OH MY!!!



Could it possibly get any better than this???
I dont know, but quite honestly I dont care, I AM LOVING THIS, oh SO MUCH!

2 words: start saving!!

15 Responses

  1. I must say, I love reading your blog & looking at the pictures. Also, your blog in Spanish helps me re-learn what I've learned in my past 5-6 years of spanish class. Love it!

  2. OMG, i absolutely ADORE this collection. All those shoulder pads! Zara makes my dreams come true as per usual. No other shop is so on the track.

  3. Hola Andrea!! Muchas felicidades por tu blog de en ELLE y por este también. Tu trabajo está increíble, digamos que hasta yo me siento "orgullosa" de tener una sobri tan talentosa y en un mundo tan competido como es el de la moda.Seguiré tus pasos pequeña ;)Un besote!

  4. Hi, wow, this is a very creative blog! Like it very much! Yep, the FW collection of ZARA is uber-cool, isn't it?! Your favourite look is also one of my personal favourites! Can't live without ZARA!… Will visit again! xoxo, Sofie