Here are the pics from London day 1, there are so many of them so I decided to divide them in 2 posts, one now and another one later today.

I honestly havent had this much fun in a LONG time, Sab and me did some cliche sightseeing, walked all over town, ate at yummy places (recommended by a friend), shopped at an amazing vintage store (wait until I show you what I got!!), got in TOPSHOP like a million times and best of all, the sun was shining!

I am all done with the video from the trip, I cant wait for you guys to see it, unfortunately there were many moments captured so the video is quite “long”, hope you guys don’t mind and stay entertained :D.
If you are not already subscribed to my YOUTUBE channel, you can do it HERE,
I will be posting it on monday!

P.S- Dont forget that I will be uploading another set of pictures in few hours so stay tuned!


Estas son las fotos del día 2 en Londres. Como tengo muchísimas fotos que enseñarles, decidi hacer 2 actualizaciones hoy, una ahorita y otra en la noche, dividiendo las fotos.

Hace mucho tiempo que no me divertía así, le dimos vueltas a la ciudad como turistas, fuimos a una tienda vintage increíble (les va a fascinar lo que compre), comimos en lugares deliciosos y pase un rato con Yvan caminando por Oxford street, sin mencionar que entramos a TOP SHOP como mil veces.

Ya termine el video del viaje a Londres, espero que no les importe que esta un poco largo pero había muchos momentos que capturar.
El video va a estar en mi canal de YOUTUBE a partir del Lunes, lo puedes checar AQUI.

P.S- No olvides que voy a subir otra ronda de fotos en un rato así que estén pendientes :D.


Jacket: River Island
Sandals: H&M
Necklace: River Island


96 Responses

  1. I love your outfit, especially your necklace! I'm glad you had so much fun in London. I wish I could be there right now too. Another fabulous days in London!xoxo Sandra

  2. love your look, your outfit! you're really pretty! your hair really looks good on you. :)

  3. you have such a great style!!!everytime i read your blog, i get inspired~yet i think it is definitely a challenge to outdo your fashion style! hope you continue to have fun in LONDAN and please update as much as you can! :D:D:D

  4. I'm in love with the shorts and the beautiful biscuit and creme colours of your outfit! beautiful!Dree

  5. te has cortado el flequillo?asi te queda muy bien!me encanta tu blog, creo que te lo trabajas mucho!saludos desde españa!

  6. estoy totalmente enamorada de tu collar de ancla, es hermosisimo.hermoso todo el outfit

  7. One of your best outfits ever! Great photo in the phone box and by tower bridge- so pleased you had fun in London- im sure you will be back soon!Excited for your video!!xxxxfashion clocked would love you to check out my new post.

  8. I absolutely love your shorts!! I hope you had a lovely time in London and hope you'll come back soon :) <3

  9. Glad you had a great time here in London, lucky that you got a few days of nice weather too.I love your shorts, I definitely have to treat myself.Check out my new post, I've just styled my very first photo shoot for my course at Central Saint Martins and I've posted a few sneak peaks.Thanks.

  10. I love London. I went there three times and we had always sunny weather! So untypically for London in April!I love the creative people on the streets there. You look summer-like. So funny that I sat on the same bench outside the Tower as I was there. The view over the Themse river is amazing.

  11. love the first pic, it's so cute!like your new hairstyle…great time in London, love thst city!;

  12. You look beautiful!!! I love everything about this outfit – the shorts are amazing and go so well with that blouse. Looks like you guys had tons of fun, can't wait to see the rest of the pictures.

  13. I just came back from london too…I've been there last from 28th to 2nd but unfortunatelly sun came out just for short time…has been very freezing! :-(

  14. Andy, could You write me product number of jacket from RI ?The jacket is amazing, and You look like very stylish :)I'm waiting for comment :):*Kiss from Poland :*

  15. I'm in love with London!!London is my drag.. =PBeautiful photos..And your outfit is just amazing!These shorts are so nice..xoxoChara

  16. you look amazing, nice pictures! i wish i could visit London this summer, btw I love your necklace! xx

  17. I don't know HOW, bit somehow I managed to miss the giant great 'London' signs everywhere in your previous posts, so now i'm going to sound like an idiot going; Hoorah! You're in England! Those sunglasses, by the way…very cool. :)

  18. i love the shorts! This look suits you very well :)Looking forward to the video and ur next post~Xx

  19. Los shorts son geniales.. la verdad es que me encanta todo lo q tienen en Queen Wardrobe!!Muy chulas las fotos! yo la última vez q estuve allí fue hace nada.1beso!

  20. I seriously like your shirt, so delicate and perfect for cargo pants, leather shorts, etc.Gorgeous as always, dear!