Unbearable heat during my last day in Paris… I was actually wearing a vintage denim vest over the tank top, one which had to be removed due to the extreme heat wave we were experiencing.

I always find it hard to leave Paris, although it doesn’t make me sad anymore, because I always end up coming back few weeks later and I am quite positive about the fact that really soon, an opportunity will come for me there and my dream of moving to Paris will finally come true.


El calor extremo en ese dia hizo que yo terminara en shorts y tank top, de hecho cuando sali de mi depa en la mañana, traia un chaleco vintage sobre la playera, pero el calor me obligo a quitarmelo.

Siempre siento nostalgia en mi ultimo día en Paris, peor no estoy triste por que se que muy pronto, mi sueno de vivir ahí se hará realidad, LO SE.


Vintage leather shorts
Tank top: H&M
Necklace: Fashionology.nl


56 Responses

  1. Nice shorts!I lived in Paris for 9 months and didn't really liked it… I'm more of a London gal … Hope you love it anyway ..xxhttp://valentineavoh.blogspot.com/-the diary of a belgian stylist-

  2. looking fabulous as always! paris is such a beautiful city and i wish i could move there too!leethroughthelens.blogspot.com

  3. Gorgeous outfit – you managed to look amazing even in the heat! I'm also so in love with that coke bottle! xx

  4. the pictures are amazing! i feel like i'm right in paris with you. anyways loved your outfit and i'm obsessed with that coke bottle. i wish america was that cool!hautecalifornian.blogspot.com

  5. AMAZING OUTFIT! love the necklace like that. and your Paris posts are making me want to go to Paris even more, can't wait for S/S 2011 there!

  6. Love these pictures, your hair looks especially lovely in these shots (how many people get great hair in extreme heat?) and your outfit is very chic, despite the fact that you're wearing very little. :)http://fashionregardless.blogspot.com/

  7. Hello! This is the first time that I visit your blog and I see is very nice!!Good photos!!im your new follower :P Visit me if you wanthttp://sweetsyte.blogspot.com/kisses

  8. wow! it would be so great if you could move over here!!if you need any help in settling over here, do not hesitate!xoxo✺⺃✺

  9. You're always stunning Andy!! I truly wish you to move to Paris one day!!!! Keep working for that!Have a nice weekend!eli-a-porter

  10. Ahhh, so cool if you move to Paris! But you've got a boyfriend, right? Is he coming with you? Nice outfit, of course!

  11. I'm so jealous you're able to go to Paris so often! it's my favourite city as well & I really wanna move there someday..

  12. andy, love your LOOK! your OUTFIT! PARIS! you're really pretty! you inspired a lot of people with your blog. love.love!xxyougotsomestyle.blogspot.com

  13. Love it! I simply find soo inspiring every outfit you're posting. Good luck in following your dreams! Kiss!