Ever since I got my hands on my CANON EOS 450D, we have been inseparable and how can we not, she is my baby, the core of StyleScrapbook, without her there wouldn’t be any pretty pictures.

Although today, disaster stroke… no need to get into details but my camera has passed away, at the beginning of Fashion Week season, with so many projects, trips and plans ahead, I couldn’t be more devastated.

From a very sad, desperate and hopeful Andy

91 Responses

  1. So sorry to hear that Andy!If you're getting yourself a new one, try to get the Canon 7D/550D they're amazingggg! and reallyyy really good for videos! Good luck Andy. xxx

  2. OMG ! I understand why you're so upset… I'm gonna buy the EOS 550D, I long for it !!!But you still did nice pix recently, do you have another camera ?Love your blogxxx

  3. i normally dont comment,tho iam a fan! but cheer my dear,maybe you could 'revive' the camera,there must be a way! :)xx

  4. awww so sad, i'm soryy to hear that Andy, maybe Canon can help, please contact Canon customer service, perhaps they can help you…and i have Kodak SLR pro, and i can't be without my camera, and when my camera was broken i really sad too..get well soon for your camera Andy :)

  5. Really Really Sorry When my Nikon it Broken I was Devasteded I only want CryI understand youI only hope who the people of Canon Ready the mails and see you blog and give you a new camara.

  6. That's terrible! I just got my Rebel XS and I LOVE LOVE LOVE IT! I feel your pain! I lost my canon digital elf right before graduation… Hopefully a replacement is in the very near future! <33

  7. OMG! I so can relate! Today my Nikon (my baby) died on me..water damage =(Anyway, from one "fashion" photographer to another. I wish you the best in either restoring your camera or getting a new one.~Nina

  8. ¡¡Hola!!Os esperamos en el nuevo blog de Factory donde encontrareis tendencias y moda a los mejores precios¿Os apuntáis?

  9. incredible canon!!!great photos you will do with it!congratulations :Dvery kisses

  10. good luck Andy! Hopefully they'll hear or better read your prayers ;)mucha suerte carinjo!!xoxo,Luísa

  11. Poor Andy!I'm soo soo sorry!Valentina from Fashion Trotter – 100% italian street style

  12. Oh my god, that is absolutely terrible? Nothing is replaceable or fixable?I would hate to hav esomething similar happen to me. I use a Nikon. It's not very good.XX.Mae Lu, thereafterish.

  13. Dont you have a guarentee for that? Call CANON, maybe there is anny sort of chance and your camera will be fixed. Keeping my fingers croessed for you, Andy !

  14. Feel so sorry for you.. that's like one of my biggest fears (among losing loved ones and something hurting my MacBook Air..)Hope you'll get a new one soon! I've got my fingers crossed..

  15. Oh Sweeetheart!I`m sooo sorry!What will you and we do without your Canon?We all love your blog and need the inspiration of your pictures.Hope you`ll find a solution.Kisses****

  16. oh andy, we keep pur fingers cross for your canno – this great camera gives us a lot of amazing pictures – let's think about your fashion week in paris. pictures were just amazing.hope everything be i said before!keep my fingers cross.xoxoeveline

  17. Hey Love,Change but to buy in your last line (request to Canon). I hope they help you out! I don't know what I'd do w/o my camera.. We blog ladies need cameras! Good Luck Andy!xoxoStevi

  18. Poor you dear! I'mmmmmmm so sad for you! I understand you so much my camera is like my baby too and I can't imagine the day when it's gonna die… Hope somebody gonna bring you help soon! I just can't live without your blog : )

  19. oH NO ANDYYY!!!entiendo como te sientes perfectamente, hace un mes y algo se me cayó la cámara al suelo y dio con el objetivo, y cuando la cogí e intentaba hacer una foto hacía un ruido horrible… me puse a llorar y llamé a mi novio desesperada, ¿que iba a hacer con el blog? no quería sacar fotos con la cámara digital porque habíamos avanzado mucho y eso era un paso hacia atrás…finalmente al día siguiente cuando la cogí hacía bien las fotos, como por arte de magia, de vez en cuando hace un ruidito, sé que tengo que llevarla a arreglar, pero no tengo otro objetivo y ahora mismo no puedo dejar el blog sin publicaciones :(((mucho ánimo, con la cantidad de seguidores y visitas que tienes estoy segura de que los de Canon, muy majetes ellos te mandarán una cámara o algo así…un besito!!!

