Pic by Shirley
These are few pictures from yesterday after the Cosmopolitan event.
Today is going to be crazy busy for me, I am going to be between PR agencies, stores, showrooms and the launch of the new Coke light designer collaboration bottle.
I am trying to squeeze a post in between the day, but probably will be posting later today as well.
Cant wait to show you what I am wearing today :D (hint; it has a lot of yellow!)
I wore pants from Ready to Fish FW 2010/11 collection by Ilja Visser, tee from Zara, blazer from Zara and rings By 1oak
Estas son algunas fotos después del evento de Cosmopolitan ayer por la tarde.
Hoy va a ser un dia de locura por que aparte de andar entre agencias de PR, tiendas y showrooms, me invitaron al lanzamiento de la nueva botella de Coca light en colaboración con Manolo Blahnik.(en un rato subo las fotos)
En fin, no me puedo quejar, el dia esta soleado, estamos a casi 20 grados y yo me muero por enseñarles lo que me puse hoy :)
120 Responses
Love this outfit!Take a look at my blog:http://myfashionbook-eva.blogspot.com/Hope you like it! Just started so not that much posts yet.
You and Sabrina look gorgeous! Loving your pants! xx
love that outfit Andy ! love the ring !♥♥♥ http://trendygourmandise.blogspot.com/ ♥♥♥
love this outfit!http://fashionandothermusings.blogspot.com
Absolutely LOVE those trousers! Gorgeous as always Andy.
Me gusta su outfit!! Que bueno que vas para ese evento, tienes suerte de poder hacer algo que te gusta!
I love your pants!!!!!!!Have a nice day!♥Irene's Closet♥http://ireneccloset.blogspot.com
LOVEEEE YOURR BLOG! Have fun today:P Love the nailpolish!xxwww.hilaloeya.blogspot.com
You're so cute! Your pants are amazing! <3www.abitoffashion.com
love your nailpolish and your blazer cool!i have a new posting please visit if you want:http://risingecha91.blogspot.comthank you
I lovvvee your outfithttp://fashiontadpole.blogspot.comhttp://fashiontadpole.blogspot.com
Que linda !!! Me gustó mucho los pantalones.me encanta tu blog…! besos Fêwww.thematerialgirlss.blogspot.com
olaa andyy veoo muchisimoo tu bloog :) amoo tu stylooo unicooo (L):D amoo todooos tus outfit admirablee ;)
you look amazing!!!
Those pants are so cutecheck out my blog ebbiemag.blogspot.com
your style is amazing! :-) i love your pants! <3chelsea elizabeth
I just looove your blog!You have an amazing style.I have a question, if you can anser me i will be glad. I want to buy a new camera and I want a good one so, i want to know what is the one that you use, you know brand,name…Thanks! ;)
I absolutely love those pants!!! Beautiful!
great pants!http://thecurlystyle.blogspot.com/
Those pants are AMAZING! <3STARS AND SHOES x x x x
Love the outfit. Beautiful Photots :)http://faialofa.blogspot.com/
the pants are really amazing and they suit you well!:)Catitahttp://catindreamland.blogspot.com/
Lovely Outfit!
andy me encanta el pantalon con ese estampado tan primaveral…a mas se le ve un tejido super fresquito para el veranito…guapisima..un besito
Love the outfit, your pants is amazing!!! Xoxo Birgittehttp://fashionaccordingtobirgitte.blogspot.com
So gorgeous! I adore your sense of style. what sort of camera is that?http://littlerachaelvintage.blogspot.com
How is it even possible everything looks so good on you! Love the harem pants. Great Ready to Fish item! <3"As pretty as"
OH! Those pants look comfy! I love your star ring.
Love the pants:)http://thebrunetteworld.blogspot.com/
Amazing! Ivanka
great look, i love those pants and the rings are very cute
GORGEOUS outift!where is your top from? i like it :)
Those pants are basically amazing!colormenana.blogspot.com
love your pants, nice outfit!http://loresfashion.blogspot.com
hola andy, me encanta tu blog. me podrías decir qué cámara usas para tomar tus fotos? quien te toma todas esas fotos por cierto? muy buenas, padrisimo tu estilo, saludos desde Mexico lindo y querido :)
Your pants are amazing! I am completely in awe of them. You always find such unique pieces <3
Im in love with your boots!
those pants are amazing. very nice. my mom has a similar pair from f21 that im dying for.xoxo,Flekisskiss.blogspot.com <– Texas gal bloggin fashion from NYC!
Lovely outfit! Btw: I saw you today when I was in the tram and your outfit was so amazing, especially the pants! Can't wait to see the pics of todays outfit!
gorgeous photos as always- as well as the great outfit! you girls are simply stunning!!http://revi-pinkillusions.blogspot.com/
I love your pants! Do you know if and where they are sold in Canada? Will they be available online this fall?! Thanks :)
awesome outfit and lovely Andy like always!xoxohttp://minaischic.blogspot.com/
wat een super mooie outfit :) ik vind je ringen echt geweldig
Love your pants! And nice pics!
those trousers are AMAZING.
your look is always amazing!Good evening!Fabyhttp://adreamcalledfashion.blogspot.com/
i was never into harem pants but these are GORGEOUS. i really love your good sense for colour.
love this outfit! can't wait to see the yellow outfit.http://www.fashiondrift.blogspot.com
Hey! I just wanna let U know, that I saw U in Grazia from Detschland. Magazine from 20 may ;)
You really rock those pants, I love it!xx,Ale.
amazing outfit!!!!love your pants!A question: is,the tee, from this collection?thank's. Ilaria
You're so fashionable.I like so much your style and I love your creative touch! Brava!
