We have come to a point where a watch is no longer just an accessory but a fashion statement.

I became a huge fan of the Swedish TRIWA watches since I first saw them 2 years ago, they always add that extra kick to spice up any outfit and the size, boldness and colors of the different models are just eye candy to me.

TRIWA watches are meant to look like a “luxury” watch but in funky, bold colors and what I like the most about them, is that they are made of plastic, so convenient for the every day use.

Here is their new spring/summer collection, I am sure you love them as much as I do.

Can you guess which one is my favorite?

Ok, I’ll tell you because nobody has been able to guess :P, the grey one with the pink background…♡


107 Responses

  1. e buscado por cielo mar y tierra el anastasia dandy!!! lo amo y ya no hay en existencia! todos estan brutos!

  2. Ow I love them! especially the left one on the second picture!!I searched for that particular on eon the web but couldnt find it :( Love love love loooove this brand!!

  3. I loooove the pistachio one! Cant wait to get it. They look abit like the micheal kors one, the white/gold one!.. love it!x

  4. I normally don't like plastic watches, but I must say I'd like one of those! Can't decide between turquoise, beige or grey! hmmmm :D

  5. Saliste en Drop Dead Gorgeous Daily, muy guapa por cierto

  6. I love the green and the dark grey one! I think I need more coloured watches!!! Love your blog Andy! ;)

  7. Estan super lindos los relojes, mi favorito fue el color fucsia, aunque el morado tmb estoy muy muy cool.Por cierto te queria felicitar muchísmo por tu blog, lo encontre de hecho por el feature que tuviste en Elle. Siempre es bonito ver a alguien de aca triunfando asi como tu :) y de paso borrando un poquito el cliché que nos han puesto hahahaha Quiero ser como tu cuando sea grande! LOL ni me llevas tantos años, pero en serio si admiro lo que has logrado.

  8. Love the watches, I love the purple one! amazing! I have a Ice watch a white one and a orange! little bit the same! Xoxo Birgitte

  9. Anonymous:Her name is Sabrina not Natasha and the fact that we both got to check out their new collection has nothing to do with originality, nobody has the exclusivity rights over them. X

  10. I'm still waiting for mine to arrive! I'm getting the Naked Brasco from my bf… Too bad the one you like the most wasn't on the website, cause I actually like that one A LOT! But the Naked Brasco is also A BEAUTY <3It's this friday; TRIWA said. Let's hope so :(xoxo

  11. Absolutely amazing!I already imagine wearing the Turquoise Flamingo and the Coral Flamingo!!So pretty colors.. Like candies..xoxoChara

  12. I am still not sure about these they are kind of cure but very plastic, I am a huge swatch full blooded watches :)Can't wait for they new colours for summer :)Love your latest shoes <3xx

  13. Those are wonderful- an awful lot like toy watches, but still playful and cute!INTOTHEFOLDFASHION.BLOGSPOT.COM

  14. Por cierto , mi favorito es el dorado con color chocolate, tengo un serio problema con el dorado!. Y que envidia tu experiencia con Scott, de verdad que increible oportunidad!. Y las fotos estan increibles.

  15. Que increibles, yo tambien soy fan ahora, me encantan ese tipo de relojes, por cierto vi tu articulo en Elle Mexico, y cuando lo vi tuve que comprar la revista felicidades Andy :) , por cierto ya viste los videos de ESTRELLAS DEL BICENTENARIO? Ojala los puedas ver, te informo por que me imagino en Amsterdam obviamente no tienes Televisa, pasa ver el de Yucatan a mi blog, y si te gusta el de otro estado enseñaselos a tus seguidores, es increible el trabajo que han hecho , y es increible el sentimiento y belleza de Mexico que transmiten estos, un beso!.

  16. omg!! They are gorgeous!! Thanks so much for giving this information!! Now i can check their web page and see what happens!!! :) x

  17. Andy estan divinos tienes un gusto impecable, aprox como cuanto cuestan en donde los venden solo en europa??? los ame en unas semana voy a europa, por fa dinos en donde se consiguen! el dorado pienso que es tu estilo. besosEsther O (Lazzo Accesorios)

  18. tha last one must be your favourite, or the white one.. well i dont know haha. i sent u an email a few days ago, im from brazil and ill spend this weekend in amsterdam :) contact me!

  19. The coral pink is my favorite!!!And the purple one is amazing!Oh..I want them all!!!!xoxo


  21. Love the watches and the pastel palette of them! I think you'd go for the jade/light blue one? (:

  22. I like big and colourfull watches!The white and the light green ones are my favourites!

  23. I actually like these more, the toy watch are too bling bling for my taste.but then again, everyone has different taste :PXOXO