Some of you might remember that I made this skirt last fall.

I completely forgot I had it, as my closet gets fuller and fuller, things start to dissapear in the background so I thought It might be time to do a massive clearout.

I will let you guys know about it and probably even start the StyleScrapbook closet store or something, we´ll see.

I think last weekend was the last chance to wear a skirt without tights. The temperature is dropping considerably and I dont know If I am ready for winter yet. I feel like my latin blood needs that little bit of sunshine everyday and that is just not going to happen in Holland, at least not during winter, tho I must say, I cant wait to start decorating for XMAS! (my fav time of the year).

I wanted to share this song with you guys, I found it recently and LOVED IT!, great to dance around home wearing an old tee and long socks, Oh yeah!

34 Responses

  1. Me encanta tu outfit! sobretodo la falda.. son impresionantes tus creaciones! desde hace un tiempo que sigo tu blog y debo decir que es uno de mis preferidos sin duda.Ansío ver otros DIYbesos desde Argentina! :)

  2. Andy! estas fotos las habias colgado en algún blog antes? de todas formas ese reloj y esa diadema son la leche xD. pasa por mi blog anda mona que hay un articulito que conoceras y del que necesito opiniones porque quiero salir de dudas… en mi web hay un link con tu blog un besoooo ciao

  3. I am having the same problem with my closet. I keep forgetting I have all these wonderful clothes. Your skirt is gorgeous! I love your whole outfit and your photos are beautiful. Hope you have a great weekend! Not too many plans here- shopping maybe? :)