And the countdown officially begins…Only one more week to go for my trip to Copenhagen Fashion Week, just another 7 short (or long) days.

I cant wait get there, It has been one of my dream destinations for such a long time and my love for all things Scandinavian makes it even more exciting!
I will be reporting all my adventures from Fashion Week so please stay tuned and if you live in Denmark, don’t forget to come to the Worlds greatest Catwalk on Saturday the 14th at 3 p.m. on Strøget.


Por fin empieza el conteo oficial…Hoy exactamente een una semana me voy a la semana de la moda en Copenhague, otros 7 cortos (o largos) dias y llego, por fin.

Es uno de los lugares en Europa de los que siempre había querido conocer y mi amor por todas las cosas en Escandinavia lo hace aun mas emocionante.

No se pierdan mis coberturas de la Semana de la moda y si de casualidad estas en Dinamarca en esos dias, espero verte por las calles de Copenhague!


Blazer: Vintage Retro London
Shoes: H&M


178 Responses

  1. I think i might have mentioned it already but i love this blazer… and the shoes are just gorgeous!XoXoFiamma

  2. Haha, I'm still wondering.. I also are leaving to København in a couple of days. Do you perhaps know any great shops, or.. perhaps you can ask your readers haha! Anyway, have fun there, maybe I will see you there! Love, Nina

  3. LOVE YOUR STYLE, YOUR PICS AND EVERYTHING! Visit my blog if you want. (ok people? VISIT IT! ). Greetings from Spain! Muchos saludos!Estoy empezando un blog y ver la suerte que tienes, tu estilo y hasta donde has llegado me da mucha fuerza para seguir tus pasos. Un beso desde España :)

  4. Great look! I soooo want those shoes, I'll be devastated if I miss out when they are released

  5. Love your jacket and it's colour! I'm living in Copenhagen and I'm looking very much forward to see this catwalk, I think it is going to be amazing! Hope I'll like Copenhagen :)

  6. I LOVE that blazer!I live in Copenhagen and hope you will have a lot of fun here! I definitely love this city :)I find your blog so inspiring – thank you!Mette

  7. You're so pretty ! Love your style !This jacket is amazing, I really like this color… And I'm in love with the boots <3Bravo !xxx

  8. I am head over heels for this blazer! I've been keeping an eye out for one similar, but so far no luck.Sally

  9. I just fell in love with your blazer & with your blog! :]"Fashion fades, only style remains the same" – Coco Chanel

  10. You've probably noticed that everyone LOVES your blazer…it really is perfect, very oldey-worldey. Wonderful, and I look forward to hearing about your next adventure. :)

  11. That blazer is ah-mazing. [green is my fave color…especially emerald green]Love your booties too! Very hott!And your bag is super cool!xxJen

  12. me mola tu estilo. Pero te queria dar un consejo. estudio diseño y te recomendaria que cambiases el heading de tu pagina porque no es muy atractivo, se ve sucio e infantil. Le daria un toque mas sencillo y glamuroso si fuera tú. Es un consejo amistoso y constructivo, aun asi me encantan tus fotosun beso desde españa

  13. love that jacket and those shoes are awesome too! Via Spiga has a pair similar to those that are on my wish list!xoxo, <– Texas gal bloggin fashion from NYC!

  14. Thank you so much guys, you are the sweetest and yes! I cant wait ti show you what CPH has to offer! Exciting times are coming!!! and I am VERY happy!♥

  15. Andy, you look FREAKIN' GORGEOUS! My God! You make me want to wear padded shoulders '80's blazers, because you look so amazing in this blazer. The cut, the color, it all works. And you come across SO VIBRANT, so full of life, the best kind of beauty. (And healthy too, I might add. YOU look very, very healthy!)Have fun in Copenhagen. A dream of mine as well, so I can live vicariusly through you! Enjoy. I am looking forward to your posts on Cope's fashion week. xo. -Bella Q

  16. Anonymous:I am a very tall girl (1.80) and thats why I look so skinny, of course I am healthy and I would never give my readers the message of being unhealthy, that is way too silly.The fact that I am skinny doesn't mean I am unhealthy, I eat what I like and I visit the gym regularly. I keep in shape thanks to discipline, it has nothing to do with being unhealthy.XA

  17. HI!GOSH the jacket is gorgeous!!!you look great!like always!high 5 from germany!natalie n juli

  18. Andy I was just wondering… are you healthy? You look a bit underweight for your height, and if you are that's not a very good message you are sending to young readers.

  19. Breath taking!!! It's so amazing! Love your jacket, sunglasses, shoes, bag…I love whole your outfit!! :)Great great great! :)

  20. remember that blazer from your previous outfit posts and have always loved! looks great with your jeans and white T!

  21. Looking forward to welcome you in Copenhagen… I live there myself and I hope you'll have a nice trip:) /Simone/fashionmanifest

  22. sublime sublime sublime sublime sublime sublime sublime sublime sublime sublime sublime sublime sublime sublime sublime sublime sublime sublime sublime sublime sublime sublime sublime sublime sublime sublime sublime sublime sublime sublime sublime sublime :)xoxo

  23. what a lovely blazer:)it's adorable…and these shoes are to die for;)btw…your blog is of my favourites…