I AMsterdam

My feature in the Dutch GRAZIA magazine

I have to say that the more I get to know this city, the more I fall in love with it.

Amsterdam has a feeling no other city in Europe has, its canals and architecture are so beautiful and unique that is always a pleasure walking its streets and discovering new small shops, cafes and restaurants. It really is a magical place.

Here is what I wore yesterday, the weather was quite cold and I am starting to wonder if spring is actually coming at all.


Tengo que confesar que mientras mas tiempo paso en esta ciudad, mas me enamoro de ella.

Sus canales y su arquitectura única en Europa hacen que sea un placer caminar por sus calles y el descubrir nuevos cafés, tiendas y pequeños restaurantes es siempre una agradable sorpresa.

Si algún dia vienes a Amsterdam, tienes que perderte en sus “grachten” y recorrer la ciudad , es la mejor manera de “descubrir tu propio Amsterdam”.

Esto es lo que me puse ayer, todavia hace frio y me estoy empezando a preguntar si algún dia llegara la primavera.


Leather jacket: ZARA
Coat: ZARA (DIY)
snake print tee: STORETS.com
Shorts: cut offs


114 Responses

  1. haha how nice! i live in Amsterdam to. It's amazing! i love it. You find so much different people! Een dikke kus van Maite.

  2. loving every single thing about this outfit. it looks so good, whether you're wearing the coat or the leather jacket! and congrats on the grazia feature. =)xx

  3. You look so amazing in those pictures, especially your jacket which is lovely. I'm sort of jealous you can still wear those clothes, because of the weather, while here in Mexico we're practically melting from the heat! You're so right about the city, I've never been there though but from what you show us I've totally fallen for it

  4. i was in amsterdam around this time last year..definitely leather jacket weather but pretty comfortable on most days. anyway, i LOVED my visit, it is truly a special city.

  5. what about the shoes?? I love them! plz let me know what brand they are :) xxhttp://enya-abeautifulmess.blogspot.com/

  6. Hey andy, i have a question for you.. Do you have a bike in Amsterdam? One of my favourites things of Europe are girls riding a bike on skirt!!! i totally love it and i'd love to do that X) …can you imagine that in méxico? not a lot of girls can we do that, at least not in my city where everyone are so rude :(..y me acaba de caer el 20 que te escribí en inglés jajaja :PUn Beso!

  7. Hi Andy, thank you for taking the time to comment on my feature about you and for tweeting about it. I really appreciate it. Hablo espanol mejor que lo escribo, pero trato de practicar lo mas que puedo. Fui a Amsterdam hace dos anos, y si, es you bella cuidad.

  8. hola!! me llamo Keyla Rosas y vivo en Venezuela…hoy descubri tu blog y me encanta!…Me hice fan en el facebook de inmediato!!Soy una fanatica de las carteras chanel (aunque aun no puedo comprarme la primera…he sobrevivido con una de Zara inspirada en ellas!)Tengo mucha ropa de Zara, amo esa tienda. Veo que amas Paris! En un mes voy a viajar a Paris por 3 semanas, es mi primera vez y estoy impaciente!! Me gustaria que me recomendaras lugares que pueda visitar en mis dias de compras, en donde pueda conseguir piezas interesantes y accesibles = )

  9. Loooove amsterdam, your blog, your amazing outfit and juwelery! The gold watch is amazing! Xoxo Birgittehttp://fashionaccordingtobirgitte.blogspot.com

  10. Hola Andy!adoro tu blog y aún más a ti :)eres una fuente de inspiración y de buen gustobesos

  11. I have to say I´m totally in love with Amsterdam, I went there a few yeras a go an it´s become one of my favourite cities ever…I would love to live there…

  12. hi ! you are such an inspiration for me !I discover your blog today, and i feel like you are a great personn, with her personnal style, and i really love it ! So i has look your blog all day long and i enjoy it, your pictures, but your videos too ! ( and i'm so proud of me, i understand your english – i'm french – ) so , thanks for give us your georgous style and outfit ! xoxo , a new french fan :)

  13. oh wow!! the photos are great! I really loved your coat, I had one that looked a lot like it, but unfortunately mine was stolen ):

  14. cute casual outfit! I've always wanted to go to Amsterdam and am happy that you share your lovely city with us! Where are your shoes from?Dree xxstyle-on-sea.blogspot.com

  15. wooooow!Me enamoree de tuu trench negro…esta increible..muy buen outfiit…las fotos estan muy bonitas :)http://looksforlove.blogspot.com

  16. I totally agree with you on the Amsterdam thing. Yesterday I was in the city and read you were walking around there too, looked around but didn't see you haha. Looking good as always and keep up the good work!www.stylingbusiness.com

  17. well, first of all, i love the gold accessories, the tw watches are lovely! and the shorts and trench too!i've been to amsterdam and a few other cities in Holland, I am in love with the place. I honestly want to go there every year and even when i end up at schiphol airport for a connection, i never want to leave! it's beautiful. don't worry about the weather, it can't get as worst as in Montreal, whee there's actually snowing right now! ugh

  18. The jacket you're wearing is amazing!!! Amsterdam looks so beautiful, I wished I could go. Don't worry, I'm sure spring will come someday, at least I hope so.-The Trendy Fashionistahttp://thetrendyfashionista.blogspot.com

  19. Darling you look gorgeous!I have to go to Amsterdam, is so beautiful isn't it?I like so much your pictures and your style, as always!:)xxx sweetie!

