Just tell me who isnt still obsessed with BALMAIN’S military style Jackets??? If you are a die hard BALMAIN fan like myself, then this is the PERFECT DIY FOR YOU, enjoy…


The jacket I bought already had black trim on it, but it was very simple, I didn’t like it so I decided to give it a BOOST :)

La chamarra que compre ya traia una tira negra, pero estaba super simple y no me gusto, asi que decidi cambiarla.

Start pinning the trim to the jacket, in the military design you want, once you’ve done that, start sewing it, little by little.

con los alfileres, asegura la tira negra en el diseño militar que quieras, ya que tienes la otra asegurada con alfileres empieza a coser poco a poco.

Keep pinning and stitching all the way to the bottom.

Sigue haciendo lo mismo hasta la parte de abajo.



Once you finished the front part of the jacket, start doing the sleeves in the part of the wrist, you can do 2, 3 or 4 rings, I did only 3. (its the same pinning and stitching process)

Ya que terminaste la parte de enfrente, empieza a hacer las mangas en los puños. Puedes hacer 2, 3 o 4 círculos, yo solo le hice 3. (es el mismo proceso de la parte de enfrente)

another view :)

otra vista

Now, start adding the buttons (If you don’t know how to do it, ask someone to show you, its really easy and you will learn quick!)

Ahora empieza a coser los botones (si no sabes coserlos, dile a alguien que te enseñe, es super facil y vas a aprender rapidísimo)

C’mon, keep stitching, you are almost finished!!!!

Vamos, sigue cosiendo, ya casi acabas!!!!


Now show that beauty off!!!! ;)

Ahora vete a lucirla! :)



120 Responses

  1. ME ENCANTAA!!:DYo me voy a animar a hacerme una también,aber que tal queda ;)La tuya esta genial,me gusta muchisiimo :DMe encanta tu blog :PUn besazoo guapisimaa(L)MERI:)

  2. You had me at "DIY." Immediately a follower! Seriously, this jacket turned out great, and I am now in love with your

  3. are you serious.I think this has to be the best DIY I've seen yet.I love Balmain and that looks just like the jacket.Amazing work Andy!Theory of a fashion victimxoxo

  4. absolute perfection. You have great style! Turn that into a $1000 shopping spree by entering the "Avenue Debut Grand Giveaway" style contest at!We'd love for you to do a blog post about this opportunity for your readers – contact me at [email protected] for more info!

  5. Andy! I love your style so much! You are amazing :D But this benner, which won it isn't the best. Really! I adore you but you should change it. It's too childlike. Kisses! You are the best

  6. eres genial, muchas gracias por mostrarnos lo facil que puede ser que customicemos algunas prendas.besitos, te ha qdado genial

  7. You did a great job!The only thing I need is black thread and buttons! Oh yeah, and a jeans jacket! :))But as soon as i find one, I'll try this!! Looks so cool!!! :)

  8. Hi AndyDo you know the Vila stylename of the jacket? -it is so perfect.. The first time I saw it – I knew I would have to get one like it…Wonderful blog by the way…Best Mia

  9. I think everything is said about this jacket, so I cannot add something..BUT I have to say that I'm in love with this jacket since I saw it the first time on you.A jacket like those! But anyway I just cannot find one, which is so perfect like yours. I'm really jealous…;Dyour diy's are pretty good,xo

  10. I think you are the most inventive blogger I have ever known ;) Very good idea with this jacket and I think I will do the same thing with mine during the weekend! ha! ;)

  11. Estoy enamorada de tu blog!! haha lo acabo de descubrir ayer buuu!! pero no dejo de pensar en ir de compras y tener cosas como las que tu tienes!! :P que bueno que hay gente como tu de exitosa!! Tienes un super super estilo!! Me encanta que pongas tus post en ingles y español!!Eres lo que siempre busque en moda! WOWWWW!!

  12. Thank you for this! I love the military look but haven't really found anything in this style that really spoke to me. Now I can make my own!

  13. such a great idea! i have a sweing machine at home, but i am too nervous to use it, in case i break it – but this post has encouraged me to give things a go!

  14. This looks great, congrats on the new look of your blog and getting on facebook, you've been a busy blogger!

  15. justo estos dias estaba pensando en como hacer un detalle militar en algun chaleco jejej me encanto lo q hiciste, quedo como una chaqueta balmain jejeje

  16. wow tanx for sharing, looks really really good! wanted to make my own a while ago aswell, but can't find a jacket to go with it :(