Yesterday was Amsterdam Fashion Week’s kick off and alongside with the opening party, we saw the fist 2 shows
by Spijkers en Spijkers and Iris van Herpen.

I was having a horrible day (you all know why) but Its good that I decided to go and change my mind for a bit.

The party was good, I saw a lot of people I haven’t seen for a while or since last season and the Iris Van Harpen show was amazing, so stay tuned for pics!

P.S- I wanted to thank Sabrina and Ilanka for helping me take pics for todays post! (Thank you so much girls!!!), now I am off to bed again, don’t feel well at all.

Hope you are having a better start of the say.



146 Responses

  1. Hei Andy! First of all happy birthday with a little delay :P! And second, where is the skirt from? I just love it! You look great!xoxox

  2. sooo cute outfitt! the skirt is soo pretty!but i miss sometimes the clothes that you created (like a the beginning of ur blog :()but your style is amazing :)xo from

  3. Hi Andy! I love your blog and the outfit!Your style is fabulous! I'm from Brazil and your blog is famous here!xxFê

  4. I really love your outfit! You're probably one of the most stylish people at Amsterdam Fashion Week. I hope you'll feel better soon. Maybe you should rest a little, you're probably exhausted from fashion week. Best Wishes-The Trendy Fashionista

  5. i look pretty amazing… and the pics are fantastic… so don't let anytrhing get you down, ok!?xoxolady

  6. Mygosh Andy I think I love you!Haha, no but seriously,you have the best style ive seen in ages and your such an inspiration. Thanks for always posting your incredible outfits.xx Sophie

  7. Mygosh Andy I think I love you!Haha, no but seriously,you have the best style ive seen in ages and your such an inspiration. Thanks for always posting your incredible outfits.xx Sophie

  8. Love the outfit, can't wait to see the photos from the show! Also, hope your camera will work out!

  9. Don't worry, girl!!! I had the same problem last year, which actually was my fault as I'd dropped my camera from quite a height… Got it fixed, so maybe there's still a chance for your baby to get well! ;o)BTW, gorgeous and classy outfit! xxx

  10. te ves hermosa me encanta el color de la blusa y la falda es tan bonita:DAndy cheer up! no te pongas triste disfruta del fashion week no dejes q se te arruine esta chevere epoca muchos besos

  11. Hey Andi,this outfit looks gorgeous!Which nail polish do you use? I' searching a nail polish (color) like this since weeks! Please help me :)Greetings from a German Fan

  12. Andy don't be upset! You have two wonderful friends who helped you taking pics for today post :D I'm sure that everything is going to be ok for your camera, and if it doesn't you can buy another one ♥Giulia

  13. OMG i don´t know what i would do without my cam.. :( i feel so sorry for you! but i love love love your outfit, it really gives a feeling of lightness :) x Leni

  14. Aaaaaaaaaaaaandy no estés mal! Sales fantástica en las fotos, tienes unas amigas bloggers estupendas! El outfit es genial :)Ya verás como lo de tu cámara se arreglará pronto, mucho ánimo, vale?Besitos desde España!

  15. omg. i love this outfit! i love most of your outfits, but i really love this! where didyou get your top! :) This is also my first comment on your page, but I've been a follower for a while ^_______^

  16. amazing!I don't have words, I love your outfit <3I'd like to make a request,if you someday can make a video with your accesories and the make up who you love wearing.well that :) Hope you good :D

  17. your outfit is awesome!the green of the blouse is so beuatiful and the skirt is very elegant,the whole outfit is elegant!

  18. Sorry to hear about your cam! well you look amazing as ususaly love your top paired with the gorg skirt and nice to see Ilanka pop in the pics too.. i love her!

  19. hey lovely!you take care… you see, you've got good friends around to support you! so Smile and go ahead! We want the super Positive Andy back! you won't let a broken camera let you down huh!! remember your dreams and go forward!xoxo

  20. Great combi!!!XOXOBianca

  21. hey andy sorry for the camera, i'm trying to spread the voice on the net and make some pression on canon :Pthe outfit is gorgeous, tell us what you wore!!

  22. You definitely hide your annoyance well, because you look sublimely happy and gorgeous in every one of these shots. Love that green/black outfit, very striking and the blouse especially is fab. :)

  23. Espero que hoy te encuentres mejor. Aun así tenías un aspecto increible ayer, un look muy bonito, me encanta.Besos de Mallorca

  24. Hola guappaaaaa !!! siempre estas super !!! que lastima para tu camera …. que se puede hacer !? Bueno …. tiengo mi nuevo bloggggg para hablar con la jente de donde se puede encontrar roba en internettttt ……solo lo tiengo da dos dìas y hoy ho hablato de tu "blog's shop" !!! mmmm me gusta tu pajìna ! espero te vas a gustar mi post !! un besito

  25. Beautiful! Love your blouse! That color suits you well ;)Great photos, hope you will get a new camera soon or be able to fix yours! I would give you mine if I were closer ;)

  26. Dear Andy.I always think you have a super nice and easy makeup on, which I admire you for being able to lay. Maybe you could one day make a statement with your makeup tips and favorite products, or a video blog where you put your day makeup on? It would be super exciting for me as a loyal Danish reader to see.:-)- Naja

  27. Lovely outfit! I love it <3But what happened to your camera? Why is it broken? I hope you can repair it soon or get another one :)have a nice day!Hugs, Ioana

  28. your readers are there for yoy it seems like <3 Smile Andy, I know it is going to be good again soon..And that greeen colour blouse is so stunning!! :) Love it..Kissesttp://

  29. OMG …i am so so so so so sorry ….what a disaster! You will definitely resolve the problem…anyway you look pretty in that top from zara! Really nice fabric!!kisses

  30. wow, you look so amazing andy! love the bustier under the silk blouse. you got such an amazing fashion sensibility!X

  31. Andy you look beautiful! I love every piece of this outfit…but please don't be so sad…everything will be OK, I keep my fingers crossed for you honey! Be positive even if I know it's really hard to…Hope you'll get better soon!

  32. You poor darling, I cannot imagine anything worse than my camera breaking. The timing for you on top of everything else makes the whole situation so much more awful.On a brighter note, you do look so beautiful my dear! I LOVE the draped sea green blouse.xxxx

  33. I love your outfit! And it gives me really a lot of inspiration for what to wear on friday at aifw! I hope I can see you there too!