Hey everyone!!!!!
WOW! I never expected so much feedback about the new banner, almost 380 votes!!! thank you all so much for taking your time to vote and for always visiting StyleScrapbook.com.
So after spending long time counting the votes and reading very carefully to ALL OF YOUR SUGGESTIONS, I think we have a winner! Can you guess which one it was????
Close battle against #1 & #2, but at the end, the #2 was victorious!
Like a lot of you said, the number one was clean and simple, I love that picture and I love that banner, but at the end of the day, it didn’t have the SCRAPBOOK look and feeling to it, I agree that less is more, but this blog is a SCRAPBOOK of my Style and I feel like the banner should reflect that.
I decided to do a little cosmetic surgery to the winning banner, listening really carefully to all of your suggestions and I think you guys are going to like it.
It is messy, has splashes of color, stains, pics and best of all, IT LOOKS LIKE A SCRAPBOOK! because lets be honest, a scrapbook wouldn’t be a scrapbook without the messiness right?
Do you want to see the end result????? Tune in at around 10:00 pm central europe time to check out StyleScrapbook’s new banner.
I hope you like it!!!!
WOW!!! Mil gracias por todos sus votos!, nunca espere que llegaran casi 380 comentarios! Mil gracias por tomarse el tiempo de votar :)
Después de un buen rato de contar votos y leer todas sus sugerencias, ya hay un ganador! pueden adivinar quien fue???
Fue una batalla entre el #1 y el #2, peor al final, el #2 salio victorioso!
Como muchos de ustedes dijeron, el #1 estaba limpio y simple, que es lo que le gusto a la mayoría, pero la verdad, aunque a mi también me fascino, siento que había perdido el look de scrapbook. Estoy de acuerdo que “less is more” pero cuando se trata de Scrapbooks, lo padre es el revoltijo de fotos, escritura y detalles, así que eso fue lo que decidí hacer, un pequeño cambio de look al banner #2, mas manchas de color y un detalle súper especial.
Si quieres saber como quedo el nuevo banner de StyleScrapbook.com, conectate al rededor de las 10:00pm (tiempo de Europa central, recuerda que estoy a 7 horas mas que Mexico y Sudamerica).
Nos vemos en un rato!!!!

25 Responses
the 2nd is certainly the best <3
And the result looks FABULOUS!www.myliesytlin.com
LOVE it!!! how funny because i voted for 2 but was actually going to suggest to add the colorful splashes u made for 3 onto 2…. GREAT MINDS THINK ALIKE!!
Wow,I voted No.2!!!So cute header.
Yaaay, I voted for that one, too. =)trousersshoesandskirts.blogspot.com
Andy conectarse a donde ? =S hahaha Llevo muy poco tiempo siguiendo tu blogpero realmente no se como puedo estar encontacto contigo de todos modos agrege a mi msnel correo que esta en la pag principal del bolg. Un beso dsd México
muito bonito o novo banner, Andy, eu amei. :Dmucho bonito el nuevo banner, Andy, yo amé. :D
Yeaah, el dos! jajaPor cierto, me encanta que incluyas la traduccion al español, porque mi ingles deja mucho que desear :)
My goodness, 380 votes?! How do you get so many readers? I just started a blog and I want to get it out there, but I have no idea how to go about it…
Tip: make each 5th vote in a row a slash through the previous 4 votes.. Is a lot easier!
I liked nr 2!!
380 votes are a lot! And you count them all ? I wouldn't had the patience Ha ha. Can't wait to see the new banner, but I have some work to do so I will see him tomorrow. I saw you on 'I Love Fashion News'. I know you take part of the competition but I didn't know yet you won. You must be the luckiest girl on the planet. Great blog, amazing wardrobe, Paris trip , And win the competition. Hush I can only dream about it haha! With Love Elle xx
Es que era el mejor el dos, yo lo sabia
Great Decision! :)
ya casi son las tres para ver el nuevo banner :) YAY no pude votar ayer pero estoy muy contenta con la decision, tu blog siempre esta perfecto me encantaa!!!<333
I think 2 deserved it at the end.
Thanks darlings!!!!Yes Trendy Fashionista, its a Jordi Labanda :)
Good decision! I love that one.I can't wait to see it :) Just wondering, is your notebook form Jordi Labanda?-The Trendy Fashionistahttp://thetrendyfashionista.blogspot.com
can't wait to see the new one…and congrats for deciding which one to pick.best of luck.long live stylescrapbook :)xx
siiii ha ganado el dos!! :D a ver qué tal con los arreglos que le vas a hacer…:Dmuaaah
10pm? I'll be there! Alex
love your new banner
your blog is so good!xoxo amber
WOW,380 votes-you had a huuuuge work :Dxo.Karoline