Its saturday morning and woke up to realize Autumn is back in Holland, 12 degrees, WHAT IS UP WITH THAT? honestly…

I have the worst headache and have been trying to finish editing the video of Florence for the past 2 days, although I have been busy doing other stuff as well, bare with me, I am almost done!

So here is one of my delicious “vintage finds”. Could it be the amazing shade of bright red, the perfect fit, the beautiful gold buttons or maybe all of the above which made me fall in love with it?


Es sábado en la mañana y me desperte para descubrir que el otoño regreso a Holanda, estamos a 12 grados, ¿que esta pasando?
Tengo un dolor de cabeza que parece que son 2 y tengo que terminar de editar el video de Florencia, ya casi termino, lo prometo.


Shoes: CAFE MODA (Amsterdam)
Plaid shirt: VINTAGE


124 Responses

  1. That is one dirty river, but you make everything better with your smirk, perfectly fit jeans and your red blazer.this is such a simple yet break-out outfit.XX.Mae Lu, thereafterish.

  2. I love this look. I follow your blog and look forward to your up coming looks. The red blazer was a great addition to your outfit.

  3. I'm as tall as you and I just love that you dare to wear those high heels every day. Would be much more fun if I had the courage aswell! Kisses from Sweden xxo

  4. Wow! That outfit is fantastic. Love everything about it, especially how relaxed it looks. The shoes are amazing, too, they would make any outfit look brilliant. The vintage coat is BEAUTIFUL. Loving how perfect it looks on you- it's as if you were meant to be. :)

  5. I absolutely love your blog and your style! I love how the outfit looks so effortless, yet so chic! loving the red blazer! you are amazing and so inspirational! :) xx

  6. stunning as always. this blazer is just the perfect one and it looks just like a perfect red one should look… styling all in all is wonderful…

  7. i like the outfit! by the way, how did you make/edit those videos? because it's so great and creative. i love your videos also!♥ANA♥

  8. The blazer is amazing! The rest of your outfit is verrry nice too though!Love the bag and nailpolish. Keep it up andy, you're doing great!

  9. Such a striking blazer- what a great find sweetie! So happy that all is going great for you at the moment- I enjoy reading your blog and it has helped me through some ill times!!!xxxfashion clockedwould love you to call by.xKatie.xx

  10. aaaaa que monisimo el blazer, y que padre uqe los puedas usar a 12 grados wow super fresco, donde vivo estamos a 35 o mas waaaa horrible el calor

  11. 12 degrees??It's very cold!I'm sorry for your headache..I hope you will be ok!!!amazing outfit Andy!!!I love your jacket! Ilaria

  12. I love your new red vintage jacket! You look fabulous. I hope you'll get better and the headache will pass soon.-The Trendy Fashionista

  13. you look adorable! this blazer looks great with tee and red shirt, and your jeans looks really comfy! love it xxxx

  14. Nice outfit, the red blazer look stunning! Can't you give us some Amsterdam shopping tips? Like small botiques and vintages stores.. I'm in Amsterdam a lot but I don't like the shopping there so I'm in NEED of good tips! Thank you! :)

  15. Me encantaa!!Cada uno de tus outfits son espectaculares!!Me fascina tu blazer y tus gafas! por cierto que modelo de dolce&gabbana es? me lo podrias facilitar??Un beso guapa!Nuria (españa)