Last night was so much fun!, I went to the SuperTrash show, was basically multitasking between twitter, picture taking and video shooting, Im not sure how I got away with it!
I liked the collection, but to be honest, I wasnt crazy about the brown, Im just not a brown person at all and few of the pieces felt like I had seen them before, with that said, I liked a lot of the pieces including a beautiful zebra print oversized cardigan and a sharp shoulder “trench”.
Met Annic from I love fashion news and Sabrina from Afterdrk afterwards. It is so nice meeting fellow bloggers that actually have lots of things in common with you, specially when they are as nice as them!

I will be hanging out with them on sunday @ the REPLAY show, since I will be sitting at the bloggers row twittering live so stay tuned!

P.S- I arrived to the Fashion Week lounge to find out that my picture was in the streethearts wall, I was excited!!!


Jacket: DIY


33 Responses

  1. AHHHH I am so jealous. i love supertrash!!!! i saw their new collection at the premium trade show for berlin fashion week and fell in love. wish i could see their line on the runway as well!! xxxCristina

  2. wow, I love supertrash, even if they are just a tas repetative at times, LOVE your outift- You look so pretty too xxxCamillaRAINBOWPAVINGSTONES.BLOGSPOT.COM

  3. hello andy! i soooo love your blog! i really wanted to tell you that i got inspired in starting my own blog! i'll be posting my outfits there too like what i'm doing in chictopia. haha! YOU INSPIRED ME TO START MY OWN BLOG! yeyyy! i hope you can help me make mine as wonderful as yours though.. if you wanna see mine:'s a work in progress though..i hope you can check it out!

  4. Lucky you!!! It sounds great be at those events and meet people with so much interests in common with you!!! And you looked amazing as always!!! :)

  5. OMG! I'm sooo jealous!!! It must have been tons of fun! I love ur plait! love the boots too!