
73 Responses

  1. Sorry for the ritard! But I want to tell you: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3

  2. happy happy bday andy!!! thank you for dropping by my blog and leaving a wonderful comment :) you don't know how much it means to me :) :) :) it made my day! my week even! thank you andy!!!!!!!!!!! i hope i can meet you in person someday! j'adore! bisous xx

  3. 0la andy!! antes q nah amo amo masivo tu blog me encanta y FELIZ CUMPLEAÑOS!! pues t djo esthe regalo a largo plaso jaja pues es un blog d una xica alejandra mi ex mejor amiga pero eso no impida q dibuje hermozo ii estaria muy bien si tuvieras un dibujo d ella inspirado en ti hay estha visitalo xfavpor ii dejale un coment q te haga el dibujo q viri te recomendo asi dile plis sq ahporita ella no me habla..bueno espero q seamos amigas biie!!!

  4. 0la!!!! ants q nada FELIZ CUMPLEAÑOS!! amo amo asi mazivo thu blog stha heneal ii qisiera q visitaras esthe tiene muuuy pocas ii malas nothas jzjz bueno no malas pero puede escribir mejor creeme pero eso si dibuja muuuy bn se iiama alejandra rafael ii es..era mi mejor amiga pero estaria henial q tuvieras en thu blog un dibujo d ti hecho x ella plis visitalo ii comenthalo bueno me voe ii q cumplas muxos mas cumples divrtidizimos ehh!!

  5. Hi Andy, happy birthday! I read your blog everyday and never leave any comments so i though today was the perfect day to do it!I read tons of blogs about fashion but yours is probably my favourite one because you update it almost everyday and you're so classy, your look is so different in the sense that you always put your personal touch in your looks and at the same time you're so trendy! So keep doing what you do, its a real pleasure to discover the fashion world through you!!happy birthday again

  6. I want to wish you a happy birthday, GIRL!Hoping you have a great party, party!xx. your lovely

  7. ohh, You're SO sweet! :DHappy Birthday, Andy.(I found your blog recently, but since then that I've visit it.)Kisses*****

  8. feliz cumpleanos atrasado andy! te deseo lo mejor del mundo y espero que disfrutes el dia como nunca.. tu sabes qe aqui en Mexico te apreciamos mucho y eres un gran ejemplo para nosotras las chicas mexicanas porque estas cumpliendo tus suenos y asi demuestras que las mexicanas tambien podemos :)

  9. Happy Birthday to you happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday to you :D que la pases muy bien en tu cumple Andy :)

  10. H.A.P.P.Y. B.I.R.T.H.D.A.Y. A.N.D.Y. !!!ps: know you're super busy but if there is ONE special place (shop, museum or restaurant) you love in Amsterdam that you would recommend me to visit for next w-e, please let me know, merci beaucoup!

  11. Gefeliciteerd!!By the way, do you actually speak (a little) dutch since you live in Amsterdam?Fijne verjaardag ;)

  12. Hope you've had a GREAT day. Can't wait to see the photos of the night and hope somebody got you a new camera. :)

  13. im spanish but i understand very well all your words!! your voice is so beautiful!!congratulations for all the comments and things you received for your birthday.very kisses :D

  14. Gefeliciteerd, maak er nog een leuke dag van! Ik weet niet of je Nederlands spreekt, maar ik denk wel dat je het begrijpt. Je blog is heel mooi & inspiratievol, dankjewel ! Liefs.

  15. You're more than welcome Andy!The video is really cute. Thank you for thanking us and making the video. That was really sweet. Happy happy Birthday! -The Trendy Fashionista

  16. HAPPY BDAY DEAR ANDY!!!Have a lot of fun today, and remember that I'm waiting for your very next photos ;)!!!With much love, Chiara T