Something just doesn’t feel quite right, specially when you think we are at the beginning of May and its still 8 degrees outside.

I used to complain about the weather all the time, I just cant seem to get over the fact that this has been the longest winter I can recall and spring doesn’t seem that much warmer.

Global warming is altering weather patterns all over the world and temperatures are going crazy.
Lets start taking this a little bit more seriously and take care of our planet a little bit more.
The drastic changes in temperature and all these natural disasters should be a wake up call for all of us, our generation should and CAN make the difference.
Click here for 50 things you can do to stop global warming.

I know this is a fashion blog, but this planet is our home, and we have to spread the world to save it.

In a different note, this is what I wore yesterday, a little bit of American apparel, a little bit of River Island with few hints of ZARA.
It was freezing but still managed to take my coat off and snap these shots.

I know I didn’t post much last month, but as you know, I was back in Mexico for holidays with my family and since I couldn’t bring all my wardrobe with me and sometimes I couldn’t get photos taken, it was really difficult to do normal outfit posts, it was really out of my hands, so I hope you understand.


El hecho de que estemos a principios de Mayo y la temperatura siga alrededor de los 8 grados me parece completamente bizarro.
Yo se me me solía quejar muchísimo de la temperatura en Holanda, pero este ha sido el invierno mas largo para mi y la primavera no parece ser la diferencia.

El calentamiento global esta alterando los patrones del clima al rededor del mundo, así que Tenemos que empezar a tomarnos mas seriamente el tema y empezar a cuidar a nuestro planeta un poco mas.
Estos cambios drásticos de temperatura y todos los desastres naturales que han ocurrido, deberían de servirnos para darnos cuenta que el momento de empezar a cambiar es ahora, nuestra generación PUEDE hacer la diferencia.

Quieres saber 50 cosas que puedes hacer para detener el calentamiento global? Haz click aquí.

Yo se que este es un blog de moda, pero este planeta es nuestro hogar, tenemos que correr la voz y empezar a cuidarlo.

Cambiando de tema, esto es lo que me puse ayer. Un poco de american apparel, un poco de River Island con unos toques de ZARA.

Yo se que no actualice mucho el mes pasado, pero como muchos de ustedes saben, estaba en Mexico de vacaciones con mi familia y no me era posible actualizar todos los días.
Espero que lo entiendan.


Pants: ZARA
TEE: American apparel
Gold sweater: River Island
Shoes: ZARA


123 Responses

  1. hey!you really look very nice!!I really like your smile, you seem to be so kind!btw I'm phil, a close friend of chiara!nice to meet you!philwww.thethreef.com

  2. I'm totally with you on the weather! I wish I didn't have to wear tights anymore or carry an extra sweater in the morning. On another note, your gold sweater is making me envious. I want, NEED, something sparkly to add to my everyday wardrobe!Live Love LA

  3. Hola! me encanta tu blog i te sigo!Tengo muy claro k en un futuro QUIERO SER COMO TU! ^^Yo tambn teng un blog pero … no triunfa muxo la verdad!Espero k te pases le exes un vistazo i me digas! Un besiiitoo! Cuidate muxo! ***

  4. You said it sister! Save the planet!PS Love those boots, I got them after I saw you wearing them, they are so comfy! But they look better on you than on me I think.

  5. Dear Andy, I've been following your blog for almost a year now, and I got to say: I LOVE this post! It's great to make all of your followers contious of the climate change, because we sure can make a difference! Keep it up girl!

  6. Anonimo,Mi objetivo no es tomarle el pelo a nadie y este tampoco es un foro de ecología.Cada quien tiene su opinión y yo respeto la tuya, mi única observación era la de cuidar mas a nuestro planeta, por que no podemos negar que se esta abusando de el constantemente.XOXOAndy

  7. Desde que el clima ha cambiado sigue igual. Por favor, basta ya de tomarnos el pelo con el calentamiento global, es un cuento que ya nadie cree

  8. I loved the post. I always wanted a hat like this, but when I try them I do not feel as good as you.We should start to worry more about the planet, you're absolutely right. I, for example, I try not to leave lights on when I'm not on site, or the water running a long time ..xoxothe-fashion-notes.blogspot.com

  9. FAR TOO MANY self obsessed photos. 3/4 would do. I'm sorry….. do not mean to be mean but after a while all the images seem to bore me. Short and sweet PLEASE. Do kinda like SS though.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  10. Hiya Andy,The video you posted a few days ago from PFW is in the first page of style.com today, and on the style.com newsletter!xx

  11. Me encanta el look! Creo que esta muy bien que nos recuerdes que necesitamos cuidar nuestro planeta, lo que esta pasando es muy serio y nos concierne a todos…En cuanto a lo de tu viaje, comprendemos (hablo en plural porque espero que todos piensen asi), que estabas con tu familia y lo primero es disfrutar de ellos! No te preocupes por eso!Un besooo!Sandrahttp://dearlookbook.blogspot.com

  12. Love the first picture,it does look like you're freezing in some pictures but,wow,can't believe the weather is so bad over there.Here it's already summer,25 degrees and it's just the beginning of May.Btw,you look great with hat.Tokyo and Seoul Dreams

  13. i love your outfit! but more importantly i think this was a great thing to share with us. it is something that we all should be aware of. take care Andy! <3elizabeth

  14. I knowwww…. The weather in Holland sucks.Ik wil lente! Haha :P Do you even understand Dutch? Well, you probably know what i mean anyway ;)

  15. Andy I totally agree about the: what is up with 8 degrees in May!!!! I mean back home for me is Montreal which is not always warmer but it is now 22 over there an dit has also been crazy warm because of the environmental changes! I am all about being green (with one indulgence: having a car). So it's cool you take time to mention this!Cool outfit by the way ;)Catitahttp://catindreamland.blogspot.com/

  16. I totally agree with you about global warming, GREAT outfit, and I love the hat. You always wear hats so well. I always find hats to be tricky to wear for me.