Adore you blog + outfit! XO
Me encantan los pantalones! se ven muy fresquitos! 1 besazoo guapisimaa (:
gorgeous outfit, those pants are amazing!mode-damour.blogspot.com
fresh and great outfit :)http://fashionsmajlik.blogspot.com/
Great outfit!I need that bag..Xx Jennyhttp://ladybirdsandbutterflies.blogspot.com/
only you could make those trousers look chic and fashionable! love your friends sweatpants!Dree xxstyle-on-sea.blogspot.com
Love the outfit! Despite your busy schedule, I totally wish I had a life like yours! I'm so jealous(:
beautiful outfit!aand i love your pants
Great outfit :)
que suerte! ir a tantos sitios :)a mí me han invitado a varios showrooms pero vivo lejos de Madrid y es complicado :((aquí en Galicia, estamos a 32 grados! increíble como en pleno verano!estoy deseando ver tu nuevo look!un besazohttp://lovelypepa.blogspot.com/
Beautiful pictures! I love those pants from Ready to Fish. Have fun at the vents today. Wow, you're really busy. I can't to see what you are wearing today :)-The Trendy Fashionistahttp://thetrendyfashionista.blogspot.com
Love the look :)!!X
Another gorgeous outfit Andy!www.fashiondevotion.com
amazing looK!the pants looking so good on you!x amber
I love love love your blog!Please watch mine too I started a week ago =DBig kisses from Hollandwww.ithinkshesabitch.blogspot.com
You look awesome..as always:)thehollygolightly.blogspot.com
I love love love your blog!Please watch mine too I started a week ago =DBig kisses from Hollandwww.ithinkshesabitch.blogspot.com
Me encanta tu blog!!!!!Ese look es genial!!!!Siempre vas muy mona!!!!Nosotras somos nuevas en esto…si tienes un ratico visitanos…Besicossshttp://laslolicasdesiempre.blogspot.com/
those pants are awesome, you look fabulous.INTOTHEFOLDFASHION.BLOGSPOT.COM
Gorgeous pants! :)
wow!! really cool shiny pants!! it looks great on you..and with the nailpolish!! …you´re just so lovely…and i´m really looking forward to your today´s yellow outfit =)
I love your pants. :)
wow kw padres tus pantalonsitos :D y ke bien muero por ver la sproximas fotos de lo de coca cola tambien y este outfint te keda como todos los demas de lujo un beso chauuu…..
love your pants! The colours are amazing :)Xx Nazneenwww.neensynaye.blogspot.com
Great outfit!!Love your pants!You look gorgeous!xoxoK.http://kellysboudoir.blogspot.com
Love your rings! Where are they from? Nx
Qué guay que te inviten a tantas cosas!! =)Me encantan los pantalones! y los botines(L)1besoo
Interesting outfit
i need those pants in my life! your outfit is awesome !xoxo
Those pants really are striking and beautiful!! you look great Andy!http://itsaboutsarah.webs.com
Great pics ;]
Love the pattern of your pants!!! And beautiful nail polish and rings :))
amazing pants :)kiss from Portugal***márcia*
i love this look! head to toe flawless once again, andy xx
so cute ! I love the pants ! they look stunning on you darling !I plan to come to Amsterdam in my summerholidays..like in august or something ! would that be ok for you ? :)
i love your style !www.shineatown.blogspot.com
Love your outfit!<3
nice pantsthefeliblog
Lovin IT!!!http://fashion-food-life.blogspot.com/
oh your pants are fantastic!kisses from germany:-)
that girl with you on the photo with the animal printed sunglasses always looks so sad:( she should smile a bit more and be interesting.
Love ur outfit!!!=)
Que guapa!! me encanta tu look. besos
Me gustó muchísimo el estampado de los pantalones. Ilumina todo el look, y le da un toque de diversión muy muy cool :) Yo tmb ya quiero ver lo que usaste hoy LOL.
hermoso outfit como siempre! increíbles los zapatos!
love those pants!!!http://www.mypointmystyle.blogspot.com/
i love your top so much, i'm on a constant search for the perfectly slouchy tee and i still haven't found one, will check out zara though! xhttp://crystallinesunshine.blogspot.com
I love your pants!! I saw them in a magazine! May I asked how much you payed for them?
love your pants!!!
This PANT IS STUNNING !!! Love it !!!!!! ;-)xoxo
THOSE TROUSERS ARE AWESOME! I LOVE THE PATTERN!xxBexwww.thestylingbee.blogspot.com
Shirley:thanks! I just linked you :)makeitupgirl:mido 1.80 sin zapatos :)XOXO
Good luck today! You were dressed amazing!! Your a style inspiration for many bloggers!
me gustan esos pantalones!!te sientan genial!un besitoooo:))
this pants are just MUST HAVE! ;) love the whole outfit!
LOVE those pants!xx
I really like ur blazer!! It`s amazing,i´ve been looking for one but the problem is i cant find one which suits me!! Ur rings are so so cute!!! look 10!! :)
I love your Nailpolish!! What is it called?www.miaslittlecorner.blogspot.com
i do loveeee your pants!!!!
hey my picture :D you were beautiful yesterday!
lovely outfit! The pants are really nice!
P.D: te sigo!
me encanta tu blog! Por curiosidad, cuanto mides?xoxo
Love it!
love your pants!!! =)
Love your pants and nail polish Andy! Have a great day!x
que linda te ves andy :)