  20. Entiendo tu dolor ): si algo le pasara a mi cámara creo que me pondria histerica. Pero ojala que por el momento puedas conseguir alguna prestada, tal vez? Y que tu cámara magicamente decida funcionar otra vez LOL.

  21. don't cry Andy! nothing will be able to replace it but you'll get a new on in no time…you deserve it!good

  22. awwww…I know how yuo feel,I had a fantasic manual reflex camera (it was my mum's) and it just died.. no it just stays on a shelf looking very sad..

  23. OMG ANDY. As we say in Brazil, "a bruxa tá solta" (la bruja está suelta – no sé si hace sentido en castellano!). Pero my Canon 450D se ha estropeado hoy también! Quiero morir! Sábado por la mañana voy a Londres para un curso en 'cool hunting" y la necesito! Estoy como tu, pedindo a los angeles y a Canon que me oigan y reparem a mi camara. I really wish you the best and I hope that, at least, you can get a borrowed camera – that's what I'm trying to do. sorry for the trilingual comment! :)xxxxxxx,carol – the trend menu blog

  24. i have a canon rebel xt. one of the older versions. if you go to and go to the outlet section, they usually have last year's cameras and electronics pretty cheap.

  25. ooooh Andy de todo corazon espero q se resuelva tu problema, me paso lo mismo pero no con una SLR sino con la misma camara q tu tienes la canon mas pequeña, es realmente una gran perdida:(Estoy cruzando los dedos para q algo magico pase, lo siento mucho!besos<333

  26. oooh noo :( i'm so sorry! maybe someone will lend you their SLR just for the time of FW? if i were a boss of canon corp or something, i would send you a new camera as a gift as you are one of the most famous fashion bloggers! really :)xx

  27. aww that's so sad, i know what you mean….i have a 400d and she's my baby too! ^_^If you want, i work at Bcc in spijkenisse (the netherlands) and if you want i can give you my personal's discount? It's not that much, but at least you wont have to pay the whole price for it!anywho, i sure hope that canon just read this and give you a new 550D! That would be awesome if they do that!

  28. Aw that stinks so bad, Andy :(I hope that you are able to get a replacement oh so soon!xxJen

  29. Oooh I'm soo sorry for you! I know how you feel! I saw on twitter that some liquid fell over it! Can't they really not fix it?I jope someone. somebody or just Canon can help you out!

  30. Oh! Poor u, what happend with the cam? Really good blog btw!And oh, do you know any good shows of fw that is open for the public? I'm in town and it would be great to catch a show :)

  31. oh noo! que mala suertee Andy!espero que se arregle pronto y no te preocupes que seguro que encuentras una solucion pronto tambien!1 besito y animoo :D

  32. O damn,what a bad time for your camera to break.Looks like your gonna have to substitute it for something else… and what happened to your camera anyway? StopAndStareStyle – btw,posted my SECOND EVVVER look on here lol,so i'd love to hear your feedback.It would be much MUCH appreciated :D

  33. I've "lost" my camera this week too and I'm also devasteted! I droped it and it crashed :( Although it wasn't a canon or a SLR machine it was my little baby and my way to get trough my readers! Hope canon could help you Andy! Good luck on that!X.0.X.0.Sil♥

  34. Hi Andy, I know some places where you can buy him secondhand for 325 euro..I know your feeling, mine has been stolen, so I'm also saving money.. If you want some help; let me know x

  35. Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that your Canon passed away. Maybe you could if you bring it to a place where they fix SLR cameras and hopefully your baby will come back to life. You could also find the same one at a lower price on eBay.Que tengas buena suerte y espero que todo se arregle.-The Trendy Fashionista

  36. I bought that camera a week ago and I love it!! Sorry that yours broke, hope you get a new one soon!

  37. What a tragedy. I know how you feel…I also love my SLR and can't be without her…I would help you if I could and lend you mine but I'm in germany.So…chin up…maybe Canon can help…Did you call the Canon service?

  38. ahw poor you :( but I so agree with you. I think if my dear Canon cam would break one day… my soul would die just a little bit. hope it works out for you! got my fingers crossed! xx

  39. aww, I know exactly how you feel. I also own a Canon which decided to drop dead on the last day of my trip to Poland earlier this year. there's nothing more annoying than that! anyway, I hope it'll somehow come back to life! ..or maybe the people over at Canon will read this and help you. :)xoxo