Nothing shouts “FALL” more than a pic surrounded by orange and yellow leaves, definitely my favorite season, at least when it comes to the colors of nature.

Here is a DIY of decorative shoulders I made last friday.
Unfortunately, the pics of “the how to” were sabotaged by my SD card, which completely failed as I inserted in my Mac yesterday.
For some reason, it was asking me to format it and wouldn’t show any pics in it so there you have it.
Lucky for me I had a spare one to take the outfit pics after that.
Shoulder pads: DIY
Skirt: H&M
Shirt: deep V neck by American apparel
Sweater: H&M
boots: Steve Madden
Bag: made in Chiapas by the indians
57 Responses
love je stijl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!hoe maak je die schoulders accesoires!!????follow me!!!xoxo amber
ahhh i love love love your diy!!! amazing!
Girl girl girl, you're absolutely amazing!!
Awesome DIY!
hola guapisimame encanta tu blogbesitoshttp://elblogdebarbaracrespo.blogspot.com/
que guapa, me encanta la falda es preciosa:)
Love the outfit!!!!!!!!!Gorgeous look!Love the blog!!xoxoexchange links?sincerely,Jules
Cool outfit!Lovely blog! I will start to follow you!thesingular.blogspot.com
I love everything except the shoulder pads.
Great diy job!!Aaaaah I want that skirt badly :)
awesome outfit, you look aamzing, the shoulders are very very cool-He approvescome check out the first ever fashion blog from a guys POV, let he know what you thinkfashionbyhe.blogspot.com
Aw, I just spent some time in Amsterdam recently, and its' so fun to recognize all the locations in photos now!I love your blog- you have great style. Those shoulderpads are killer.
te ha quedado genial de verdad, aunque yo no me veo con ello, je, je
You look amazing, those shoulders are fierce! x
love your skit :)kiss from Portugal***márcia*
hi, i like your blog, and I want to tell U that I put U on My blog list. I only have blog for a day.xoxohttp://fashion-colorhater.blogspot.com/
Amazing, well done:)!!thestylestrutter.blogspot.comxxx
hola , me encantan las hombreras pero especialmente la bolsita , ne esitamos un acercamiento,.. un beso
OMG! Simply amazing!! I love that jacket and your skirt is super cute. xoxoAmythebargainhunterextraordinaire.blogspot.com
the peace necklace is great!!!!
nice diyhttp://dont-flatter-yourself.blogspot.com/I think you would enjoy!xxxx
Oh dear!!!!!magnific…favolous…wonderfull!!!! this sholders are magnific…I LOVE YOUR STYLE!!!!!! Kiss gorgeous!!! :-)
I love your shoulders!xoxo
Great blog and great outfit I must say. I have one question: do you know the size on your ray-ban glasses?
This has to be the best DIY effort I've ever seen!!!http://mocha-soy-whippy.blogspot.com/
my good, love your blog! you look so pretty :)
I love everything!!Your DIY is amazing!!YOU are so amazing!!
Ik really loveee that skirt!
I don't find the shoulders over the top, I find them over the chic! Blog de mode, follow me @ http://www.MaisonChaplin.blogspot.com
Love this outfit, I've the same skirt! We like the same clothes from H&M! Do you remember the xxl sweater? eheheh!
I really like this skirt!bighairandbikinis.blogspot.com
heyy,, doingg fashion att college and for the project i really wanted to make these shoulders after seeing them in a carry on film =] lol,, butt didntt no how to really do them pleasee do tell =] ,,
Even if i guess you know, you're in the Glamour France this month. You look great, as always. Love from Paris. Paolina
Great look girl!
helemaal in love met je outfit!! geweldige jurk, PEACE, en een geweldig jasje met amazing schouders!!love it!xx helenwww.fashionised.blogspot.com
OMG the second picture is GORGEOUS !!!
acabo de decubrir este blog y me ha gustado tanto que ahora mismo voy a poner tu direcion en el mio ( everybodyfallingdown.blogspot.com )me pasare aqui muy amenudo besazooooos raquel
Amazing look! Cool shoulder pads!
Me encantaron tus shoulder pads. Me encanta tu blog! Hasta que encuentro a alguna mexicana! Tienes padrisimo estilo. Siguele asi ;) xxhttp://splashitup.blogspot.com
Are you wearing the skirt upside down? :DD
Gosh, you look stunning.But why do you actually live in A'dam? I guess not only because you can shop there great. Hahaha! Can you speak a little Dutch? That makes it easier for me. Haha!
Lovely outfit <3
Your skirt is this season?????is amaizing!!!!xoxo
Wow!! I love the shoulders! and love the skirt! kisses!
hot hot hot!:)
Me encanta todo el outfit!!!estás genial!!!
I ADORE YOU SO MUCH! :) I envy you too! everything is amazing about your style!i will share your blog to everyone i know. :)
OMG! The shoulders're gorgeous! What an inspiring idea, I've to use it, immediately if U dont't mind;)
you have amazing legs.and those fringe shoulders makes the outfit more interesting.http://denisekatipunera.blogspot.com
I see my skirt :)
geweldig die shoulder pads!! en je hebt ze heel tof gemixt met de rest van je kleding
i love your skirt! super cute :)
Wow!!! just amazing,love your outfit,the shoulder pads look incredible!!
you are always one season earlier than the rest;)I adore your shoulders,I think that maybe I should make something like that too,but in spring,now it`s way too cold,in two weeks I have to wear my winter coat here;)By the way,your second glasses are so cute;)thecrushofmine.blogspot.com
Love the boots, think the shoulders are way over the top