  17. Hi Andy!I discovered your blog reading "The blonde salad" by Chiara.. I have to say that your blog is amazing! I'm completely fallen in love with your style! And absolutely you're a very pretty girl!xoxoxoxoxoMarta ps. sorry for my bad english! :)

  18. stunning outfit!!!!yeah in my city it's the same Cold!!!and i agree at 100% with you about to save the nature!!xoxo sweetyhttp://minaischic.blogspot.com/

  19. You're right Andy, we Can and should make a difference. And after all, it's our planet and we should take care of it a bit more. I'm so glad you mentioned this and hopefully people will be more conscious about all of the consequences their actions have on our planet.In other words, the weather doesn't really affect you because you look as lovely as always. I love your hat and that golden touch you added. Don't worry about not blogging much when you were back in Mexico, I totally understand and you had to spend sometime with your family. Al tough I did really miss your posts :)Have a great day.Can't wait to see your new post.-The Trendy Fashionistahttp://thetrendyfashionista.blogspot.com

  20. Me encantó el outfit, pero aún más lo que escribiste sobre el planeta.Me gusta el hecho de que te preocupes por algo verdadero, en verdad esperemos que esto pueda mejorar.Fernanda Lucila

  21. wapiisima cmo siempre Andy..me encanntaron las botitas.y voi a leer esos tips para cuidar el medio ambiente porque estoi completamnete deacuerdo contigo y siempre trato de hacer lo que yo pueda para colaborar.-Yaary.

  22. it was warm in europe like two weeks ago. but you've been in mexico and missed it…nice hat anyway.oh and when we're talking about weather and summer and blah, would you mind doing a little amsterdam-guide for us? i bet i'm not the only one of your readers who is planning to visit your city this summer.would be really nice and helpful.x

  23. Yo quiero invierno!!! Pero es un terrible situación la del planeta y el cambio está en nuestra manos. Bella como siempre!

  24. Love this outfit Andy!!!And you're right posting this comment about the global warming, even if it's a fashion blog you can make people aware of this problem that involve all of us.xoxoMaia

  25. Hola, he descubierto tu blog a través de The Blonde Salad, de la divertídisima italiana. Me he partido de risa con los videos de Chiara…qué graciosa es! eres de Mexico? yo soy de Madrid, España. Un beso muy grande y me apunto como seguidora tuya…a ver si me haces una visitilla, gracias, beso grande!

  26. me gusta el golden touch!!estás guapísima!nosotros por el norte de España, en Galicia estamos teniendo un tiempo muy agradable, hace dos semanas incluso pudimos ir a la playa, ahora ya no, han bajado las temperaturas un poco.hay que concienciarse de lo que nos viene encima. Aunque de todas formas creo que nos cuentan lo que les da la real gana…me gustaría saber la verdad sobre todo este tema, creo que en parte están haciendo comercio con ello…Un besazooo

  27. I just discovered your blog this week via Chiara's blog and I love it! You are very stylish and I can't wait to see your next outfits!!Great post by the way, global warming is so scary and it's good to remind us that it's not too late, we can still make a difference.http://spottedbym.blogspot.com/

  28. LOVE THE SHOES! THE YSL RING IS GORGEOUS!xxwww.thestylingbee.blogspot.comwww.thestylingbee.blogspot.comwww.thestylingbee.blogspot.com

  29. Guapisima!! Pues yo no podría ir así con 8 grados!! Necesitaría bufanda, abrigo, guantes … En Andalucía todavía estamos a uno 15º, una temperatura baja para esta época, pero ya empiezan a subir este fin de semana!!!Un beso Andy!! Ludi (Spain)

  30. ANDY! Me gustaría preguntarte sobre si llevas o no base de maquillaje (polvo, fluida, etc) porque siempre te veo una tez preciosa y me da mucha envidia! ¿Me podrías decir cual usas? Muchas gracias guapa!

  31. this is a really inspiring post! I hope it well affect at least some people. and on a different note- the outfit is stunning- the jacket looks great!

  32. Hej Andy!How are you? Nice feature in Grazia! Love from Rotterdam,Mowww.myownbymo.blogspot.com

  33. I LOVE that you pitched the Global Warming speal!Teenagers and young adults these days just simply don't care about our planet and will happily do harmful things without thinking of the consequences and funnily enough the evidence is clear to see the harm we have done.Thank-you for making note of this and reaching out to the hundreds of followers you have! I hope they all listen and read the tips and try to make a difference to our fantastic planet!www.glampony.blogspot.comwww.glampony.blogspot.comwww.glampony.blogspot.com

  34. You're completely right about global warming and our personal responsibility for climate change. Two days ago I was sunbathing and never was 30 degrees in the beginning of May. Look gorgeous as always.

  35. I'm so glad a famous fashion blogger as you talked about those ecological problems, lots of people in the world are going to read it!I really hope things will change and people will become aware of earth healty!You're so inspiring for me, not only for your amzing style ;)

  36. you don't have to worry, it is obvious that we understand! and u show us such an interesting movies from your country so thank u for that! btw, you look great here, i relly adore this pants!

  37. i like your look..very cute gold sweaters…and the hat is amazing..;) xoxo Eliwww.livinginmyshoes.com

  38. don't care if it's a fashion blog you should be able to talk about everything you want and global warming is so important i'm glad you're mentionning it! (yea i'm obsessed by ecology hehe)