I recieved this amazing surprise in my email the other morning.
I wanted to thank
Nicole Jarecz for the amazing sketch of me, please check out her blog here, she has amazing illustrations.

I also wanted to thank everyone for your lovely comments!!!!

I am still having MAJOR issues with the internet at home and the company that we hired is completely useless and refusing to fix the problem, sounds crazy but its true, I dont think I´ve ever experienced worst costumer service ever in my life…


23 Responses

  1. hi! i'm a new reader of yours (i recently found you from lookbook). i have quickly became a huge fan of yours – such a great style! i've noticed that you have very cool watches (yellow, blue and red at least).. can you please make a post about your rings, bags, bracelets etc – but most of all your watches! where can i find those??greetings from cold finland, //k (..and sorry my bad english)

  2. hey!today I found your blog… you have an amazing style! and I think you can express yourself really good through fashion! LOVE IT!!!

  3. I am in love with your fashion sense. It is so gooood! Just came across your blog after seeing you on lookbook.nu. You are so lovely!colormenana.blogspot.com