanks to you i've learned to live my life to the fullest and appreciate everything i have, i really do think you can accomplish anything u want…so c'mon get out there and have FUN!!!

  31. Hola Andy,Espero que te vas a sentir mejor muy rapidito, tu sonriente transmite tu autenticidad y no queremos verte así con tristeza guapa!Un abrazo desde Montréal,Aurélie

  32. Wow, looks like you had a beautiful summer! It’s great to see that you still look to the bright things! Everyone has some bad times once in a while, some worse than other, but I’m sure you’ll get over it soon! I wish you the best and you can be sooooo proud of all the things you’ve reached already!

  33. So proud of you to be able to look at the life you've built around you and be grateful, rather than taking things for granted. You truly are a blessed girl, and you have so many fans that are here for you any time of the day (including me!). Keep it up, Andy, keep dreaming and wishing and working towards your goals. You've got an amazing life ahead of you.<3

  34. this has to be one of the longest but also best post i have ever read. thank-you:)i hope you get better soon, so you can go out there and take pictures of your awesome life!!<3www.makeaboldstatement.blogspot.comxx,sagalina

  35. woww!! i really like this post!! this are your best summer, i think!! and you must to be very happy now for this reasoon!!very kisses darling!!

  36. OHHHH mY GOOOOSH!!!! YOur SHOES in Florence!!!?? Are those Louboutins? Amazing they're probably the highest / prettiest ones I've seen so far! You must be almost 2 m with those!?xoxo,Luísa

  37. Dear Andy,A typical dutch saying is "behind the clouds the sun is shining", good things are waiting for the shitty things to move over, and they always do eventually.You inspire me daily with the way you live your life. I'm working hard getting out of a depression, and it's the hardest thing i've ever done. Looking at your blog is for me a moment to relax and remember things will get better if you believe in it.Thank you,Ari

  38. ANDY TE LEO DESDE ARGENTINA, aspiro a ser como vos desde la primera ves que te leí hace unos meses, eres mi idola y te entiendo que en los momentos difíciles aveces no queda otra que dejarse vencer en la cama pero arriba yo pase por cosas muy fuertes y después el tiempo te ayuda a levantarte y recuperarte pero siempre con amigos, los amigos levantan muchísimo así que muchísima suerte y recupera te pronto, te deseo lo mejor y mucho cariño desde acá. Se ve que eres una muy buena persona, humilde, y original muchísima suerte te mereces lo mejor así que arriba !

  39. I really love all of your outfits, you're such an inspiration to me! Don't be sad, next year will bring a new summer :)You're amazing!

  40. Mucha fuerza y ánimo Andy! nunca te rindas porque el que la sigue la consigue. Mi consejo para superar los malos momentos es estar con gente a la que quieres para olvidarte de lo malo, poco a poco irá pasando ya lo verás. Tu blog es genial :) me encanta leerte cada dia

  41. Esos días tontos los tenemos todos, y al final siempre acaban pasando!! Has tenido un verano muy intenso, a muchas de nosotras nos encantaría poder vivir tan sólo un 10% de lo que vemos por tu blog!! Andy me encantas, eres super dulce y siempre con los pies en la tierra, sigue asi porque seguro que te vendrán cosas impresionantes!!Y no estés triste, un besito muy grande^^

  42. Love all the photos! I love how you can always be positive, and although you don't feel well, you still think of the good things. Good luck and hope you feel better soon!

  43. dear andy , I hope you will be better soon .. days or times like this are always in life but you have to carrie on , and you will do this on your own way I'm sure. You are such a stron person and you will take it all :-) ♥♥ much love

  44. aww. with talent like yours, im sure you'll be able to make your dreams come true! :D good luck andy! i'll forever be a fan :D

  45. u have to carry on…after the rain, there will be sunshine :-))life is always an up and down.but i`m sure you`re a strong person!!!xxxx

  46. el vestido negro que llevas en una de las fotos con unos taconazos leopardo vas super elegantísima…y estas genial con el flequillo recto!!!!

