I know Im supposed to stay positive and look at the bright side of things, but honestly, what is to like about days like this?

I remember when I used to live in Mexico, I cherished rainy days because in days like this, I could stay home, watch a movie while sitting on the couch with a blanket, being lazy all day.
Now, this is how most days are!

On a positive note, I have been feeling extremely happy lately, no reason whatsoever! Ok, there might be a reason :P

Life seems much easier for me as an expat in Holland , it took a while but Im starting to feel much happier. Its always hard to live so far away from all the people you love and the place where you grew up (in my case Mexico) but doesn’t matter where I am now or were I will be in the future, I always bring them with me in my heart.

Anyway, I did my best to snap some outfit pics of my new leather skirt.
I have been wanting one for ages but I wasn’t able to find one that suit me the best though I think this one has a cool shape so I bought it.

How has your weekend been??? and most importantly, have you found a Halloween costume yet??? Have any plans for Halloween weekend? please SHARE!!! I would love to hear about it!



60 Responses

  1. Hola Andy! Descubrí tu blog en una revista de moda acá en México (creo que la ELLE), y ahí recomendaban varios, de los cuales he checado casi todos, pero el tuyo es mi favorito por muuucho!!! Me encanta lo que escribes, y lo que usas… pfffff, no tengo palabras. Tanto me gusta tu blog, que me he puesto a ver tus posts pasados, y quiero decirte que no puedo parar! Una pregunta… ¿cómo le hago para vestirme así de fabulously sin tener esa estatura, ó vivir en Europa? es imposible? jaja Bueno, muchos besos y felicidades por tu blog! Something to look forward to ;)Atte: Erika

  2. la primera imajen parece sacada de una pelicula de Tim Burton,melancólica pero paradigmática.Me encanta tu blog y sobre todo los DIY porque a mi tambien me gusta coser y crear prendas nuevas con un poco de imajinación.Un besote enorme desde el norte de España

  3. la primera imajen parece sacada de una pelicula de Tim Burton,melancólica pero paradigmática.Me encanta tu blog y sobre todo los DIY porque a mi tambien me gusta coser y crear prendas nuevas con un poco de imajinación.Un besote enorme desde el norte de España

  4. I can understand how you should feel away from your close ones… Just be positive and see the bright side of things!Love your skirt and your in-the-rain outfit!! You've got the style!xoxo

  5. Si te sirve de consuelo, aca también está lloviendo. Estuvimos en Salamanca este fin de semana, vi a tus abuelos y primos. Alla llovia también,ya sé, algo raro.me toco participar en la selección de outfit de Isa para unos 15. Lo disfruté mucho porque a mi no me tocan ese tipo de cosas,con puros niños… bueno Andrea, te mando un abrazo,vengo seguido a leerte y siempre me gustan tus ideas.Tienes mucho talento.Un beso desde Méx.tu tía.

  6. Adorable! Everything about this outfit is wonderful! Love that skirt!!xoxoAmythebargainhunterextraordinaire.blogspot.com

  7. andy, well, i just think that there are a few pictures that you look at the camera and it looks so wonderful =] i just think that you should try that more! and i want to say that besides that you are always beautiful in the pictures .. and your clothes are absolutely gorgeous! your apartment is really cool! where did you get that stuff?and i want to ask you how did you achieve the oportunity to work in fashion at europe .. is such a nice thing! kisses

  8. That skirt is nicee! I know how you feel about living somewhere else.. I'm a turk but I live in Germany and I miss Turkey sometimes. My sister and my brother live there.supersonicbang.blogspot.com

  9. Hola Andy!Llegué a tu blog por casualidad, también soy diseñadora, pero de interiores y me encanta la moda. Te entiendo en tu último post porque yo también soy mexicana y estuve estudiando toda la carrera en Barcelona, por lo que te digo: ANIMO! Creo que hay mucho talento en nuestro país, por lo que aprende todo lo que puedas y después prepárate para algo grande en caso de que quieras regresar. Yo tengo pensado en diseñar una línea de accesorios, ahi voy, poco a poco, espero que cuando lo tenga, te lo pueda enviar para los pruebes. Recuerda que nada es más importante que tus sueños.

  10. I love your style, it it such an inspiration for me. I haven't found a costume yet.. But I have a question; I am 16 years old, am I to young to wear high heels at school?

  11. hej andy, im stalking ur blog since a while and every time when i stop by here i see something new and every time i really like the things that u wear. im living in chicago now, but actually im from germany. – love the skirtp.s. halloween is so big here, but honstley i have the feeling here in america halloween is the day that every girl is dressing up as bitchy as they could and nobody really cares, because its halloween.I will dress up like i would go to a mask ball. really nice dress and a pompous mask.maybe u saw that gossip girl episode , u can imagine my costume like that.

  12. Loving the outfit as always but I'm always wondering why I freeze to death, wearing just a skirt during winter in Holland and you still pull off the fashionable outfits outside.

  13. Me encantó tu falda Andy, muy guapa como siempre ;)Te mandé un correo, a ver si tienes chance de checarlo…Saludos!Clau!

  14. Andy. para un día lluvioso luces muy linda.No me imagino como es vivir lejos de donde creciste, pero son etapas de la vida.Aún no hay planes para Halloween..un beso

  15. it was rainy today in manchester as well (but then again it often is!)i'm being an 80's madonna for halloween…so i went shopping today for tons of accessories for the costume! i love halloween! tomorrow i have to go to the library so i can get some school work done.www.herstylewaysuk.blogspot.comps- i love the new skirt! xx

  16. I can total relate. Philadelphia where I am, not to mention the whole east coast, is in such a slump it seems like with weather! Your styles has inspired me to not let this show in my outfits :) :)PS I have the same halloween costume prob.. but I did google it yesterday and found helpful tips.. I may try to be a firefly! Nude body suit and fairy wings with glow stick in the bum!! Sounded so funny!

  17. Hola Diana Isabel:Yo también prefiero dia de muertos que halloween pero acá no se celebra, lo que me gusta de halloween es disfrazarme!!!!! :)Natalia:I know Im always looking down, but I just hate looking at the camera if Im honest and as weird as this might sound, I am a bit camera shy!!!Is it really that irritating???THANKS EVERYONE FOR YOUR LOVELY COMMENTS!!!!!xoxoAndy

  18. i am from brazil, and i really like your blog! but that is something i want to say to you … in your pictures you always looking down or you always have your eyes staring to the floor and sometimes i found that a little bit yeard! you have such a nice face and eyes! you should turn your eyes to the camera .. please!

  19. Aqui en Madrid tampoco para de llover. Me encanta la lluvia pero no cuando cae todos los dias.Aqui Halloween no se celebra mucho pero espero disfrazarme este año.Por cierto, la falda es preciosa!! Tan guapa como siempre.Un beso!!

  20. hey andie! i think u look really lovely in blue…!nicee skirt… its quite interesting bc its not the same shit all stores are selling like " THE ULTIMATE LEAHTER SKIRT"