My tickets to Paris have arrived and its suddenly becoming more real.

I still can’t believe I am going to Paris Fashion Week, because not only I am completely obsessed with the city but Im also insane about Fashion.

Next tuesday Im off, yet again and its crazy to think that I just came back from Paris 2 weeks ago, but this time its different, its FASHION WEEK, did I mention in Paris?

Ok, maybe I am getting too excited and overwhelmed by it all, but how can I not?

Stay tuned during the whole of next week, because there will exciting things coming! Don’t miss my reports live from Paris…..did I mention I am crazy excited, nervous, grateful and unbelievably happy, not to mention completely clueless about what I am going to wear….I have the weekend to figure that out, I hope I choose wisely.

P.S- Paris, dont miss me, because Im coming back!!!!


47 Responses

  1. ohhhh great news! such a cool opportunity! make sure to enjoy it to the fullest and keep us updated ;)xx

  2. OMG that's so exciting!!! I want to go to Paris Fashion week too!! I'm going to Paris in may and I can't wait!! I just have to sum up how I feel and how would it be to be in Paris Fashion Week to imagine how u feel!!I'm sure you'll be great with anaything you chose to wear!Enjoy your trip!!!Sandra

  3. you can´t imagine how jealous I am right now…´cause as you say…it´s not only paris…and it´s no just fashion week…it´s fashion week in paris…enjoy!!!!

  4. que suerte que puedas ir a la fashion week!y que envidia… jajajapor cierto! gracias por el tutorial de la chaqueta vaquera!esta muy chula!la copiare… jajajjajpasalo bien en paris!

  5. i totally ger your excitement! ;))and i am relly sure about one thing…whatever you choose to wear you will look great as always! ;))

  6. That's so exciting! Have fun! And you always choose wisely about outfits, so I am sure you will have it all figured out by the weekend. (:

  7. OOOH Q HERMOSO!!!que emocion por ti yo sonrei todo el tiempo leyendo tu post me encanta como estas tan emocionada hahaha tienes q disfrutar cada segundo y si es posible no dormir haha vamos a estar tan emocionados de ver tus noticias!!! YAY!!!:)divierte y disfruta de tu dream!!!un beso! cuidate<333

  8. how exciting! I got your email and will give you a call when I get there next week to hopefully get together. I'll call from my boyfriends cell since my phone won't work over there. Talk to you soon!

  9. OMG! How exciting! I can't even imagine how excited you must feel! Be sure to take tons of pictures & keep us all updates on twitter!