Look what I found in a shop at the Spuistraat in Amsterdam…cool isn’t it???

Mira lo que me encontre en una tienda en amsterdam…esta cool no???


71 Responses

  1. Hi!!!!!one of you're watches (the pink one)is from NIXON rigth?? I have the same one, is really beautiful and i'm seen him in a lot of magazines like brazilian vogue and the american…I love you're blog XoXo, Laura

  2. Noooooo… andy esta increible!!!!! que super hallazgo!!! Me muero de envidia , me pregunto cuanto te costo , era unica pieza? jaja un beso y feliz año nuevo.

  3. Soy seguidora de bastantes blogs de moda… y he de decir que en muchos de esos blogs salen chicas bien vestidas pero pocos en los que salgan CHICAS CON ESTILO. tu eres una de ellas.por cierto me encantaban tus DIY vuelve con ellos!pati.

  4. I love it! I would love to know Amsterdam! How come you're mexican but live there? It's an amazing thing to change this side of the contry (I'm from Brasil!) for Europe. I bsolutely adore you're blog.

  5. HelloO there!!I just love your blog as much as we love fashion!!You have an unique style ;) Let me tell you: your one of my daily reads!! MJ? seriously I go bananas about every single thing that has to be with him!!

  6. thats awesome!can you take pic of all your jewerly when you get the chance? I love the turqoise ^^from your fan kelsey!

  7. Hey Andy, I was looking through Style Sample magazine (since there's an article about my illustration work in it) and was 'wowed!' that you are on the front cover! pretty cool! we meet once again lol take care – nikki

  8. I just found your blog – and wow – I'm amazed! It's really cool and inspiring! Thank you:)Happy newyear and take a look at my blog.. ;)-Sofie B

  9. ¡¡Es super chulo!! muy original, me encanta!!Por cierto, me encanta tu blog; e supuesto que entenderias el español, por la ultima entrada de tu blog, que por cierto, me encanta!!FELIZ AÑO!!! espero que sea muy bueno para ti!=) Dreams&Roses

  10. Wow that’s fantastic Michael Jackson and amazing accessories! I love this!, this post makes me think of MJ song “The way you make me feel” I love this post!!!

  11. :O OMG! ¡No puede haber un accesorio más cool que ese! ¡Yo tbn quiero uno! ^^ Me encanta tu blog y sobre todo, ¡tu estilo al vestir! You've got it, baby! ;)BESITOS! Candy

  12. Soo cool!!! i've a similar object in my bedroom but it has the shape of a doll! love your blog and your style!so glam!xoxo

  13. Anonymous:No, I didn't copy Carolines mode, Im pretty sure a lot of bloggers have posted about their accessories, not only her and I am pretty sure she does NOT have an accessory holder of Michael Jackson, so I don't see how I copied her in any way.

  14. andy!!!Me encantan los relojes q usas!me podrias decir q marca son?…. si no es mucha molestia…MJ rocks!…saludos desde guadalajara, mexico!

  15. Andy tu outfit para recibir año nuevo estuvo genial, me encanto tu maquillaje y el pelo etc…por eso sugiero que tambien publiques un post acerca de tu maquillaje y de como arreglas tu pelo de verdad me encanta tu estilo y me gustaria ver un poco de eso

  16. Hello Andy,I'm totally fell in love with your blog yesterday! I also love fashion except that I don't apply i, so when people see I look like a tramp lol! In fact, I suffer from overweight (that's why I don't want to look pretty, in my mind, if I'm fat, I'm uggly so I can't be good dress) and with your love for fashion: p,you motivated me to follow a diet!I have an appointment in a diet center in my town!So, I just want to thank you and tell you to continue what you do the best CREATE!You look like a woman full of life and who enjoys the little things of life, you inspire me a lot. Thanks, thanks, thanks!!Sincere and friendly kisses;)

  17. Oh, that's simply fantastic! I actually own two mannequin jewlery holders, but they're very fancy and romantically dressed… nothing like your MJ accessory holder! ♥