  47. Para disfrutar los buenos momentos tienes que pasar por los malos, es la experiencia que te hace apreciarlos aún más si cabe.Además, las malas rachas te hacen crecer como persona :DAquí en España decimos que no hay mal que cien años dure.Besos y ánimo.Rita

  48. "I believe that we create our own reality, I am sure of it. I visualize my life, I know what I want and I think about it and I attract it. I dont let any negative thoughts at all get into my head because the moment you start doubting yourself, then who's gonna believe in you?" -Andy TorresHearing you say that really inspired me; I didn't have a great summer and I know all about not wanting to get out of bed, but I've realized that no matter what happens you can't give up as long as we're alive we have another chance to make things right, to do better, to be happy. Cheer up and good luck with everything :)

  49. Dear Andy, I'd love to do something for you, I don't know what's happened but I hold you so strongly…Remember your sttrong personality and what you say in your very last interview: never let bad things win against you!!!

  50. Hi dear..I follow your blog for a long time right now.. you're so sweet and beautiful and fashionable!I admire you. Be always the same, 'cause you perfect. Your photos are so nice and I think you summer was so fantastic.. Good luck for everything.A lot of big kisses

  51. Nothing and anyone can stop you of living your dream.!Everyone has this kind of days…I'm sure you'll SHINE very soon!!You are my role model .!much love and support,Alexandra.

  52. looks like you had a summer that every girl would dream of- jet setting across europe! you look beautiful in every city! xoxo avs

  53. La verdad es que tienes una vida estupenda, has pasado un verano increible y me da un monton de envidia(de la sana! jaja) yo me la he pasado encerrada en casa con lo que me gusta viajar..Pero bueno no todo el mundo tiene tu suerte asi que aprovechala y disfruta de todo lo que puedas por mi y por todos tu adorables seguidores (:Mejoratee y animate Andy! 1 besitoo,estoy deseando ver la siguiente FW! Love uuu! :D

  54. when one door closes another opens….everything happens for a reason even though at the time you never see that. Cheer up love from Manchester, England xxxx

  55. What doesn't kill you, make you stronger. I don't know why you are bad and sad but I hope you're gonna be better as soon as possible and that you're gonna go through it in the best way for you

  56. This is the best post I've ever seen in any fashion blog. And when I say that I really mean it! Just ike you always said you would make your dreams come true, I say I hope you'll continue dreaming big and make every single dream come true. Thank you for being there to inspire us every day and remember we're here for you too.-The Trendy Fashionista

  57. Ay niña no sé que es lo que te está pasando, pero ya verás como todo se supera, solo necesitas estar un poco más fuerte para poder afrontarlo.Te mando mucho cariño y muchos bss para que vuelva la Andy positiva de siempre!!!

  58. Don't be sad! Eat some chocolate and come out of bed! (:I adore you posts!!lots of love

  59. I don't know what you are dealing with right now, but I wish you the best and I hope you'll get better soon. I always enjoy reading your blog and looking at the wonderful, stunning and sometimes funny pictures. You've had a lovely summer and you deserved it!!!Love,Elise

  60. Hola Andy!Me llamo cristina soy española, aunque durante el año vivo en LondresQueria decirte que adoro tu blog y que te mando todo mi apoyo. Mucho ánimo y no estés triste porque hay mucha gente que te aprecia y que te admira muchisimo como yo.Un saludo con mucho amor desde España!

  61. Hey Andy, I know this is probably none of my business but I think that whatever has happened (you better tell us, readers, what's wrong hah!) it will be better :) Because we all know the strong Andy you are! The one and only! :)So smile, smile, smile, you're the best so fuck the rest :)

  62. I don't know what makes you sad gorgeous girl, but what I know is that you're stong, and amazing, you'll get through this I'm pretty sure of it.Keep doing what you do, keep smiling, and blowing people, keep sharing what you share with us. Your followers will always be there for you, no matter what.LovePS : Come back in Paris soon! I love your french accent, so cute! (I've already said that on you interview lol I'm "ChloeeDerinox"

  63. Carry on Andy! We love you! Everything comes for a reason in life! Never forget that! Keep blogging…I hope all of your dreams to come true!Kiss from Greece!

  64. Very inspirational words, Andy. Whatever it is that you're going through right now, I'm sure you'll pick yourself up in time to come. I've been a follower of your blog for quite some time now and have read and seen everything from the start…I don't know you personally but I think you're a really strong and smart person who works for what she wants, so I know you're going to be just fine. All the best

  65. It's ok to feel down once in a while – life is all about ups and downs. Remember, it's when the going gets tough that you are learning most (you don't want to hear that today but after some time, you know that it's right…) I've had my fair share of tough days, too, and in the end of the day thats what forms your personality.Just accept it and accept help from your friends, welcome the comfort they are offering you. You don't have to be strong all the time.You are a great person, we (your readers) love you. If I was in Amsterdam right now, I would bring you cake and cocoa – that always helps!

