We all know that this is a Fashion Blog and all that jazz but I wanted to share a little bit of my Christmas spirit with you.

This is undoubtedly my favorite time of the year and it always brings me the most amazing memories of Christmases growing up in Mexico, with our amazing traditions, the family, the parties and everything that goes with it.

I am extremely lucky to have an amazing and very close family, I love them to bits and miss them so much.

I have to admit that amazing things have happened to me while living abroad but I have also lost contact with people in the way, being far away from them is one of the most difficult things I have ever done but I guess you cant have everything.

On a positive note, the world has become a very small place so Im sure we will cross paths sooner or later.

62 Responses

  1. Tu arbol esta super bello!Me imagino como te sientes de estar lejos de Mexico en estas fechas, ojala puedas venir pronto!Que otros idiomas hablas? jaja, curiosidadFelices fiestas!Saludos desde Nuevo Laredo :)

  2. soooooo beautiful! i love your place! i hope mine will be cute like yourss haha & i also hope you get to see your family soon! my family is veeeery important to me too :)

  3. I love your hair color! I have the same hair you have but mine is longer and I have been thinking about dying it auburny (is that even a word?).I am from Chile but I have been living abroad in the US for 3 years now and I completely know how you feel at this time. I miss my mom every single day but I still get to talk to her every day. It is still not the same. The culture in the actual country is way stronger. I hope you have an amazing Christmas!

  4. Wow, this looks like it should be in a store window. Gorgeous! xoxoAmyhttp://thebargainhunterextraordinaire.blogspot.com

  5. Hola Andy! i have followed your blog before but only now decided to write sth here. So, i want to say that your blog is quite interesting and charming and you definitely have sophisticated taste. Nice.What about your latest post, hm i'm going to study abroad and i really want that, but i'm not sure about such things like family, distance and that stuff..i guess it's hard, but i think it's wonderful opportunity to change your life.By the way, your flat is so marvelous, keep it.And last thing, sorry, but you haven't got features as real Mexicans ; )but it's not bad. Greetings from Lithuania

  6. I love your christmas-tree! I really like the christmastime, it's so cosy with all the lights and decorations. Where did you actually got your peace-necklace? I am looking for one for ages now, but I cannot find the right one!<3

  7. I totally LOVE your home, you non only have a perfect fashion taste, you also very good at decorating!Your tree is awesome!xxhttp://b-entrance.blogspot.com/

  8. Hola Andy!que tal pequeña?? yo estoy aqui poniendome al día y he visto tooooodos los ppst que me había perdido:) tengo un vestio gris parecido a uno que sacas con las medias de plumeti, ya lo subiré ;) te mando un beso!Tú árbol precioso!!

  9. That is one impressive tree, it looks like it comes from a shop's window, adorable<3. Why did you move actually? To be closer to Paris? AstridPoise&Vogue

  10. Niña te ha quedado precioso el arbol!En España tenemos un montón de tradiciones, asi que si tuviera que pasar las Navidades fuera de aqui creo que también me costaría.Un bsitos wapa!

  11. you're a designer right? you're really lucky. i wanna be one to! but i can't afford that dream right now so im taking up accountancy…pretty odd huh? lol then i'll save some mulah and enroll to a fashion school :) and i just wanna say u greatly influenced me. keep it up :)