Yet again I find myself feeling grateful for the weather we’ve had in the past few days.

First time that I can go bare legged this year and I dont want it to stop.

I’ve been having so much fun this weekend.
Friday I made my way into the center with a weekend bag that weighted more than it should have (but then again, I probably took much more clothes than I should have).

Sabrina and I went to the ILFN party at Jimmy woo on friday night and spent the whole saturday from vintage, to make up shops, having coffee, eating cakes and snapping the day away.


Otra vez me encuentro agradecida por el clima en los últimos dos días. Es la primera vez que puedo andar sin medias este año y espero no dejar de hacerlo, al menos no hasta que regrese el otoño.

Este fin ha sido divertidisimo, el viernes llegue a casa de Sabrina con una maleta “para el fin” que pesaba mas que si me fuera a mudar todo un mes.
Fuimos a una fiesta el viernes y nos pasamos el sábado entre tiendas vintage, tendias de maquillaje, cafeterias comiendo pasteles y tomando miles de fotos.

♥ Andy

Skirt: READY TO FISH by Ilja Visser
Denim Vest: VINTAGE
Glasses in the first pics: DOLCE GABBANA
Glasses in the last pics: ZIPPER Amsterdam


129 Responses

  1. Oh, where are your shoes from? I am just a teensy bit obsessed with brogues at the moment, and these are a killer variation of the humble brogue…a little bit punk rock – love it!

  2. hey andy why don't u put somepictures with your boyfriend??we would like to see him! :)by the way happy b.dai to ur boyfriend! (:

  3. hi andy! i am absolutely loving that nude skirt! and how you effortlessly look chic every time. =)

  4. your skirt is fricking amazin!! weather in Ireland is the same, so sun burn is so not :( lol.

  5. felicidades atu novio! sigo tu blog hace muchisimo tiempo y hoy me animo a escribir!!me encatan tus fotos y tus estilismos! la trenza te queda estupendamente! un beso

  6. Wonderful outfit! It all came together nicely, and glad you get to enjoy the warm weather!I'd love you to check out my new fashion bloginfineform.blogspot.comxoxoAnd happy birthday to your bf!

  7. I looove your outfit!!IMG I have the same denim vest that i bought it also from Vintage store!!xoxo

  8. me muero por conseguir una falda como la tuya! no sabras de alguna tienda que tenga alguna del estilo, no? vaya estilazo tienes, me encanta! un besito

  9. ahwe, i love your shoes, skirt, pink neon shirt, sunglasses, bracelets && watches.. i love your look!

  10. Happy Birthday for your boyfriend!=)I love your sunglasses..You look so good!Here in Greece we had nice and hot weather when it was rainy there and now ti's vice versa..But I hope weather will be ok soon..Have a nice day!xoxoChara

  11. Andy, the second glasses are amaazing! I want them too :) And I love that outfit, so cool with det denim and the neon pink top. Hey, are you going to Paris for mens fahion-week in june?? xx Mia

  12. Great!!! Have fun sweety!!!You and Sabrina are so cute together!Love your pics!!xoxo

  13. Me encanta la falda!! y felicidades a tu novio :)aquí los dos últimos dos días ha hecho también mucho calor!1besoo

  14. Andy estás preciosísima! :)estas fotos soleadas son tan alegres… me pongo de buen humor con tan solo mirarlas! jjajay me encantan todos los últimos posts y los outfits que llevas.sabes lo que me encanta de tu blog? que actualizas muchísimo, y que la ropa que te pones es preciosa, super elegante pero a la vez súper ponible! :)sigue así andy!un beso enormevalen

  15. You girls are so cute together! :) And i looove that skirt! Have a good celebration with your BF! Any special plans? We'd love to see pics! :DHAPPY SUNDAY!XXX