  66. You're the best Andy!And you have here the thousands readers that love you and support you and I'm one of these readers…Best wishes for you Andy, you have all for win! :)kisses

  67. Girl, this is a great post. Good you realize that you are so lucky. Many girls would switch places with you. I hope you feel better soon and remember you have a lot of great readers behind you and that the future will hold great things for you!Good luck!

  68. Hi Andy! I'm sorry to hear you are going through something really tough right now! Keep your head held high and remember that you can and will get through it! What a fabulous post about summer! This is one of my favourite posts you have written. Your style never ceases to wow me! :) I especially loved some of your outfits in London and the one with your leather green shorts in Paris! :) Take care, Ciao,Zoe ♥

  69. Maybe you feel a little sad and weird because you travelled around Europe the whole summer with lots of people, action, different things everyday and now you have this quite times for a couple of days to think and recapitulate all the stuff you had expierienced. I know it from myself that I'm a person who needs action and a "good stress level" to feel alive. Keep your head up Andy!

  70. There are always good days after bad days. So stay strong!!xxx

  71. Andy thank you for continuously inspiring me/us!! sound like you need a sunny break come down to australia its coming into spring =D

  72. Dear sweetheart❤:everymorning when i wake up,I'm so happy to look forward to read your blog.You are so nature and beautiful.I think people always have a lot of problems in their daily life. We must be strong and sometimes just move on.So… Baby❤ take it easy.You always have us on your side.xoxoBearbabie

  73. . andy, your are great!!. your blog is one of my absolut favorites!. i'm looking forward to many more great entries from you.. love,

  74. OMA,Such an amazing post. U are so so real! I fully understand your feelings and I am really glad that u are such a beautiful human being! U are the best! I hope that there's gonna be a brighter day and you will continue in your perfect work:)

  75. Like you said, I go to your blog every morning just to see what is going on in Andy's fashionable life today, and it never disapoints. What an amazing summer you have just had – and I'm sure the first of many like it to come. Thankyou for always sharing with us and being the open person that you are. You look amazing in every picture =) I only hope that this may cheer you up a little whilst you are feeling down.Love, Nickyat:

  76. Wow, what an amazing places you have been to, I really love your style and your vintage moschino, I love it! ♥ Britt

  77. Hope it all turns out for the best, and be grateful that you have a wonderful career and blog to concentrate on if other things aren't going quite so well. I am sure you will get over it and come out even stronger at the other side. We're all rooting for you. :)

  78. Wow, I had no idea you were going through something tough. You are amazing for having the professionalism to keep on doing your thing. I know that from what I've read and seen about you, you will eventually heal. Don't forget that suffering is part of human life, and that humans make mistakes. All of your fans support you, you already know that! You can overcome anything Andy, just like you said in the last interview, take the negative thoughts and energies out of your mind! I also understand that healing is a slow process, but have faith, pray to god, and all will turn out okay. Hope you'll pull through this, I know you can!All my love from me and all your fans!Ricardo G.

  79. Hi Andy, going trough a difficult time isn't fun. And it just happened to me, so I understand it completely. But you are also right about your opportunities you've got. You can travel so much and doing the things you love :) So come on and keep up the good work!

  80. I just want to tell you that I'm gonna everyday on your blog to check your updates. It's really nice of you to make us share your life, your outfits, your trips via your blog and to update it daily. So I just want to say THANK YOU :DHope you'll feel better soon. All your readers are behind you. Stay as you are, you're just amazing and gorgeous!A faithful reader xx

  81. Beautifull pictures,and I really hope you get true this, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger!Hope you get better soon,Love your blog!x Yasmine

  82. I really hope you feel better soon, it breaks my heart to know your heart is broken.I know we have never met, but I guess I am talking on behalf of the majority of your readers.Because you post so frequently and in such detail, we feel like we know you. And you are seriously amazing. You should be incredibly proud of yourself, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. No one can take your success away from you.Keep strong! Big hugs!

