Pic by Yvan Rodic, check his Visual diary HERE

I have been wanting to show you guys my “new” (if you can call it that) vintage jacket for ages but from all the photos that were taken that day, this is the only one I’ve found so far, as soon as I find the whole look I will show you :) (if someone find them somewhere on the web, please don’t forget to leave the link so I can check them out)

P.S- Outfit posting coming later today :)


Desde hace días quería enseñarles mi “nuevo” blazer vintage (si es que se le puede llamar nuevo a algo vintage :P), pero de todas las fotos que me tomaron ese día, esta es la única que he encontrado.
En cuanto me manden las demás (o si alguien las encuentra por la web), se las enseño :)

Vintage Blazer via Chicas Vintage
Vintage MOSCHINO belt: Ebay



34 Responses

  1. I really like your blog. Great pictures, great outfits, interesting and you always want to come back to see what's new. Keep it up! :)