  20. Hey Andy! I am a new reader of your blog and I love it!I believe that you should try to purchase a new and better camera because sometimes your photos leave us wanting more.I would strongly suggest a Canon or a Nikon.Love your style!

  21. I would love to go to Amsterdam-looks so pretty.Lovely pictures-I really like how you are wearing more than one watch,it looks great : )xxAstridwww.astridland.blogspot.com

  22. I would love to visit Amsterdam…im going to visit it one day with my bf!!!and why not meet you!!hahalovely outfit like alwaysxoxohttp://minaischic.blogspot.com/

  23. Yoasia:No I didnt know honey!!! would you mind scanning me the page so I can see it???I would really appreciate it! :)Visual by Evelyn:I am trying to work on a post about my favorite places here, so stay tuned :)XOXO

  24. Love your outfit. I feel like all the European cities have an enchanting feel to it, regardless which city. Although, I must admit, some cities have it more than others. Love your blog!

  25. Love your outfit, very nice ! I absolutely adore Amsterdam, I think it's one of the most beautiful city in the world :) I'd love you to make some posts about nice places in Amsterdam, like shops, vintage stores, museums, cafés or restaurants. I'm planning to visit it in July so I would love to know really interessant and not too tourist places :D

  26. me encanta el look…pero como todos…nunca me has defraudado…siempre vas divina, adoro ver tu blog por tu estilo, por tus bellas fotos y videos y por tus palabras…vamos que decir mas que eres mi favorita de todas las bloggeras!:)ademas otra cosa importante es que actualizas todos los dias y muy pronto!!simpre que entro en tu blog ya hay una entrada nueva!!!!!sigue asi!besitos desde España!

  27. I love you're coat! Here in Italy it's pretty warm, well at least in my region! Hang in there..summer will come soon!!!!xx

  28. Ok I know I've already mentioned this a few days ago but (since I don't know whether you took notice) I'd be thrilled if you did a small Amsterdam guide. I'm going to visit your city this summer and I am quite positive that there are more of your readers out there who plan to come to your lovely city as well. So, it would be nice if you could think about it :)x

  29. Im hoping to visit Amsterdam in September- You make it sound like a fairytale.and I love the jacket and top.INTOTHEFOLDFASHION.BLOGSPOT.COM

  30. Love this outfit!! my boyfriend lived in Amsterdam for 3 months, I loved going over to visit. The city is so inspiring! Love the little cobble streets.vicki xo

  31. I'm totally in love with all your looks <3. And just as Nathalie said, pretttyy please, you should tell us how come you live there? Do you like it there? Because everytime I see pictures or read your blogs about it I just fall in love with Amsterdam and I'm actually thinking of going to college there or something like that, so I'm really curious about it. xoxo

  32. Dear Andy,Your syle is always up to date and amazing!The leather jacket is great!Love your blog!Chiarawww.forget-me-not-chiara.blogspot.com

  33. Great outfit, Andy! Love the long over shorts looks! Love the shoes, too! Looks comfortable but stylish!Congratulations on all the features in the different magazines! You're going to bring it far! Way to go, Andy!

  34. Hi Andy,I follow your blog for a while now.. I totally love it and I check it out for at least three times a day haha ;)You are such an inspiration for me, thank you for that.I was wondering.. do you already speak dutch? :) Greets,Linda

  35. amsterdam has always been one of my favorite cities, but i have a question:)you study and live there, right..so do you speak dutch aswell?or can you manage with english.because i am finishing school soon and im looking for universities in europe but i only can speak english, finnish, russian and well estonian, my motherlanguage,so do you have any sugesstions for me?:)Is the language difficult to learn and do you have classes only in english?:)Thanks,Liina

  36. hey, sorry if it's incomfortable but could you say how much you weigh? sorry but i would rly appreciate the honest answer! you look terrific, i especially loove the look with the leather jacket. xx

  37. oh very cute jacket and overcoat.I want to experience those feel as well. I'm really jealouse you to be in such a beautiful place.

  38. Ayleen:The jacket doesnt have shoulder pads dear, it seems like it does right? :PNathalie:I am trying to put a post together about that :), there isnt an english translator for the GRAZIA interview.XOXO

  39. such a great outfit, esp love the tee. When dd you actually move to Amsterdam and why? I think you should tell us the story of your life :)Is there an English translation for your Grazia feature?Have a great Sunday*Nathalie

  40. andy, great look, but do you have shoulder pads in your leather jacket? sometimes it looks like you have shoulderpads and sometimes not…

  41. amazing outfit!!in summer of 2006 I spent a month in Amsterdam (acutally Hilversum) doing an internship with Brunotti! I loved it soo so much!!! The dutch people are so fun and layed back and the city has a special charm, just like you mentioned!xox VickyBikinis & Passports

  42. Andy tienes toda la razon, Amsterdan es una ciudad fantastica yo fui en el 2008 y creo que me ire a vivir ahi, tiene algo que hace que te enamores de sus calles y rincones.Y vaya tiempo estamos teniendo, aqui en España parece que ha vuelto el invierno. Me encanta el look ;)muuuah

  43. At first I want to say that I love your style! You have a great talent of mixing things togethers :)Gosh, I miss Amsterdam soo much! I've been there twice during summer vacations. It's truly a magical place – wish I could spend more time over there.I even wanted to live there but I think speaking dutch is impossible ;)

  44. Yes, I completely agree with you, I have been in Amsterdam once and it has got a speacial atmosphere, but nothing can compare with Prague, ofc :D