  83. Hi Andy,I'm really touched by your post today. Somehow, it reminds me to your previous posts in years of 2008 and 2009 where you said that you felt pretty positive about good things coming to your life and you also felt that this is the beginning of something.You kept thinking positive on every thing in your life. And it came true, good things did come to your life! I learned a lot from you Andy. It made me realize that I always have to think positive!Thanks for that Andy, for inspiring all your readers!

  84. Hold on. Life sometimes behaves badly with us, but then it brings us pleasant surprises. We just have to be positive and move on. You'll see that everything is gonna be OK. I hope these words will make you feel betterBesos de Mallorca

  85. You have been to really amazing places this summer and I really hope you feel better soon, and whatever you are going trow just think about that everything is going to get better and you will get pass this

  86. Andy:Yo soy chilena pero vivo en Mexico, hace 5 años. Me encanta tu blog y sigo cada post que haces. Desde ayer veo que algo paso en tu vida. Te mando toda mi buena vibra y mi apoyo. Mis oraciones están contigo. Tu tomate tu tiempo en sanar lo que tengas que sanar, porque cada proceso es unico.Con cariño,Fran

  87. I think these are great words!Love this post for all the pics and your words are so true!I always follow you!Great job girl!

  88. Hi Andy, I always read your blog (every day) and I never write anything, and I really envy the way of your life, so, I don't know what's the problem, but I have seen al least 3 hearts in your photos…if it's a "loving problem", I sure your are strong enought to go over, and if it's another kind of problem, keep on doing your dream. We need your blog!! It's an inspiration all over the world! Lot of kisses from Spain. Queen R.

  89. Lovely pics Andy! You had a great summer indeed. Everyone hits a bump in the road once in a while, but things happen for a reason.. If it's ment to be this way than so it is! You have lots of amazing things to look forward to.xx. Nikita

  90. oh andy,as a reader,we cannot really do much as we do not know your situation or the root of the problem. we can only lend a virtual 'shoulder' for you,listen to your woes & have your best intentions at heart. whatever it is,just pray to God & loike what you say,move forward. life is all about living AND learning.all the best to you!xxAmanda from Malaysiaps:this is only my 2nd time commenting here,but iam still an avid reader & a fan! :)

  91. Awwww, just reading this post I thought how much I envy u form doing this and being able to go back and forth the world, still have solid life in Amsterdam! Hopefully, it will all get better for you. It has to! You're an amazing woman, who is capable of doing everything that she often said that you are a positive person, so think positive, and eventually things will get better.Loads of love from Croatia.A.

  92. You are very talented. Keep accomplishing your dreams. Eres una mujer independiente y trabajadora por eso te admiro mucho. Espero que te sientas mejor!

  93. Sure you're strong enough to face it, everything it is and be proud of your work with the blog, I check it out each single morning because I really like it! hope you feel better soon.

  94. Andy eras una inspiracion ahora eres mucho mas, que bonitas palabras. that's the way people know that something has worth it. (: and as always so beautifullxx

  95. We all have those days and moments, we all deserve extended sleep and high caloric foods every now and then. Its good to see your still seeing the positives, hope you feel better soon :)xoxo R

  96. all these pictures are wonderful! You look lovely in all of them and in all of these cities. It seems like you've had an amazing summer!I love your outfits :)love from ParisMarine / Another fucking fashionista

  97. Oh come on Andy! Get up and stop the mourning, as there is no reason to feel the way you do! You're an incredibly lucky girl, so just enjoy your life! :o)xoxo

  98. aspiro a ser como tú! estoy en un momento difícil también, pero leyendo tu blog y fantasear acerca de un día tener una vida como la tuya. :) es la verdad…eres mi blogger favorita! siempre tan dulce, honesto y humilde. y la mas importante: originale!start to write some posts with spanish again; being so comfortable in your mind will help you cope with whatever you're dealing with…:)xoxo

  99. wow, this is such a fabulous post about your summer. like the pic and you can be so grateful for all your experience in every single city. there will be some days like yours, but think about your friends and family and see what you have done, so I'll hope the next day will be start much better… Have a nice weekend :)xoxo Claudia

  100. What a fabulous summer you've had babe!!! Good things are waiting for you I'm sure of it… so cheer up, dress up, buy yorself something fabulos and keep inspiring us!Love,xxx