Yesterday I left home ready to take some pictures for the blog, once I was there, I got my camera out and realized that I have left the battery charging at home, which meant, the camera just DIDNT TURN ON.

I tried using my small one, but due to being used to the quality of my big SLR, I didnt like the pictures so I decided to make a small “OUTFIT VIDEO” instead, I hope you like it!


Gracias a un error tecnico, no pude tomar fotos para el blog ayer.
Me salí de mi casa lista parea tomar las fotos y cuando ya estaba lista, me di cuenta que había dejado la pila de la cámara cargando en mi casa, así que la cámara no prendió jamas.

Como ya estoy acostumbrada (y ustedes tambien) a la calidad de fotos de mi otra cámara, decidí no usar la pequena y hacer un mini video de mi outfit, espero que les guste :D


Denim shirt: ZARA
Shoes & bag: ZARA
Belt: Vintage MOSCHINO
Nail polish: American apparel


124 Responses

  1. Mi pregunta: Como tomas video y fotos?algun amigo (a) … ¿?quiero intentar hacer lo mismopero no se me ocurre nada mas que eso … Como le haces para tomarte fotos asi, todos los dias?

  2. A wonderful change from outfit photos! Your decision to do a video was the right one!! This post was a refreshing one, and reinforced why I read your blog: you're the best! Keep it up, keep it fresh, because it sets you apart! Brava!!!

  3. Love this! Seeing your happiness on film is possibly even better than seeing it in a photo. It's brilliant, and the music choice is spot on, loved the 'never growing up' lyric…spells it out! Loving how resourceful you are, and your outfit if fantastic, especially those boots! Very, very jealous. :)

  4. Wooow si ke tuviste mucho agetreo el mes pasado y es te vas igual:D io definitivamente me quedo con el que ussaste en Paris con la faldita blanca y la blusa transparente negra lo ame …..aunke entodos te ves linda komo siempre,,,SUGERENCIA :P Algun dia deberias mostrarnos otravez tu armario porke de kuando lo mostraste la ultima vez ya tiene tiempo :P Tienes muchas kosas ke me enkantan de hecho todo lo ke usas lo amo…..

  5. I like the way it turned out! It's a great way to show your outfit by video and the music makes it really complete. Nice!xx

  6. Love your blog. All your outfits are amazing. I`ll be sure to follow. xx

  7. I love the videooooo!! I think you should do it again actually!

  8. haha estaba oyendo justamente la versión de the kooks de kids cuando puse el video que versión es esa por cierto? me encantan esos zapatos y el lugar queda perfecto(:

  9. haha that was so cute! you should do more of these kinda like a mini music video starring you loved it! <3

  10. that's fantastic! Great alternative to the still images :) Loved the outfit. As always, the details put you on another level. I've been looking for those boots everywhere !! can't find 'em tho.. darn it!xo

  11. haha very cute! It was nice to mix it up by adding a video this time. I really love your outfit! I have pieces just like that and I'm now inspired to put them together that way!

  12. wow great video and outfit, and I love the song (:, you should make more videos like this

  13. I love your today's look because it's natural, simple but really beautiful-and the video was a perfect.bye, be careful :)

  14. LOVE THIS VIDEO!! how this cool idea of making this video popped up in ur mind. :) ahh wait for next video. btm. your wedges is cool! where did it from?xoxo

  15. You've taken photo blogging to the next level! Such a great idea coz now we can see how the clothes move. Thanks for sharing that with us!Dree

  16. You might have started something new! Who knows, within a couple of weeks we all might opt for short movies instead of pics! :o)Love for this outfit!x

  17. Me encanto el conjunto! Siempre me gusto la combinacion de rayas, jean y oro.Muy original el tema del video, para tenerlo en cuenta ;)Besos!

  18. most of South Africa have been experiencing terrible internet problems and i must say that your blog is what i have missed the most :( lovely video! you look greatxoxo

  19. Great idea to show off the outfit, you really should do more "outfit" videos..that way we get to see every detail of your look…accessories and all! :)Really love this outfit…it's probably one of my faves EVER! And your shoes are so perfect. Really makes me want to run and grab my Forever 21 skirt, which is just like the one you have one except it is black and royal blue stripes. Question, if I were to do an outfit similar to yours, what color shirt do you think would work against my blue/black skirt? A denim one, like you have on? Or do you think that would be too much blue?? I really love how this is girly, yet rugged. I'd love to hear your thoughts, if you have time…please let me know! Gracias! :)[email protected]://

  20. Dear Andy :)you are awesome! You always look so pretty! :) And I love your hair!

  21. Cool idea! Very original, and fun! I really love the way you let your personality show, not only by your outfits, but also by your pictures and now video. Love it, you're my favorite blogger!Love from NorwayMagda-Lovise : )

  22. your skirt is great!feel free to stop by sometime!myideaofstyle.blogspot.comStay stylish, Stay Happy!xx T

  23. Hey Andy…i think once in a while it's really cool to try something diffrent with an outfit post! And this is the perfect way…really cute and innovative! XX

  24. You know, you have a really beautiful legs :) And good idea with the video :) love the outfit xx

  25. Haha, it's great!!! You are original :). Nice outfit, that bag <3 !!!! And I love your smile :)

  26. fantastic!!!! you're a genious Andy! love every second of this video

  27. Great ideea!!:D I love the film and the outfit, the music. It's like a small presentation from the fashion week!:P

  28. andy in this video you're fantastic! you seem like a model! I havea question for you.. are you engaged? I remember (maybe) that your boyfriend's name is Richie?Or I'm wrong? I would like to see some photoes with him, it'll be sooo nice! XxX.♥